I participated in a poetry contest, here I tell you my experience

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1 year ago

April 4, 2023. | No. 95

Hello, dear friend of Read Cash!

Selfie of my face, before the awards ceremony started.

I spent a long time without the Internet, and many things have happened in my life, I don't know if there are still readers who have been reading my post since the beginning of Read. Regarding this, I made a post about a poetry contest at that time, with some important data for those who wanted to participate, called "Poetry: First national contest in Venezuela."

Cover of my article, announcing the participation in the poetry contest.

Before that, I signed up for it. I couldn't post it and not participate. In addition to the fact that I love poetry, since I was a child I have been writing free verse. That was the detail, I only write these types of poems.

I wanted to win the contest, in any of the three places, for me as a writer it is important. So I started to investigate about the creation of poems. It turns out that in high school this topic was not covered enough. So in my adulthood I did my own research.

I saw a number of ways to write poems. But one in particular I loved: The sonnets.

I researched everything and wrote it down in my notebook to start the creation. It must have been a poem about climate change. Therefore, the contest has the name of "1st Poetry, Life and Planet Contest", carried out by the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC). So I decided to tell a story with poetry.

I kept creating sketches, but I had a problem with the rhymes in my poem, because none of them matched. I knew there must be a way to get rhymes. So I went looking for the internet. And I found a program that looks for words that make assonant and consonant rhymes.

He was my great ally. This software only helped me get the words out, while I had the most important part of the job, which was making my story understood as well as making it a work of art.

Continue for a week, until you get it. I connected to the internet in a cyber to send my poem, while I waited for the winners to be announced.

Flayer of the event, where they announce where the award will be held. This, in commemoration of the national parks day, the reunification of the Andrés Eloy Blanco Park, in the city of Puerto La Cruz, Anzoáteguí State, Venezuela, would also be held.

It was one night when I came home from work when they called me to tell me that I had won, therefore, they would hold an event in the Andrés Eloy Blanco Park in the city of Puerto La Cruz, Anzoátegui State, Venezuela, in commemoration of the national parks day. In this we would recite our poems.

Some spaces of the Andrés Eloy Blanco Park, city of Puerto La Cruz.

I will be posting other photographs of this beautiful place on my blog in Blurt.

I was so happy that I cried. My family accompanied me to the event, we did not know how to get to the place, so I kept asking until I got there.

There I met the other winners of the contest, I even made a new friendship. They treated us as if we were part of the presidency. Although I was nervous because I would read my poem in front of a good amount of people.

I never read my poems out loud, so by then, I hadn't unlocked this fear.

I was the second to stop by to recite his poem. I took the microphone, I saw the people, and the feeling is something indescribable. I felt like talking so much! I did not imagine that I would like so much to speak in front of so many people.

Reciting my poem, and taking advantage of giving a few additional words.

And there I was, reciting my poem. When I finish, the governor of the state greets me and gives me my recognition. I kept looking at it, it's beautiful, with my name on it, and the most beautiful thing, my poem, my poem is engraved in my recognition.

Receiving my recognition from the Governor of Anzoátegui State, José Luis Marcano.

Winner of the 1st place in the adult category, Mr. Belisario, reciting his poem "Headline of the New York Times". And the winner of the 1st place in the children's category, Andrea Hernández with her work "The carnation and the crying rose".

More and more photos.

To all these, you will wonder what the poem is called, well, I titled it "Cermeno's cry". This tells how climate change caused a farmer named Cermeño to lose his harvest. And here he is, I leave it for you to read. I won second place in the youth category.

"It was as if the sea owned him,

Nothing will remain, the only thing: The vestige.

Hope and land without prestige.

Only shadows, and the crying of Cermeño.

The corn that shone is now a dream.

He was consumed by that litigation,

of the revenge that he re-elected.

Because that land was just a pawn.

But tell me why does a poor man pay?

a farmer who worships his soil.

Maybe she just wants the rug.

That the fish do not know mourning,

so that the grace of the water amazes,

with the love that the mother brushed."

-Zul Frontado

My acknowledgment. :D ❤️

Its original version is written in Spanish, my native language. So you will notice that when changing it to English some parts will not rhyme. I previously posted it on my blog on Medium, where I write some drafts, and poetry. And also on my personal Instagram.

And of course, family photos too.❤️

But, this story is not over yet. The following days I saw the publications in digital newspapers with my name and that of my poem. So you can imagine my happiness.

Now it has increased much more, because I have been able to tell you about it.

Award made on August 19, 2022.

I say goodbye, from the comfort of my living room, where I am writing these lines. And I send you a greeting.

Written with love.❤️

Zul Airan Mujica Frontado (Zul Frontado) | Venezuela

I love writing, and taking photographs, so here I leave you other places where I also write with a lot of love.

✒️Read Cash | ✒️Noise App | ✒️Blurt Blog | ✒️Medium | ✒️Serey | ✒️Mylot |

✒️My book on Wattpad: Crimson Skin

And here are my social networks:

✒️Fan page on Facebook | ✒️Instagram (single) | ✒️Instagram (writer) | ✒️Twitter

Photo and text, by my author.

$ 0.16
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @Duvinca
$ 0.01 from Anonymous user(s)
Avatar for zulfrontado
1 year ago


Mis mas sinceras felicitaciones, te lo mereces por tu gran esfuerzo. Vaya eres de las pocas personas de la extinta noisecash que aún está por este lugar.

Yo espero que en un futuro no muy lejano las publicaciones en español también tengan su peso en esta plataforma.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

¡Hola! Muchísimas gracias por tus felicitaciones, y por leer. Si, también me he dado cuenta de ello, muchos han abandonado las plataformas, sin embargo, unos pocos seguimos aquí.

También espero lo mismo. Y es increíble, pero, en inglés he podido surgir acá y en otras páginas de internet, a pesar de que no es mi lengua nativa, y uso el traductor.

Siento que faltan más latinos aquí.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yo tengo una comunidad que recién cree, pero me faltan usuarios, la hice básicamente para atraer a usuarios que hablen español y que vengan de la extinta noise. Igual estás invitada a la comunidad y cualquier cosa te puedo orientar en la misma. Acá te dejo el link: https://read.cash/c/diamantes-ae40 Mi usuario en telegram es eduardove96 por si gustas podemos conversar de algunas dudas que tengas respecto al proyecto.

Y bueno he activado algunas funciones dentro de la comunidad para atraer a nuevos usuarios, aunque aún me faltan algunas cosas por implementar.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

También tengo una comunidad en español acá en Read. https://read.cash/c/hablo-espanol-6f6a

Solo que no publico en español, ese es el asunto.

Te escribí por Telegram para guardar tu contacto.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Vale listo, por telegram te escribo

$ 0.00
1 year ago

¡Felicidades! Qué bueno que a veces con estas cosas se reconoce el talento... Y bueno verte por aquí.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

¡Graciaaaas! Y si, la universidad me tiene al tope jajajaja. Por eso he estado tan ausente.

$ 0.00
1 year ago