The discussions about spam, how to fight it, the spammers marking good writers as spammers, and the "remove to spam" button are topics of discussions here.
Most users do not dear to comment, respond, report plagiarist or spammers which means a small group deals with it, fights it, to make this platform better to all of us. The question if this platform is abandoned is never answered. What we know, hear, we hear from other users. A part is active on Reddit the place where, apparently, this platform is promoted and is discussed to divide it.
Yesterday, September 15, 2020, we all noticed the "remove to spam" button was gone. To some, this was a joyful moment. Why? Because it takes more effort to get a plagiarist or spammer of your back. If you ask me the only way is to report and block the account. If people so easily copy-paste comments written by others or yourself they shouldn't be rewarded for it.
The fact is read. cash rewards spamming and after I read a comment this morning given by @psychie and couldn't help thinking this user is right. The older/first users are the ones who hardly earn, the ones who are punished, who's points are frozen, the new ones and scammers and plagiarists earn 1000+. The earning isn't made up like some believe but a fact!
Reading my notifications I see a new sign popping up. It's again about flagging/reporting spam (flag + word SPAM) behind answers/comments given. This means the spam button is not removed but changed! It is removed to a spot not next to the other button which means it can no longer hit accidentally.
As you can see @charmingcherry08 has the spam flag underneath her comment and...
@marblely has the same button right underneath her comment in my notification list.
If you ask me it will be hard to figure out by just reading a few words if the comments given by them are spam or plagiarism but if it comes to these two users I am 100% sure it's not.
It's a pity this easy button isn't present at the place where it should have more effect which is where the comment is posted and where you for example can check who more commented exactly the same.
Let's hope this platform is not completely abandoned yet and together we can clean up the trash. I am only 4 months here and it is unbelievable how much has changed in this short period of the life of
If you want the benefits, take your responsibilities too!
I really don't know how a lot of things work here. I think I'm writing here for like three months. And I already read that this platform is going to split! What happens on all platforms? is it a boom? start and finish ... I'll keep writing until I see what happens.