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4 years ago

"Do you sing?"

This question was asked to me and it was not about if I sing but if I was willing to sing in English. Singing in English is not that difficult, hardly anyone sings in my language. The radio mainly plays English songs. Only toddlers are taught children's verses in Dutch except if they aren't Dutch because some foreigners think a riddle taught well to practice pronouncing insults their god.

"Even if I could I won't do it" was my answer.

I showed an animation of someone who could. It was made by a child of mine. A gift to mother's day which still makes me laugh out loud. It gives me a good mood. Who knows it will be children "s song once. A song little children will sing for their mom. A mom who had it with being just a mother, society pulling her strings. A song for mothers who know there's more than just being a mother. Women with a personality, to whom it's important not to lose themselves.

"Mother the woman" is how my ex called me, "mother" is how generations of men call their wife.

The girl they were once crazy about, that funny, singing, lively individual that brightened up their life, that great person who is everything but not their mother!

"Does she call him dad", my child asked as the lady in the shop not even 40 years old asked her husband of the same age a question. I heard it too and know they don't have children. What happened to their names? When did they stop to exist? Was it from the moment on they commit to someone, the moment they gave up on themselves because they should only care about someone else? It's not what I want for my children. Not what I want for the daughters I raise. Educated individuals who deserve their own place, deserve to be noticed and respected because of who and what they are and stand for. They do not need to be someone's wife, a mother, a person who gives them an identity which can be good but also bad.

When was the last time I sang out loud? The time anyone heard me sing? Do I still have a voice? I sing but mainly in my head. Out loud I only did and do for and with my children. With little children is a common thing to do. The world outside changed and the sounds I grew up with are gone. Singing outside on the street is no longer done. So many did while walking or bicycling, the milkman, the postman, the baker, and the guy who delivered the groceries. They smiled, sang, greeted, and brought joy just like the man on his bike who passed by brought it to me last year.

The society changed, not only if it comes to emotionless and grumpy faces.
What once was normal, showing joy, a smile, singing outside on the street, is history. A small chance you will hear anyone sing. No happy child sings these days, no parents with children do what I did, while walking to school or back home. It's a tired society one where showing emotions isn't done. Not if you speak, not if you sing, unless you join some challenge on t.v.

"Can you sing" or should I ask "do you dare to sing, does singing brings you joy?"

One of my children can and did. An animation without sound is no longer worth watching unless you are a fan of "La Linea" or Mr. Bean.

Songs are catchy, used in commercials for years.
Why did it stop? Is singing a sinn unless you are famous and shout out some words hardly anyone feels or understands?
I know my children will keep singing although it's mostly just inside their head, songs not meant to be heard for the outside world. That world that never cared about their words, the words of an intelligent introvert.

At times I sing if my children say something because it reminds me of a ballad.
It surprises them there are so many hymns they never heard of.

"Is there a song about each word I say", my youngest asked one day. On a day I sang many songs.

I think there is and each one of these songs can be found on the internet. Together we listened, watched videos of a time long ago. A time people still sang, were not overruled by noisy radios with DJs with ADHD. Radio channels we no longer listen to because they all play the same tunes and bring nothing new or better old, something good into this world.

If you or your family still sing in English, you sing your own songs, join the community Share Your Talents (SYT) - singing


Share Some Thoughts (SST) - Values



#kittywu #parenting #motherhood

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4 years ago


Of course, even though my voice is not very good, I still sing even though the song does not like me.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great to hear you still sing. I don't think a song dislikes people it just wants to be heard. If someone sings it adds something extra to that person. 💕

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, i used to sing while i am taking a shower because i got a bathroom voice, my mom told me that's y i just sing while doing it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I sing whenever I hear songs playing, in my head or in my ears. I sing in the car and I sing at home. There is a certain joy in releasing our vocals :) Our radio channels repeat the songs multiple times in a day but I don't mind because I would sing them anyways :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I sing and I love it. I put out my heart, my life, my feelings, my thoughts, onto the lyrics and made it into a song. It is not something that anyone else would be enjoying listening too but it made me happy. It is some kind of way to put a smile on my face on a gloomy day. I cannot sing on a stage, I rarely sing in front of an audience. It is not that I don't want to but I can't sing, my voice disappears. I am selective with my audience, but somehow it is different doing it on online video. I am not sure what makes it so different for me.

My principal, if I cannot speak it out, I will just sing it out. I sing in a few languages too. I guess you already know that.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Although I can't sing, my sister can. The that it appears her voice is only for the benefit of the bathroom.😂

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is my kind of stress reliever, i love to sing like in sing-along at home or wherever theres a time to sing..😂👍👍👍

$ 0.00
4 years ago