Politics is a soap

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Politics... It gives most of us a dirty taste in our mouths. Politics...what is it exactly? If you ask around you won't find many who can tell you enthusiastically what it contains. Politics... It's not that different from the soap entire nations watch daily year after year. They watch it, know how it will end and their only role is to watch it from the sideline. No one asks for their opinion, advice and of course, comment or some critique is allowed as long as it's not speaking out or published somewhere. Somewhere can be in the papers, a pamphlet spread through the city or social media. Not that you make much chance to spread the news if you bed on the papers or social media especially not if your opinion differs from the rest. What the big boss wants you to say, words that fit the plans made. There's no need to buy the media and influence it if you don't need it for yourself, use it to influence entire nations.

The meaning of the word politics according to the dictionary of Cambridge

1. the relationships within a group or organization that allow particular people to have power over others

2. the job of holding a position of power in the government

3. the activities of the government, members of law-making organizations, or people who try to influence the way a country is governed

What does this mean?

If it comes to #1 it's about a handful of people who reign about the rest. They have the power. At work for example they have the power to have you sacked, to raise your salary, to force you to work more hours, they can make you do things you never dreamed of, they manipulate you, lie, can give you a hand, a great opportunity or (sexual) abuse you. We, the people accept that because we, the people depend on those people. We need money, we hope for a better position, a better future without someone lecturing us like our parents already been.

#2 How to hold the position, the power you worked so hard for? There are different ways. If you observe employers worldwide, those who are successful (if it comes to their business, income) have something in common. They are and stay focussed on their work (goal), try to show their face everywhere, try to meet and stay in touch with other influence people which can benefit them, they keep the control (are control freaks) and aren't the kindest, friendly, open and jolly employers one can have. It is a fight to climb to the top but it's a harder fight to stay at it. To fight for your place in the spotlights. A fight that can be won by asking, forcing, threatening, buying or removing every single person who doesn't fit in, follow the rules, doesn't accept the power or the money offered and keeps shouting: FREEDOM!
No boss will keep an employer like that or one who is critical and no government will. It's not good for society, the society built (company, country, international), the working atmosphere or for the connections and support needed from those who control most of the money (banks, insurance cooperations, big pharma, tech companies). To be successful it all needs to be secured.

What more is politics about?
#3 Another description but it is the same. How to rule something, about others. How to push through changes, your will and make people do what you want them to do. 

Reading back the descriptions given by the dictionary it feels as if it's completely different from what I, and with me, many, have in mind if we think about politics. We think about politicians, lying, cheating, corruption, how they fill their pockets by abusing others. At the same time, we seem to think politics is about us. We truly believe our employer (only dogs have a boss) or ministers, the prime minister or king cares about us. We do believe they do and want the best for their nation, those they reign. In reality, politics has nothing to do with caring, wanting the best or... democracy. Politics is about power and showing who is in charge! Politics is all about keeping yourself safe and your ego. Politics and democracy do not go hand in hand. It doesn't match. Politics is about me and not about you. It is about improving my power and make you do what I want. If I tell you: jump! You do so without question and if your question at all you ask: how high?

It is a dangerous thing to question someone with power. To ask a puppet who pull the strings or... how much money he has received to lie, ignore the facts and accuse those who question, scientist, people with knowledge and experience, even Nobel prize winners of conspiracy. We thought, I thought that wouldn't happen with us, not in 2021 but it does. Presidents die, those who question but rarely those we like to leave. By now, after generations are raised and brainwashed, hate and fear have spread a lie and fake news are the truth. We accept it because we don't care. We don't care till the moment it hits us, we are called the dissident and end up in prison because those who don't agree, nod are criminals, enemies of the state.

The doctor, he is one out of 1500 doctors who join an organization who question the way how the vaccination programs are enrolled. Doctors who are no longer allowed to make a diagnose, to cure... they question the lack of proof done by Pfizer, Moderna, the EMA. There is no control group and while in 32 states of the USA life is back to normal and the UK celebrated 'Freedom Day' the outcomes of all those tests and numbers proving the pandemic is a big joke, a hoax are ignored by those who want to keep the power. They lie to their nation and call it a conspiracy, they will keep spreading fear and change their promises week after week.
The WHO says if 70% is vaccinated against covid-19 it's enough. To those who pay, enrolled it, who has the power it will never be enough. Politics is about doing what you like, you want not about healthcare, caring, sharing or democracy. Power and wealth are what counts and killing an entire nation is only a small prize.

#kittywu #july #column #politics #life #newnormal

$ 20.94
$ 20.74 from @TheRandomRewarder
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I hear lots of people say politics is a dirty game. That there's no way you will play politics and not be involved in shit.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My father said that politics is the dirtiest business. That's is why he doesn't want me to enter that world. He added that if you really want to help other people, you can do it without position in politics.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I congratulate you for your article, you are really right in many things.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A very strong perspective you got there. I would agree to almost everything. I also thought of making some articles regarding with my stand against the vaccination but I ended up putting it in the small corner of my draft. I don't have the guts yet to publish it. But learning from your side I guess I will finished it soon.

$ 0.00
3 years ago