Artificial flies can be divided into two basic groups: realistic and surreal.
Realistic would be those we find in nature and where the goal on the hook is to make a faithful copy of life. Imaginary, surreal would be those flies that don’t exist in the real world, but that irritate the fish to grab the bait. The photo shows realistic flies. But details do not have to be respected. For example, a live fly has three branches in its tail, and in the picture we see twice as many fins. This is to make the bait swim better on the water.
Vještačke mušice možemo razdvojiti u dvije osnovne grupe:realistične i nadrealne. Realistične bi bile one koje pronalazimo u prirodi i gdje je cilj na udici napraviti vjernu kopiju života. Imaginarne, nadrealne bi bile one mušice koje ne postoje u realnom svijetu, ali koje iritiraju ribu da bez razmišljanja zgrabi mamac.
Na fotografiji su realistične muhe. Ali detalji ne moraju baš svi biti ispoštovani.
Npr. živa mušica ima tri kraka u svome repu, a na slici vidimo dvostruko više isperaka. To je zbog toga da bi mamac bolje plivao na vodi.
YouTube credit: Davie McPhail