Online Class the Second Time around

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2 years ago

Hey what’s up everyone? It’s already September that only means one thing here in our place, vacation is over and the academic year 2021-2022 is about to begin. What are we gonna expect this year around? Honestly I really don’t feel excited this year like I used to before. I have two kids studying right now, one is incoming grade 6 and the other one is incoming grade 4. Before pandemic happened I was always excited buying for all the things needed in school before the classes begin. Not until online online classes started last year.

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A.Y 2020-2021

Last year, my husband and I opted to transfer the kids into public school. It was a sudden and wise decision because we are having a financial crisis due to pandemic. My husband is working in a cruise ship industry and as we all know cruise ships sailing has been banned because of the Covid 19. We thought it will only for a few months, but who would have though that it’ll last for more than a year. So transferring the kids from private school to public school give us less stress and worries with regards to our finances.

When the first day of classes begun last year, it was full of adjustments since everyone is not used to this kind of set up. Even the teachers are having a hard time because they were also new to kind of teaching techniques. During the first day, every students and parents were also excited on how these kind of teaching will work. Before the classes started, we parents were asked to get the modules from the school so that the kids will have a printed worksheets to be passed on eventually every week. One week has passed and the routine continues until weeks, and months have passed.

The online classes were implemented by the government along with the education department so that it will prevent kids being infected by the corona virus. It is better than to stopped the whole school year. But there were really a lot of problem implementing this kind of teaching.

First the internet connection in our country is unstable. Not all area within the country are getting the fast internet worst is that even some other places doesn’t have a network signal.

Secondly the kids are getting lazy doing their worksheets because of lack knowledge they get from online classes. They didn’t have enough time focusing on one lesson to another because of limited time they had interaction with their teachers.

Lastly the modules were a little hard that even the parents had a hard time teaching their kids.

So in the end the kids didn’t get enough knowledge with all their lessons in the last school year. I felt really sad for all the students out there because I don’t think they deserve this kind of education. But what else can we do? This is the only way the students won’t stop from learning. My only wish is that there would be some improvement in the implementation of online classes next time.

Online Class for the second year

The pandemic isn’t going to end soon, only means the online class for the second time around will still be implemented. The covid cases within our country is growing and what is alarming is that kids were getting infected. This is really a sad situation where we can’t do anything unless a miracle drug will be invented so that the virus will be gone in an instant. So yeah we can’t risk the students health that is why I am okay with the online class for this academic year.

Now that the online classes for this year will about to begin in a few more days, my students at home didn’t really feel the excitement they felt like before. I just keep telling them that they still need to keep on attending their online class to keep on learning the things they need to. This is the only way to still be educated despite not being in school physically. I am glad because I am a full time mother which means I can assist my kids in answering their printed worksheets. My only worries this coming year is that the lessons are getting harder and harder. But even though it is the case I will try my best to guide my kids so that just like year they can get through with this.

Education is important

No matter what kind of teaching modality we are having right now, we should let our kids getting educated. I know some parents are having a hard time with this set up. In order to attend the online class you need to have a gadget, sadly not everyone have sources. Most specially in a public schools were majority of the students don’t have access to internet too. But since it was the case, the school have two options so that they can still continue learning. Aside from online classes, they also offered modular set up. The students will continue learning by this printed modules with the help of their parents or loved ones. It wasn’t easy too but we parents should keep trying everything the best we can so that kids will keep learning. We all can do these together, just continue on being consistent because someday or maybe next year the kids will eventually go back to school without missing the lessons.

So to all the parents and students out there I know we can make it this time again. Don’t stop yourself from learning and keep on working hard because someday it will all pays off. Study hard for this will lead you to a successful life in the future.

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2 years ago
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i do believe in the power of education too.. i hope everything will be back to normal soon...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I super agree with you sissy, education is one of the key to success, I really hope that we could go back to normal and this covid virus would go away too. By the way thank for the upvote sissy! bless you more! 🥰😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

the way thank

welcome dear!

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2 years ago