Be a disciplined and responsible traveler

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1 year ago

Here in the Philippines, we have a public transportation called jeepney or simply jeep. The invention of this transportation was from Willys Jeeps that were once the mode of transportation brought about by Americans during their occupation here. When the war ended and their rule was over, these jeeps were left behind. According to some sources online, Leonardo Sarao was the inventor of jeepneys. The jeeps left by the Americans were then transformed to accommodate more people. Over time, jeeps have become bigger and still colorful as ever.

The body of the jeepney has two long seats facing each other. Passengers would then seat beside each other on these seats. Depending on the size of the jeepney, it can accommodate more or less 20 people.

Paying for your fare would then be passed from one passenger to another until the closest passenger to the driver would then finally pass the fare to the driver. If you have change, then the process is reversed. The driver will hand the change nearest to him and that will then be passed along until it reached the passenger with that change.

One particular incident was that a foreigner was the one seated closest to the driver so naturally it is understandable that he will be the one to finally hand out fares of other passengers to the driver. When another passenger handed a fare which was handed to him, this foreigner got mad like really angry almost livid. He said to the passenger handing him the fare that it is not his problem to hand out the fare to the driver.

The other passenger was surprised of course but he calmly explained to the foreigner that this is the way things are but the foreigner will not hear of it. Still, the other passenger was persistent but continued in a calm manner explaining to the foreigner what needs to be done.

In the end, the foreigner reluctantly handed the fare to the driver.

The other passengers were watching in surprise, amazed and really curious that that such incident happened. This is the way we always do things here and now comes someone who is not from here who will not do such a thing.

The foreigner may have his reasons. He and the other passenger had been talking but I couldn't get understand what they were talking about but the foreigner's demeanor changed into a better one and calmed down eventually.

What happened to "when in Rome, do what the Romans do?"

The city have always had tourists visiting. One major problem is the trash they leave behind. No discipline at all for you can see them leaving their trash anywhere and everywhere. I'm not generalizing but most of them do that even if their is a trash bin inches away from them. I mean, how hard can that be to throw your trash in in a trash bin? If you don't find one, then hold on to it until you do find one. Even when staying in hotels or other accommodations, just because you are on vacation doesn't mean you trash the place as well. You arrived to that place in an orderly manner, clean and comfortable. That doesn't give you the right to be sloppy and dirty just because you are on vacation. Treat the places you visit as your second home. Not unless you are that undisciplined, dirty and destructive even when you are back home? Have you no respect at all?

We visited the Baguio Museum yesterday. Here's a video that I took of the place.

While I know that the museum is not a church or a library, but should you be that noisy and loud?

A group disturbed the peace while we were there. You can see from the video above that there are areas there that needs reading about the history of Baguio and its people and culture. Of course that requires concentration and as much as possible less noise. I find it curious that other people just can't talk among themselves loud enough to understand each other. They would rather be boisterous like they own the place. They don't even read what's written there or probably they already know everything then that would be great if they do. But what is obvious is that they were there just for the sake of being there and for photo ops.

Manners, people. What happened to manners?

So please when you travel and go to places, be mindful of others.

Do you travel just for pictures without interest of the place you are visiting?

The lead photo was taken by me. It was still a rainy and foggy and windy weather we had yesterday that's why we decided to visit the museum instead for we couldn't enjoy being outside anyway.

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1 year ago


everyone should be more responsible for their trash. I honestly hate when I pass by the forest and I see a lot of garbage, it's mostly composed of fast food chains' garbage. I felt disappointed by those people who stop and throw their garbage anywhere. Knowing that they can afford to buy those kinds of foods yet they don't use their brains to throw their garbage properly.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Right? You really cannot buy manners.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wala kasing jeep sa kanila kaya hindi nya alam na ganun, hahahaha natawa ako sa naging reaksyon nya. Luckily someone explain it to him and he finally understand our tradition.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kung ibang tao yun baka nagkasuntukan na e lol!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Unless told many would have acted like that, the one giving it should have told first that it's their tradition who sit in the front gives it. People won't know the traditions by themselves and yes many people just visit places for photos, sight seeing nothing more. There's variations in tourist.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I still think there was a deeper reason why the foreigner acted the way he did.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

sheeems grabe naman yun at kahit nasa museum ha ang ingay...

yung foreigner baka na misinterpret niya lang talaga nung una or what pero di rin tama na naging hysterical agad

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Feeling ko lang talaga may naging bad experience un foreigner sa mga Pinoy e.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Truest! We should be responsible when we travel. May it in our own country or in the others. We have to carry that good attitude with respect.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Siyang dapat :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahahaha I can imagine how shocked everyone would be with the action of that foreigner. It's always important to ask questions and understand what things are done the way they are done. There is a need for adaptability especially when we go to places we don't know much about.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

True. Adapting is a skill we should acquire early on.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Absolutely, my friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

He must be shocked soemone is telling him to do something on his vacation ajhahaha. Sad he's got no Filipino friends who tell him the culture/ways.

I have had experiences where I was not aware of the do's and donts. And it is super embarrassing once you learn you were doing things that may be no longer respectful to the locals. I cringe.

And sometimes some people do not understand why some place needs silence. .. aww sana sa amusement park na lang sila nag punta

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Na experience ko din sa ibang bansa bawal mag pix sa mga ibang establishments na di ko alam lol! Napgsabihan tuloy ako ng isang staff pero pati siya nagulat kasi napalakas un pagkasabi nya tas pati ako gulat din kaya un nagkatawanan na lang kami haha!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahaha at least alam mong good intentions haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Pero nakakahiya pa rin haha!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

hahahah dalwa na kayong nahiya hahahahha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lol! Kaya nga :D

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ufff, I can totally understand you, I don't like to hear the noise and I'm respectful when I'm in public places not to bother with my business, what an interesting means of transport, not here There are those Jeeps.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I guess I'm more of the silence-loving kind of guy :D

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Introvert me ain't traveling anywhere but when I do, I make sure to be responsible and do things the right way!

Good one.

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1 year ago

That is the right thing to do. What we do reflects on us, who we are and where we come from.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

People today travel for luxury but there is a lot to learn from these traveled places. You are right that when we go somewhere we should look around without disturbing others.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed. When you travel, it's not just yourself but you represent your own place, your home.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Unfortunately it becoming a trend that most of visitors didn't know the history of place , not caring the sanitation, not caring other people and their prime interest remain to make sense me photo, videos, tiktoks and let tell friends circle that they visited. Same in buses , jeep or any other public transportation if we care others everyone do traveling peaceful.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's really sad. Although I do support tourism but it's the way tourist acts that make me want to wish not to promote tourism instead.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is a great reminder for everyone, that as you go travel, you must also have your values with you. being considerate and respectful is a must especially when it comes to throwing some garbage. It's just a simple thing to do, but others cannot make it properly.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ang nakakainis minsan sa ibang Pinoy, kabaligtaran naman. Pag nasa ibang bansa ang babait naman, sunod lahat sa batas. Pag dito sa bansa natin walang disiplina.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That was funny of the foreigner, he should have known that different places have different ways of doing things. Even in my part of the world, there are places in my country that do differently and itsy expected we adopt and adapt whenever we visit such place

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's why it's a learning experience when we travel. We see a whole new different world out there.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

With regards to jeepney, we already knew that it is how it works when it comes to giving away our fare, by letting others passed it to the driver. We should always be mindful wherever we go, by respecting the people way of living.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's right. Whenever we travel, we should be ready to learn about others.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

tsk tsk tsk... so sad to hear about these tourists who are not considerate. For me that's plain selfishness!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Right? Hayst. Kunting considerasyon lang sana.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I all agree with your words dear friend Lee. The foreigner must follow how should it be done especially in handing the fare to the jeepney driver. He must have rode in a Taxi if he or she wanted a kingly or queen accommodation. Although it is a matter of culture but manners are truly an issue in the modern generation not to mention that long time ago, people and all school children were really so respectful and obedient. It is nice to you here my friend. Have a great day.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

My only hope is that the foreigner learned his lesson. Good thing the other passenger is kind and patient enough. Otherwise, things would have ended badly.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

dun kc sa knila ay card gamit sa vehicles 🤣... Atin lang ata yung nagbibigay pamasahe..haha..mSanay na sla kung pinas sla mag stay..may foreigners din namn na alam yan

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehe kaya nga e. Baguhan lang yata kasi un.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I do love travels and respect the places, people and culture wherever I go. I do love taking pictures as well because I love to bring memories then.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I do like traveling too. Cheers to more travels :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Tama! May mga tao nga walang paki sa meaning, history and all. And mahalaga lang sa kanila to take pictures para may maipagmalaki. Huhu. Too bad.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Para lang masabi na nakapasyal hehe.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The case of littering the environment randomly is very common around my area. Even motorists are fond of the habit of getting rid of packs through the car winds. If one is not careful, one could get hit by rubbish on their face

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh that's terrible! We humans really are our own worst enemy.

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1 year ago

Dami talagang tao na napaka irresponsible when it comes throwing garbage sir lee that's why yan nakapasira sa nature.

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1 year ago

Ewan nga ba kasi sa iba. Ang tingin sa malinis na lugar e dapat malagyan ng kalat hehe.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo sir lee parang ganun na nga. Dapat maging responsible naman sila sa mga trash nila.

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1 year ago

Sana nga e.

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1 year ago

We can't control everyone tlga, because as long as sinaway or tiningnan mo sila the more gagawin nila ung nga bagay na ndi naman dapat sa isang lugar.

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1 year ago

Oo din. Ikaw pa magiging masama.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yung iba sir hindi aware sa kanilang paligid,siguro sa subrang excitement nila hahaha.pero ako pag nagpupunta sa isang lugar lalo na pag first time,nakikiramdam muna ako sa paligid para di ako nakaka abala sa iba.

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1 year ago

Pwede ring ganun na nagiging excited tayo minsan. Di nga naman maiwasan hehe.

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1 year ago

well not just because of collecting pictures but also having fun and enjoy the environment of the travel spot.

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1 year ago

We can take photos and have fun and enjoyment and be loud if we want to and do that in proper places.

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1 year ago