Life of a moderator
July 23, 2020

I thought it might be a great idea to ignore the list with notifications (my central post system) and read some articles on the homepage, read.cash's cps, for a change. Just to motivate me and discover some new talent. With 11k accounts, it must be possible to read something good or? Good is good enough to read, comment, and reward with some money instead of the upvote/like icon.

I just created some extra time for me to do what I like most. No cooking today. We had milk, cheese, ham and cashews and some ice cream and tea.

The homepage... What shall I say. I had a look at it, scrolled a bit up and down, and felt disappointed. I felt as if I was reading Twitter or Facebook messages. "Hello, this is... again", "Good evening here is...".
No, this is nothing to laugh about. What happened to the articles? Where are they? What happened to those great writers? All those people who joined the free writer's contest willing to learn writing? People, where are you?
Laughing out loud won't make this situation any better. Trust me it doesn't.

I clicked on a few posts and read, tried to read after I struggled through the "Hi, I am here again" and list of sponsors and other useless information which have nothing to do with the title, the topic, the article! Is this what read.cash users call an article? Really?

Imagine you buy a bestseller and the first 40 pages are filled with advertisements and information you didn't ask for.

This is what I as a writer and moderator will do to motivate myself to like reading here again.
I will no longer follow you or add any of your posts to the communities I moderate or help moderating.

If you write a poem you start with a poem not with your name, how your day was, and who your sponsors are. If you want to scare your readers, real readers away this is the way to do it.
If you write a short story/tale you start with the story!

If you freewrite you start freewriting and you stick to the rules.

Take care of your layout. Use Grammarly it's a free app and invests in what you write! It's not about quantity but quality. If you want to write a short note do not call it an article and please, do not add it to the communities. They all have rules and one of them is, if it comes to writing, a minimum of words!

Please, stop introducing yourself with each text you write!

It is not professional. Your readers are no idiots. They follow you, read you and know who you are.

Device: mobile phone
Egg timer: 10 minutes
Grammarly + slow internet connection

#kittywu #freewriting #selfmotivation

$ 0.27
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the articles deserve to be of quality, that those who read them can understand them, here there can be no familiarity because the read cash platform is not a social network, each writer who wishes to write must read the rules of each community, if your article fits to the community send it to her, thanks for your suggestions ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good job

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I've learnt a hand full of stuffs about writing from your article. Thanks those corrections

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Always ask yourself what you would like (to buy) to read. Keep in mind you promote yourself here. Not only on this platform but to the outside world as well. Good luck. 🍀💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well, a greeting at the beginning of your posts can be cute, but is unnecessary. Your username is shown at the top, people can see who you are.

I don't look at the front page, honestly. I focus on my own work, that of my subscriptions, and use the search engine to look up stuff that interests me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I only see lists similar to the frontpage if I moderate and it's not very inviting to read each post this way. I hope to find the good writers back.

The greet can posted underneath same with the sponsors. Those who comment will read it too.

Good luck with your own work. 🍀

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can imagine, but it should be easy to see when an article isn't up to standards based on its first paragraph alone. Keep rejecting these posts, people will learn soon enough there's no room for random announcements in subject-sensitive groups.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

At first I didn't need to but since a week or so this way of writing seems to be a hype which means it will be rejected and the communities will be checked again. We go for the quality not the quantity.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Which should be the point.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is the fact. The articles that actually make.it to the homepage and others that you see are full of lengthy introductions with info that belongs in the trash.

It's almost like a Bollywood drama, too many ads for zero content

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I will no longer add this or read it. I don't know who started with it but the first lines written must be worth clicking on the post and reading it. I only see a long list with "Hi, this is....again". It's not professional and it's getting boring.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I get your point. I'll be making necessary changes from now on. I guess we all have to double our efforts if we want to be remarkable writers here.

Cheers 🍦

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I unsubscribed quite a number because of this. Short posts and articles that are meaningless. I think there are many who are taking advantage of the point system the best way they think they can. Milk, cheese, ham and cashews and some ice cream and tea sounds like a good meal to me :) I love it when cooking is not required.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The number of short notes increases daily same with these posts. It's hard to find something good these days. I am happy you are still around.

There'no need to cook if there's other food which provides in what you need. If it'scold I like a hot meal and tea. 🙂🍀💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am totally agreeing with you. I get bored reading the names and struggle to read the main topic. Today you brought this thing to us. Good job! 👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hope you won't fall for it. It spoils good content and I am no longer in the mood to click, wait till it loads and scroll and hope for something good to read. 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have my little giveaways which ended today, my task is to pick one of my articles and from there they will write their own article, what they learned, suggestions or add some insights. I chose that task so they will have an idea of what to write and encourage them to write.. All of the entry was just short and only few participants. I was a bit dismayed because all entries will have rewards but seems they aren't interested at all because they have to write. But when some people post like "I will sponsor you, share this link and subscribe" there are a lot of participants 😂 like many falls to that tricks, seems some writers only wants to be paid by little and by little works. Where is the quality in that sense?

$ 0.00
3 years ago