Is Anger A Defect?

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3 years ago


As humans, we have feelings that range from that love, hate, joy, to sadness, anger, and a lot more.
So far we have blood still flowing through us, we have passed through all these stages.
We have loved, we have hated, we've had joy overflowing, we've been angered and we still feel sad most of the time.

Among all I have mentioned, What I want to pick and point out the most is the issue of ANGER
Some dread the word Anger and others just see it as a defect they wish to get rid of.
It's okay, every one of us has been angry before so it's not a curse. It's just a matter and issue of one's temper.

Your level of anger is quite different from my level of anger and the way we control it when it arises.
Though anger is a sign of the bitterness inside of us.
When we are so bitter to the point that we can't keep it bubbling in anymore, then we let it out, we flare up and this is what Anger is all about.

What is Anger?

The English dictionary defines anger to be;

A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility, or antagonism towards someone or something, usually combined with an urge to harm.

From the definition, we can already sight the end product of every angry person.
An angry person is a destructive person. And when I say destructive I am not only talking about physical destructions, we have verbal destruction as well.

Staying angry in a way is causing both you and the person involved harm.
It's either you harm yourself in the process of your anger or you harm the person involved or even both.

Most times, an angry person isn't trying to cause anyone harm but just a way to express their bitterness or hurtful situation.
And anger should only arise once in a while and not every time. If it comes more often then it is a problem that has to deal with.

A person is not supposed to be angry all the time but if there is such then the person has an anger issue that should be tamed and worked on.

I have been around a number of persons with anger issues. When such arises, they throw tantrums, they can be very destructive too such as throwing objects and things. Some are verbally violent.

It's not intentional, not like they earlier planned it or which for it to happen the way it did. That's was beyond them because they already let it control them.
Your anger shouldn't control you rather you should be the one controlling it when it wants to surface.

And how do you control your anger when it comes?

How To Control Anger

The simplest and easiest ways to control your anger is to perform some actions or activities such as; breathing in and out (inhaling and exhaling), counting numbers, walking away from the things that make you angry or flare-up, listening to music, and even exercising.

All these are simple ways to tame your anger and control it.
Looking at that, what are the end products of anger or an angry person?

End-Product Or Result Of Anger

  • Destruction
    Anger breeds destruction. It comes regardless if you wanted it to or not. That's why it's important to know how to control your anger when it comes because it can be very destructive.

An angry person is full of rage and he or she can cause harm to the people involved if care isn't taken.

  • Regrets
    If you have ever been angry about a particular thing before and flared up then you will realize that at some point when you become calm that regrets would be the next thing to follow.

Yes, some angry person later discovers their faults and some are very regretful about their misbehavior.
Some might have said some really bad and hurtful words to another person in the cause of their anger, so after realizing that, they regret doing it.

But it's useless because people say that whatever a person says when he or she is angry is the truth and they really mean them

But in my opinion, I wouldn't say all are always true or they mean it, I just feel that most times these angry ones just want to make the person involved feel the same pain they are going through without even thinking twice and saying things to hurt those people too.

  • Fear and Isolation
    Anger leads to fear and isolation. A person who is usually anger almost every time is feared by others and they are usually feeling isolated because most people wouldn't want to associate with them because of their anger issue.
    Some are afraid of their destructive forces.

Though anger isn't a defect but it can become a problem if care is not taken.
No matter how bitter and hurt a person is, they should learn how to control and term their anger.
Examine and know which preventive measures work for you and stick to them.
Live a peaceful and happy life feel from anger and negativity.

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3 years ago
