This is a perfect day for me - not a stressful one

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2 years ago

Thanks again to joydigitalsolutions for these set of questions. She posted this here. Feel free to check out her answers to these questions.

Let's begin.

What would be the absolute perfect day

When the universe just lets things go by without stress or if there is, the stress is manageable, almost negligible.

When at work and everything goes smoothly without too much hassle, then that's a perfect day - achieving quotas or goals or finishing tasks easily.

If I went on a vacation with my loved ones or my partner or friends and everything goes as planned.

It would just be movie marathon the whole day and eat what I want.

Holiday on an island for free!

So a perfect day for me is a day that we can ignore the stresses easily and just go on about our plans with a smile on our face the whole day through.

What did you learn a little too late

Being late itself.

Going to appointments late. Submitting requirements late. Joining contests too late. Buying stuff too late. Getting up late. Going to bed late.

We all know that if we do things earlier, then we won't have regrets. If we wake up earlier, then we will accomplish a lot more.

We say that we don't have enough time it's because we don't manage our time well sometimes. We like to rather things in a rush which leaves us more stressed.

We all know that regrets come in the end yet we still don't change our ways.

What gross and unhygienic things do people do that bothers you?

Picking nose or ears with your fingers without wiping and then holding those same fingers to handles or surfaces that anyone can touch. Sneezing without covering the nose or mouth or if they do, they would use hand/s and then will not wipe or apply alcohol and then holding on to surfaces that anyone can touch. Spitting/urinating anywhere especially men. Guys, the world is not one big toilet. Go point your thingy in the right place.

I remember when I was younger, I see some schoolmates especially girls with long hair sucking the ends of clumps of hair and then smelling them? Like, what the H!

What habits do you have that annoy other people?

No idea. No one has told me any habit that I have that annoys them. Maybe not entertaining chats or calls? Lol! I do that a lot.

What do most people overestimate or underestimate about you?

My silence? People don't understand that just because we don't have a say to things that we can easily be bossed around. I'm really easily swayed but that is because I want to see things through if it would beneficial for me too.

Being submissive can be interpreted by some as a weakness. However, be wary of the plans that are brewing behind those submissive minds for your actions will come to haunt you lol!

What do you most look forward to about getting old?

Again, how old is old? Lol!

I look forward to still enjoy the things that I want without having to suffer from it physically.

What makes you nervous?

Earthquakes. Sudden loud noise. Commotion/war. Strong storms. An empty wallet especially when I needed to pay something. When I don't have enough time to finish a task. Sometimes I get nervous and anxious in closed spaces or in crowds. I also feel nervous when I have to pee so badly or poop to badly that I might not make it to the toilet in time.

How do you feel about pets and animals?

I do like pets. We grew up having dogs all the time. There was a time that our dogs died and some didn't come back home. It felt so empty not to have a pet greeting you when you come home. You get used to their barks or other sounds that not hearing them makes you wonder only to be reminded they are gone. So we quickly got dogs right away. Good thing there are those who are willing to let us adopt some of their dogs.

What is the biggest sign of weakness in a person?

When you look down upon people, treat them like nothing, abuse others, abuse your power and authority, hurt other people, disrespecting everyone and everything around you. Anger is a powerful emotion that we should always learn how to control.

We all are equal that's why we should learn to be more patient, understanding and accepting of others for who they are and who they are not. We have to spread more love and kindness and all that. Let us practice what we preach.

So there goes my answers to the questions above.

I hope you have a lovely day so far. It's now raining again here but not as strong like yesterday.

Come and join me for coffee.

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2 years ago


I don't like people who pick nose too, it disgusts me a lot. For me, a perfect day is a stress-free day and well spent with someone that I love.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, preaching and practicing should go in parallel so that people see the effects of the good policies of life.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's it. I appreciate those who act more than just talk more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Te respondo, el mejor dia de la persona es cuando nace el sol, en ese instante cuando despierta es que ella decide como será su día. Las mascotas son las mejores amigos de las personas, dan amor y cariño incondicional.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Waking up is such a blessing :)

Do you have pets?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kadiri naman talaga yung bigla mangungulakot sa public tapos di marunong linisan yung daliring ginamit. Okay naman mangulakot kasi natural lang, pero dapat mapractice pa din pagiging hygienic.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Waooòo. You have answered well each and every question. I also become nervous and afraid by loud voices.nice to read you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

This is Interesting to read. People do underestimate my calmness or quietness as being week too. I just look over them and watch out for a day one person will step on my toes.🤦

$ 0.01
2 years ago

hahah natawa ako dun sa inaamoy ang strands nang buhok after kainin haha..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Di ko ma gets ano satisfaction meron s ganun hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Woa we have same answer about the habit question.. But bcs of this, i will try to thinking about that😂 since no one told me about that too, i will think nd ask some people about it😂

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I really hate myself for realizing things too late huhuh. I have so many what ifs and regrets of not grabbing this and that. However, I believe that everything happens for a reason and it all works together for good.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I had a heartbreak when my parents separated and we have to move out and left our dogs. I remember someone sneezing without covering his nose and then lahat ng yun napadpad sa akin hehe. I was running on the way home and I took a bath rightaway. Buti na lang wala pang covid nung time na yun.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ako, nangungulangot ako pero pinupunas ko naman sya 🥺 sa katabi ko after ko bilog bilogin sa kamay. Charowtttt langgggg hahaha. Hate ko yang naga ubo at naga achoooo na di manlang nagtatakio ng bunganga or ilong. Apak bastos, nanghahawa pa ng bacteria or what. If walang panyo, ee di yung kamay nila. Tas pahid nila sa damit nila 🙄

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Mr. Coffee ,😅😅 thank you for asking us to join you...

I love how you handled those questions and gave it the best answers that I also could learn from. To me, a perfect day is when I can actually achieve my aims for the day and still have more time to take my rest and relax.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The world is indeed not one big toilet. I find myself holding pee a lot these days until I get home. My thing against public toilets isn't helping too hahaha

$ 0.01
2 years ago

What I do sometimes is get into establishments and use their toilets for free :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Parang bet ko din sagutan tu Kuya hihi. At yes, agree ako dun sa part about hygiene, gross!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yup indeed the perfect day of our lives is when our heart and mind both in peaceful mood and there is no stress. If our mood is fresh then everything is perfect

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Stay strong and live every day like it's special! Tell the people you love that you love them!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A day is perfect if life flows like a river. No negative, no regret, no failure , no stress.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Lemme save this one.. I don't know what to write tomorrow 🤣.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Then I read the coffee, haha. After this, I will join you at coffee time. The thing that feared me the most was the loudness from somewhere, especially a bomb sound or something loud.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Earthquake really make me nervous. In the last year's I got afraid while sleeping and called run earthquake is here actually I experience deadly earthquake in 2005 when I was almost 7 year old that left deep impression on my mind yet

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are very right, we are all equal! The perfect day for me is when I wake up with a zest for life and I have the strength to do anything!

$ 0.01
2 years ago