And edit it is and my Monday that felt like Sunday

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1 year ago

Yes, now we can edit posts and comments in noise. You can check me in noise if you haven't yet.

I only use noise using the browser. I checked my comment right away when I saw the post by simon and indeed there is the edit button.

By the way, have you rated the app? If not, better do it now here. Review and rate

I'm beginning to like noise more and more. I realized I have been spending more time there than other platforms.

I have posted there about our encounter with a monkey that attacked a lady by biting her hand and leg. Poor lady! I hope she is okay.

Here's a picture of the face mask that I ordered last 11.11 from an online shop. I didn't expect it to be this thin. What do you expect with cheap products.

I was naked and about to bath when I heard a knock. I thought I could ignore it but on the second knock, I quickly dressed and answered the door.

This is the only drawback from deliveries. Some would inform you when they are right there at your doorstep. That is what happened today. Sometimes they will inform you a day before that your order will be delivered the next day so you canceled all your plans for that day just to wait for your delivery.

During the pandemic, that is okay but now that we are not that restricted and we can go to places freely, this becomes an inconvenience.

Earlier today, we went for a walk from our place to the next town where we thought we could check on the Adivay festival online to find out that the shops were just opening their stores so there was nothing to see.

We decided to have breakfast instead. Unfortunately, the places we checked were not yet open and it's already 9 a.m. One will not open until 10 a.m. That's way too late for breakfast. Brunch maybe.

Aside from the enjoyable walk, it was a series of unfortunate events, if you will. I was supposed to go to the bank but the branch I went to was closed. No problem though for I can still go tomorrow. I couldn't do it later in the day for I got busy.

I really thought it was still Sunday today. It's like Sunday and Monday are meshed together I felt like they are one long day.

How was your first/second day of the week so far? How about our weekend?

Weekend for us is spent more at home as usual. At least I got to go for walks. I hope I can do that every morning again like how I have been doing. Not only are my clothes getting tighter but also the ring on my finger. Truly it is a sign that I have been eating a lot and thus evidenced in my body.

I am listening to Linkin Park's The Hunting Party. I didn't realize that I haven't heard the full album. I was only familiar with some of the songs in that album. I haven't listened to Linkin Park in a while.

So there goes Monday. Until the next blog!

I am using the same lead image that I used yesterday which was a sunrise photo.

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1 year ago


I actually got bit by a monkey when I was a kid too. So I kinda feel empathetic to that lady.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

So I have to wait further to check the taste of edit option because I have only android smartphone. Online shopping has such drawbacks so we should make sure about store ligitmacy , reviews of other costumers , sold quantity etc to make sure about store .

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I ordered a face mask last 11.11 as well po. And ganyan din po mismo ang inoder ko hehehe. Same po yung delivery rider din po dito sa amin tatawag lang kapag nasa gate na po namin hahhaha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It seems this Noise app has a better style and design, still not convinced to join this new version, don't trust much on the management.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's a nice feature of Noise. It's good to be able to edit posts there.

And the mask, that's too bad. I do wish somebody will make masks that are environmentally-friendly. I feel we are creating too much waste with the types of masks we are buying these days.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's a great new feature that has been added to noise app. I have always complained about not having an edit button but I'm glad it has finally been added. I haven't been active on noise for some weeks now, I guess it's time to return to it 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yey! New feature of! Thank you for this,Lee! Gosh, hirap nang walang edit lalo na mali ng isang letter tapos it can change the whole meaning, buti may edit na yipeee~

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Somedays are really nerve pulling when everything turns out in unfavorable sides, I had a good Monday.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

right now the cheaper price that we get is for me substandard that they use, it is beter to buy the right product even it was so pricey

$ 0.00
1 year ago

There are even cargo people who do not bring the product to the door. :D

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Deliveries here is terrible despite how advanced this country is. I've never seen anyone so bad at their jobs than those delivering items here.

Noise can now edit? That's wonderful. I know Noise.Cash can edit too but not the images and good to see that Noise.App is having this feature as well. Smooth.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehehe that is true you can always expect some inconvenience from the delivery guys or couriers like you said or in some cases worse...

My Monday (first day of week) is always so busy, all the day classes and lab in university and going early in the morning coming late that the routine

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks for updating us, on noisecash

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's good that the edit feature has been placed. I've skipped publishing some post because I do delete after finding out that there was an error, and I never post that again to avoid being spammed

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope I'd have more time to absorb everything and be active in Noise.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I was waiting for Edit feature since start and Glad now we have it!

Gonna shop on 12.12 soon.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kaya takot ako mag order online sir baka kasi mabudol ang hirap pa naman kumita ng pera tapos di naman sulit yung inorder

$ 0.00
1 year ago

oh sad to say I cant upload photos here in the comments hahaha I also ordered some stuffs during 11-11 at shoppe also, another scammed day, buying thing i dont actually need, anyway is slowly taking its progress hoping we can have free tips on noise app too

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I love the new update! 😁

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That was a nice update as I used Noise using laptop

$ 0.00
1 year ago