Topic-Innate immunity And Acquired.
#Innate (Non-specific)immunity:
Defination:Innate immunity is the resistance of the body against antigen that exists prior to exposure to the antigen is inborn. It is non-specific.
Components of innate immunity:
a) Mechanical/Physical Factors:
1. Anatomical barriers:
-Keratin layer of intact skin.
-Intact mucous membrane of different organs.
-Bony encasements.
2. Mechanical removal:
-Mucus and cilia.
-Coughing and sneezing reflexes → expel trapped foreign substances.
-Vomiting and diarrhoea.
-The physical flushing action of body fluids.
b)Chemical Factors:
1. Pattern-recognition receptors.
2. Antigen non-specific antimicrobial chemicals:
-Low pH of stomach and vagina inhibits growth of many microbes.
-Fatty acids of skin inhibit growth of micro-organisms.
-Acid pH of sweat and sebaceous secretions Lysozyme in tears, nasal secretions and saliva cell wall.
-Spermine and zinc in the semen are bactericidal.
-Lactoperoxidase in milk has bactericidal action.
3. Antigen non-specific antimicrobial cytokines.
c) Biological Factors (cellular & soluble factors):
1)The complement system:
-The lectin complement pathway.
-The alternate complement pathway.
2) Cells involved in body defense:
-Defense cells in the blood (leucocytes).
-inhibitory to microorganisms.
-degrades peptidoglycan of bacterial
-Defense cells in the tissue (macrophages, dendritic cells, mast cells etc.).
-Normal flora can compete with pathogenic bacteria for nutrients and also produce antimicrobial substance.
#Acquired (Specific) immunity:
Defination:Acquired immunity is the resistance of the body against antigen that occurs after exposure to an antigen.
It improves upon repeated exposure, and is specific.
Components of Acquired immunity :
Cells: -Basophil, activated T-cell,Macrophage,Eosinophil,Basophil
*I will continue this Topic in my next Acrtile **
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