Artist Julie Alice Chappell creates beautiful miniature sculptures of insects using circuit boards found inside discarded electronics. This artist hopes that her collection of unusual sculptures will one day succeed in attracting the attention of observers and thus point out the problems of nature pollution and the lack of human awareness of the importance of recycling.
Through her series, called Computer Component Bugs, the artist hopes to raise awareness of environmental waste. “The recycled bits of cultural refuse that are woven throughout my work represent a direct encounter with the excesses of modern living highlighting the dangers of planned obsolescence and e-waste in the environment.
Umjetnica Julie Alice Chappell stvara prekrasne minijaturne skulpture insekata pomoću pločica koje se nalaze unutar odbačene elektronike. Ova se umjetnica nada da će njezina kolekcija neobičnih skulptura jednog dana uspjeti privući pažnju promatrača i tako ukazati na probleme zagađenja prirode i nedostatak ljudske svijesti o važnosti recikliranja.
Kroz svoju seriju, nazvanu Computer Component Bugs, umjetnica se nada podići svijest o otpadu iz okoliša. „Reciklirani dijelovi civilizacijskog otpada koji su utkani tokom mog rada predstavljaju direktan susret s ekscesima savremenog života ističući opasnosti planiranog zastarjevanja i e-otpada u okolišu.
Credit: MyModernMet mission is to promote a positive culture.
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