How about some freewriting?

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Improve your writing skills.

How? By writing on a daily base. It doesn't matter if you are good at it or if you are a native speaker. The great thing about free writing is there's no need to do any investigations about the subject you write about.

You just write!

We can only improve skills by practicing.

So let's do it.

Pick a word and write for ten minutes about this particular word. Write what pops up in your mind. There's no need to compose a great story or poem. What you write doesn't need to make sense either as long as you write and... keep writing. Set a timer and keep typing until your time is up.

You can ask anyone to give you a word, use one out of a news item, or write about what keeps you busy.

You'll see if you continue with it, you learn, grow, and above all notice that writing can be fun too.

10 minutes a day is all you need.

My head is always busy, filled with thoughts. I write way more than I speak and never have had a writer's block but... I did join freewriters on several platforms and did learn a lot and still am. It would be great if you join me here. Join the community of free writers.

This photo can be found on

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Practice makes a man perfect. We should practice all the time. If we practice well, we will be a good writer.πŸ’ž

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4 years ago

You can join me and write a few minutes about water too and use the community free writing πŸ™‚πŸ‘

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4 years ago

I am already joined with you my dear. I will try my best. I will write freely. Thanks for your suggestion.

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4 years ago

Thank you so much. I am looking forward to read you. πŸ’•

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4 years ago

Yep. I also do this.. And I always waiting for your article my dear. Lovely article from lovely writer. πŸ’ž

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4 years ago

You are so kind to me. Thanks for saying this. πŸ’•

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4 years ago

You too.. πŸ’ž

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4 years ago

Great one here writer,this is a kind of motivation to those who have it in them but are kind of feeling shy coz of misspelling.

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4 years ago

Misspelling can be partly reduced if you use Grammarly (see the play store) but of course you can write in any language you like. It's not about judging each other but about writing and improving our skills.

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4 years ago

One can improve his writting skill by proper wriiting and practicing hand writting.this will help one a lot.nice article.lets subscribe each other. Thank you

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4 years ago

We can for sue and I hope you will join us too.

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4 years ago

Great, that's what many of us are doing here at this is the only platform i have seen this, i have tried to write at steemit, bitlanders etc without success, it's really hard to get your article approved for publication there.

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4 years ago

Well, let's start here with it and make free writing and grow. We all can be a writer and it's amazing to read what people come up while writing.

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4 years ago

Personally I prefer three more or less random words, or so, and writing a short story based on it.

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4 years ago

If you can do that within 10 minutes what stops you?

  1. "It's hard to be a woman"
  2. bread and water
  3. on the bridge
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4 years ago

that's many words. (with really one word each, you have more freedom)
It would also take more than 10 min

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4 years ago

It is possible and you can use three words instead.

hard - water -bridge?

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4 years ago

Ok, though not now. Later I'll see

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4 years ago

I could try it though

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4 years ago

I don’t want to write for the reason that I can be a great writer. Every day I want to write something in my diary because it helps me to get relief from all of my stress

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4 years ago

Free writing is not about being an author but about keeping writing no matter the mood and express yourself. My diary an d I never became friends 🀐

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4 years ago

writing is good, you only have to have a topic to develop it, and the time to do it, I advise reading, to write without spelling mistakes.

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4 years ago

yaap..improving writing skills are very also helps us to communicate properly..thanks for your informative article

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4 years ago