Coughing criminals
If you cough you are a criminal.
I never thought it would come that far to the society I live in, it would even happen worldwide but these days, no matter what you suffer from, everything is a sign of the coronavirus. Suddenly no other diseases seem to exist. You have covid19 and spread the coronavirus or you have nothing. There's no other option.
Many people cough.
Coughing people do for all kinds of reasons. To clear the throat, because they chocked in their food or can not easily swallow it, smokers frequently cough, elderly people do, people with SjΓΆgren disease do, those with allergies and chemo do, dry air, pollution and air conditioning in cars, shops, and hospitals cause it too. There are plenty of reasons why someone coughs or suddenly starts coughing.
It is hard to believe in December 2019, during Christmas in Church or New Year's Eve, no one cared about those who had to sneeze, sniff or cough although at that time there was a flu and people easily catch a cold. Within a few weeks, governments and media labeled the new lepers of the society.
What no one cared about for at least 50 years suddenly became important.
Simple things, normal things like washing your hands, not sneezing/coughing/spitting into someone's face, staying at home if you feel sick instead of showing up at work because if not your boss will kick you out...
Anxiety is spread, needed to be spread, to make us all stay home and with it, social distancing is promoted and giving up on giving someone a hand, caring.
No longer we shake hands, elderly people are separated from the rest (they can shop one hour a day between 7-8 am what a joke), we do not sit close, being close is forbidden and if you dare to cough you will be removed out of the society like a criminal, a serial killer.
All those restrictions, the fear spread on purpose, feels like genocide to me. Might be it's better where you live, I hope it is. I hope too you have some consideration with all those coughing, sneezing people who cannot help they have allergies. Allergies caused by your perfume, soap, aftershave, the air conditioning or... the face mask. Please, keep in mind that you can be the next leper society kicks out.
Coughing is a criminal. I can feel that feeling. This virus does give me some nice situation too though. No more traffic, no more crowded places or lift. Things like that.