East and west

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1 year ago

The sun rises in the east as we all know. This was my morning view earlier today.

And the sun sets in the west. Same is true with the moon.

This kind of view where the rays of the sun reaches out to the farthest part of the sky is a wonder to watch. It's almost the same sunrise the other day. I was supposed to share that too but I was unable to although I haven't captured it properly because my view was obstructed. I was late to start my walk.

If I'm not mistaken, this can be observed more during the later part of the year. Don't quote me on that for I'm not sure. I may have to dig into my chest of piles of photos to make sure but that will take time.

Anyway, the last photo was not in my plan to capture.

I just so happen to at the right place at the right time and I happen to look at that direction while I was walking towards the park.

Things don't reveal to us right away. We have to be patient.

When I started my walk earlier, the sky was not that promising. It was clear. I can see the stars and the constellation. No cloud in sight. Or if there were clouds, they were not that noticeable then.

I didn't expect that nature would display such splendor.

Good thing I was at a clearing where I can vies the sunrise clearly.

I did capture a 4-minute video but I haven't posted it yet. I'll probably edit that and fast forward it to create a time lapse.

There were a few lessons/reminders that I have learned today:

  • Sometimes we have to be early to capture the best things in life.

  • We have to be patient for things will be better.

  • It's all about timing. Don't rush. There is order in everything just like the cycle of day and night, sun and moon and stars.

  • Change your perspective and you'll see there are other things in store for you.

  • We have to exert effort if we want to achieve something. I wouldn't have witnessed this kind of sunrise if I didn't go out early and walked/hiked to the spot where I took these photos.

  • We have to move to get to where we want to go. We have to be willing to change.

I always say that nature teaches us a lot if we are observant enough, patient enough. I could go on and on and you might have other additional lessons to add too.

Anyway, it's another day done again. The start of the week is upon us.

I will be sleeping in a few but I will be visiting some of you. Lately, I have been suffering headache from mild to moderate. I think it's the lack of sleep or improper sleep.

I have a lot to think about lately that I have to distract myself from it so I turn to social media. We all know that once you get to the point of scrolling and scrolling, you can't stop. It's addicting and that's a bad habit especially when you do it at night while in bed.

So the lessons I have shared are like notes to self too. I have to be reminded all the time about patience and at the same time doing what needs to be done while waiting for the right time.

We can't just sit around and wait for things to happen on their own.

Am I contradicting myself? lol! I think I have to leave it at that.

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1 year ago


Both beautiful photos. Makes me feel a bit regretful as this time of the year I am out for work before the sunrises and off work when the sun had already set 🥹

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Being early and patient , right timing with your efforts and move on to the other side to see a different perspective . Key words we need to remember for a better change in life then ... sleep , after applying all of the above. ☺️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I can't enjoy the view of sunrise because I can't get up in the morning. Most of the time I don't see such scenes because I wake up late. You are lucky to have such a view. Very beautiful photography of the sunrise!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

those rays of the sun are like silver lining giving us the opportunity to start our day fresh full of blessings and have a productive day

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I was born to and raised by a fisherman's family. I used to accompany my papa back in the day to go fishing and it was a great time for me appreciating sunrise and sunset as we used to go fishing from 4:30am-7:00am and same in the afternoon 4:30pm - 7:00pm in the evening.

Sunrise and sunset reminds us that their is always beauty no matter if its in the beginning or at the end.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oi oi, yong malaking building dun sa second picture dsw hunted house haha, charrrr lol. Ang gandaaaa lalo na yong sa unahan. Pwd mo na ilagay sa Unsplash yan ee.

Anyways, this: Sometimes we have to be early to capture the best things in life. Hindi lang to somwtimes lalo kay Mommy. Talagang lagi. Mahalaga kasi sa kanya ang time. Saka mas madali makakatapos kapag inagahan at yon na nga makaka huli ka ng magagandang bagay kapag maaga ka.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's all about timing. Don't rush. There is order in everything just like the cycle of day and night, sun and moon and stars.

This got me. If only we would stop rushing things and allow life to play out accordingly, life would be better.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

First one is just wow! Surely lucky people gets chance to enjoy this kind of views! I love the photographs by the way!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The sunrise and sunset each gives us a lesson, sunrise as that every dark has a bright start, we shouldn't afraid of darks. Similarly, sunset gives a lesson like everything has and end and destination.

Would you please read a comment made in response to the tips you shared in prize pool at https://read.cash/@LeonaReed/talk-to-a-stranger-challenge-bc7be9ec#comment-112eb9e2

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nice post and reflection.... I think the same we need to get up early to enjoy the views, the splendor of the sun, and also the moon sometimes on the other hand. Every day light can change and everything changes also, our views change, and it's interesting to me too to observe these differences and take nice photos improvising! And yes scrolling can be addicting so we need to stop at some point and look beyond!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It takes a better find an angle to captuted the scenery that we could and enough proper timing and time

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Take a rest sir lee. Ganyan din ako sir pag walang enough na tulog. Nagkaka headache din ako.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is very true, we have to be early to capture the best things in life.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I love the days when I go for a walk and see the moon rising when sun just set, feels incredible 💙

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is the best article I would read this new week. Infact I had to screenshot some lines... I really agree that if we change our perspective, we would definitely see a brighter side. Have a splendid week ahead sir 🤗

$ 0.00
1 year ago