Some things to share

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1 year ago

I attended a free zoom meeting about Amazon VA. That's why I couldn't focus on my online hustles because I was thinking about this. It was an okay meeting. General overview as only given that time. Of course, at the end of the meeting, they will offer you masterclass but with fee. It is up to you if you want to pursue with this or not.

E-commerce is one of the leading industries these days. Working with Amazon or other platforms can be profitable and it can be something worth looking into and considering working with.

As you know, I am still in the process of looking for a job. It's not as easy when you don't know what you really want to do because there are lots of opportunities out there. That's why I'm looking into Amazon VA and see if this is something that will work for me or not.

It involves sales, product listing, product knowledge, copywriting and a lot of research, research and more research.

When we want to learn something new, we should have the right mindset to know that's why research is important.

We have the internet as the best tool for that. While fake it till you make works, it is because you have the ability to research and not depend on your coworkers to spoon feed you everything.

Also, we have to cope up with the ever changing times. Our skills should be updated. Knowledge should be upgraded. We all know that learning is never ending. It is progressive.

Age is not an issue anymore. We say that we are left behind in terms of technology and such that is because we don't update ourselves, our knowledge. I said we for I myself is guilty of this.

It made me realize last night during the zoom meeting I attended that I have not been learning anything for the past years. I am stuck with what I know.

This is applicable to everyone. Whether you are fresh graduate or want to change career, starting something new can be daunting but to be armed with new skills or at least knowledgeable enough then you can make it.

Resumes are not as simple now as before. We have Canva, MS Word templates and other online resume sites for us to make our resumes.

Some of the things I learned last night was the how, what and who of your target.

Who do you want to work with? What do you intend to do? How will you achieve your goals? What can you contribute?

If you don't have the right skill and knowledge, these questions can be stressful to think about.

So let's keep improving. Let's keep learning. Let's keep growing.

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1 year ago


I have heard of Amazon VA before and they say that it's the real deal now. I just hope that they give decent salary.

With learning and being left out in terms of technology, age is really not an issue. We are just too lazy sometimes to do research and learn about the new things.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The questions that you mentioned are great questions to be answered, and I am now reflecting to myself "Who do you want to work with? What do you intend to do? How will you achieve your goals? What can you contribute? -- A great questions to start my day. :) Everyday is a lesson for us to learn, and learning never stops, we should know how to take and handle things nowadays.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think I also lie in that zone of not learning new skills or even honing the ones which I have to the degree which I used to do at the start. I hope your words and this realisation will put me back in track.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We must understand that we will be always learning and adapting ourselves to change in life. There are changes always, and they come very fast, so it's better to have clear this, keep always learning with the same enthusiasm as when we were children.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yung iba nga po CV/Curriculum Vitae na nga po yung hinahanap ngayon eh ayaw ma ng resume..😅

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You said it well, learning never stops. Even when we are sure of a particular knowledge, we still need to expand and diversify because we don't know what tomorrow may offer.

Learning is now a little bit earlier with the help of phone. Almost everything are teachable via phone

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Resumes, wow I haven't done one in like twenty years. Career changes do happen. Sometimes forced while some choose to do something different. I guess your article has made me think this old dog needs to learn some new tricks, haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Amazon VA can be profitable and it can be a good option. One of my friend is into it. I will soon look into more of such option.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ag VA ka ammuk maalaka dagus. Goodluck!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Learning really never ends That's why networking is important, the more you meet people and expand your circle, the higher your chances of getting opportunities as the people meet shares valuable information with you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's a very nice question, to make me realize what do I really want to achieve in my life. My problem is, I don't have a tool to achieve it, but I'm still hoping and trying.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Amazon VA could be the big break for you my friend and you are right about not stopping to learn.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When my sister-in-law became sick due to stage 3 cancer, one option that I think is to try a freelancing career without even a single idea what that was for. So I try to pay for a study on a freelancing career and it gives me 101 % pressure, I'm having a hard time keeping up. My tools are not enough for the niche that I want. And am having a hard time balancing my time. I ended up letting go of my desire in freelancing. But somehow I'm wishing that I can still do that.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Goodluck po,

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Napaisip at napasagot tuloy ako sa mga tanong sir. Ang gusto ko makasama sa trabaho yung dedicated sa work niya sir.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We can't be stuck somewhere without updating ourselves with knowledge. This is why the internet is there for us to make research and learn things that are new to us. I wish you all the best in the Job and I hope you are employed too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I also intended some VA classes but I couldn't persue my work as Virtual Assistant because of my busy routine at college. I am glad you had great experience.

$ 0.00
1 year ago