"Let the barrier stay." "Sending all the content of my wallet as tip."

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2 years ago

I went for an evening walk the other day. My partner forgot to deposit money to my card which I need to pay my credit card. That's why I had to do it.

I thought I was able to finish work early but then I was swamped with tasks. I thought I can watch the sunset but all I got was a glimpse of it.

I took the chance to go for a walk and to meet the daily WHO recommended number of steps which is 10k. I made it to 11k+ steps. It is the cold season already so it is a nice time to walk at night too. I had to do it fast to keep my body warm though.

The bank that I do business with has a 24-hour cash machine where one can withdraw and deposit and it will reflect in your account real time. There are several branches of that certain bank here in the city alone and all within walking distance (if you like walking like me). The first one I went to was where I opened my account and it's where I go when I have concerns about it.

Unfortunately, the cash machine was offline that time. I then tried the other branch. Same thing. Third one, same thing. I thought to myself, third strike. No more. Yet, I tried one more branch but also offline.

With that, I gave up going to the last one and instead bought masks because we ran out already. I bought two boxes for PHP180.00.

I took a photo of it while waiting in line at our jeepney terminal. It took about 20 minutes before I was able to get a ride home.

The next day, I decided to go out early.

I took the same route that I went to yesterday. Got the chance to take a photo of the sunrise.

The reason why I am intent on depositing money to my account is because my due date for my bill is today. I don't want to incur late fees again which is PHP850.00 which is about USD16.00.

I only use my card now for paying insurance and when the need arises. Unlike before, I'd use it for every chance I get.

I passed by the city hall and noticed that a guy was walking at the city hall's park. I saw the gate was opened so I checked it out. This park had been developed but I haven't had the chance to see it's finished outcome. They placed some sculptures and improved the landscape and pathways. It was a pleasant park to be. Even the cat agrees.

I then went straight to my bank and was disappointed that the machine is still offline. I was thinking of cashing in through a local app that we have here in our country. All I have to do is find a store who does that and pay the fee. Through that app I can pay my bill. I'd rather incur a small amount of fee and pay my bill now rather than wait for the machine to go online. I can't wait for the bank to open for I have work. I can leave for a few hours but as much as possible I don't want to do that. I want to avoid the crowd.

I decided to check out the other branch and thankfully, the machine there was online so I did my business and went home.

Jeepney is one of the mode of public transportation that we have here in the country. I don't know if you can see it but there is a plastic divider between passengers. Before pandemic, no barrier whatsoever was placed. Passengers are fit together like sardines on the long seats. When pandemic hit, to hopefully avoid contamination of virus, plastic shields have been required for every jeepney. This provided some protection and distance between passengers.

A few days ago, it was suggested by the local government that it is optional now for jeepneys to remove it because of the continued decrease in COVID cases. Some took down their barriers right away which would allow for the jeepney to load more passengers.

Personally, I would want the barrier to stay because of the reason that it provides distance between passengers and additional protection. There is more elbow room.

Since pandemic, there was an increase in fare rates. I wonder if they will revert back to the original fare once the barriers were taken down.

Once I got home, I then ordered online this cheesy samgyupsal and vegetable rolls. The cheesy samsyupsal has cheese, samgyupsal and kimchi rice at the bottom. It is already a complete meal that is good for 2-3 persons. Our order took longer than necessary but it was all worth the delay for it was a delicious meal.

In other news.

As some of you know, there are accounts in noise who don't have free tips. Some can't even receive tips even though they are good content creators. Since I can't send them free tips, I send some through my own wallet. I don't know what happened during the process of sending. I guess I got distracted or my mind was some place else.

I was prompted to check the information before continuing on with the process. I went ahead with the transaction and I was puzzled to see my wallet has zero BCH. I waited a few seconds. I thought the app was updating but then my concern was growing for it's not showing anything. Only then did I realize that I have sent all my BCH as tip.

Good thing the person I tipped that tipped it back to me.

Anxiety overdrive that one!

Anyway, thank you again for dropping by. See on the next one!

*All photos are mine.

$ 8.83
$ 8.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Pichi28
$ 0.10 from @LucyStephanie
+ 16
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2 years ago


On one occasion, instead of sending 0.05 I sent 5 as a tip. Thank goodness I got it back too.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's a relief that you were able to get it back :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True. Would rather have that barrier remain to have distance among other passenger. Para iwas chansing2 narin if everr hahaha! At wala ng makikibasa ng text/chat 🀣

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Haha! Ba't nga kaya may mga taong nakikibasa ng text :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sana nga ibalik na din yung pamasahe sa dati. Mahihirapan kaming mga students na babalik sa face to face tapos ganun parin pamasahe kahit wal ang barrier and unti unti ng bumabalik sa normal.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What a stressful experience with the card. And jeez, sending all in your wallet as tip??? That's serious.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thankfully I got it back :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lovely photos. Here our mode of transportation is bus. Even we had a fare increase in bus during covid. Hope it reverts back.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Here it's up to you if you want to pay the pre-covid fare or not. Some drivers would give the right change but most will not and stick to status quo.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah..dito sa amin siksikan na ulit ang mga jeep..parang kampante na masyado ang mga tao at akala mo ay wala nang virus sa paligid.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama let the barriers stay though Matagal2x na din na di ako ngcocomute kasi minsan Lang talaga pumupunta sa city at lagi nman akong nakamotor pg pupunta sa work pero Para sa akin Mas safe pa rin pg my barrier Lalo na sa public bus or jeep eh Yung nga pasahero ngchichikahan Yan.

Anyway buti nga Mabait Yung nsendnan mo ng tip at ibinalik sayo. Ako din minsan na din akong ngkamali pero $0.50 Lang naman Yun Kaya okay Lang.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Daming pinuntahan. πŸ˜† 10k minimum steps pala sabi ng WHO... πŸ€” I didn't know that. Next time I will try to reach that number. Hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The cheesy samgyupsal looks delicious. I haven't eaten one. Also, here in our province, some van drivers already drop the limited passengers policy. They are now on boarding every passenger they could get but unfortunately the fare never changed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm glad the tips got back sir. You had a long hour problem with the machine that's one of the main problem too with my boss. My attention caught with the foods you ordered sir. I love the cheesy one.πŸ₯° I love cheese a lot. Picture makes me crave right now.πŸ₯°

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have a question. I could see the divider of Jeepney. But what about a passenger with over weight? Will he fit there?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have a cheesy samyungsal. Its so yummy though😍 You have a great day articlee.❀

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo nga kuya Mas better may barrier. Ang kaba naman kung na send mo lahat ng earnings mo. Good thing is binalik sayo.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow 😳 I hope the barrier stays. Cases might be decreasing over there but people shouldn't let their guard down.

Nice move on the one who sent you your BCH back πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yiiiiiikes.. lols the tip.. gosh my heart! I remember a story ahhahah .. @bloghound and @eylz2021 harhar....

The good thing about my direct tip incident, it was when I was trying to send it to a trusted friend.

There is a mix of excitement and apprehension with regards to the barrier and the decreasing cases. There's hope there. The public transpo can start to recover. Yay!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are still people with good heart. Hahaha. I love that you got your tips back. When I saw your title was a little bit pissed of about what could have happened.

And you had a stressful time with your card. Hahaha. But I am more interested in the meal You ordered πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago