Having an old model phone is not a hindrance in taking beautiful scenery that appears worth capturing..
One time while sitting outside our house at around 6 in the afternoon my 3year old preschooler daughter noticed the sunset up there in the mountains.She asked me curiusly,"Ma,look!The mountains and sky has an orange color.Why?" Looking up to where she's focused at I saw the beautiful sunset.That's the sun's rays reaching the tip of the mountains on a clear late afternoon making it orange,I answered hoping it satisfied her awe.But she's still staring at something I hadn't notice and asked again,"Ma, whats that curved on the sky, a rainbow?" As I'm tending to my playing baby,I hadn't noticed it immediately so I look up again and saw it too.Yes,"that'a rainbow," I replied."But why only little color?," she asked again."Teacher made us color the rainbow and there's blue,violet,green,yellow," she stated some color she remembered."There's no little rain for the sun's rays to make the other colors," I answered.
Can you help me answer such question of a curius child?