10 amazing tips to fight writer's block

Avatar for theoneandonlylycele
3 years ago
Topics: Blogging, Ideas, Learning

No matter how we want to write as smoothly as possible, there might come a time that your mind would just stop on thinking, feeling, until you eventually cannot translate your emotions into words. This event in a writer's journey is known as the writer's block. No one knows when this will happen as well as no one knows when it will stop. The only thing the writer can do is to keep going and try working hard to not give up being a writer even with a writer's block. 

Truth be told, I am one of those writers who almost thought that I could not do anything, but eventually, I came back on track. And so, today, on my first ever article here on this platform, I would like to share with you the 10 amazing tips to fight writer's block. 

How to win over the writer's block?

Go for a walk. 

Writer's block is sometimes not about having nothing to write, but more of the lack of willingness to do so. During these times, our brain became exhausted and tired to translate all of this to words. And so, you need a break. Stop thinking for a while. Go outside, feel the air, breath in, and then breath out. Get your dog with you. Look at how nature inspires you to sit and work on your unfinished story, article, or whatnot. 

And the next thing you know, you are ready to write once again. 

Divert your attention. 

Let us say that the block happened while you were writing a story. When that is the case, you do not have to push yourself to finish it right away, because the result may not be the one you would like to have. All you have to do is to stop for awhile and divert your attention. Look for something to write that is different from a story. A technical one would do. You can also edit your previous works. And most of the writers, after they had diverted their attention, the writer block is not there anymore. They are into finishing what they have started. 

Write, write, write 

It may sound so weird that you are suggested to write even if the problem is you cannot write. Well, as I told you earlier, during the season of writer's block, we want to make sure that you will not forget the thought that you love to write. And so, even with a writer's block, you have to write still. May it be for 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour everyday, you have to try it. Have a schedule. Write even about the most nonsensical one. Write even just a word. Write even without coherent thoughts. Write anything uncensored and unfiltered. You do not have to make other people read it, you just have to stay to your passion. Write as much as you could. Do not let yourself miss it. 

Talk to people you miss. 

Sometimes, when writing became our source of income, we tend to stop talking from people and just be focused in what you are writing. As they say, writing means being solitary. The solitude keeps us sane. And since you have this time to think about, it is the perfect time to visit who you should be talking for quite a long time. And I think, they absolutely miss you as well. Talk to them. Eat with them. Listen to their stories. You may or may not tell them what you are feeling, but one thing is for sure, after talking to them for hours, you will find yourself being inspired by them. 


As much as you can allot time to think about your writer's block, you can deny it as well. One way to get through a writer's block is to think and act as if you are not experiencing it. You can always write something about anything. Find inspiration with what you are experiencing. I mean, what about writing about a writer's block? First-hand experiences never goes out of the trend. 

Rest, rest, rest

When our mind became tired, it stops from working. After writing for hours, take time to recharge yourself. You may sleep. Watch a movie. See the view outside from the window. Sometimes, after a good food and sleep, the momentum returns back. Focus also on yourself. Do not consume yourself. You will suffer more if you ignore the time your mind and your body needs to rest. 

Read, read, read

Do you remember the time when you were just starting to write? Do you remember the book or the article you have read that eventually push you to write your own? Well, during writer's block, it is best to return to those readings. It is important to be reminded about your dreams that helped you to survive the path you took. Get the motivation you need by being inspired once again. You will absolutely look back and be proud that after years of just reading works  of other authors, here you are, writing your own. And when you feel the urge to continue, hold on to that, and without a second thought, go back to writing. 

Stop aiming to write perfectly. 

Writers tend to be so pressured about the outcome of their written work. And because of that, sometimes, they became stuck with having the big number of views, reactions, and number of people who search for it. And when it did not happen, the writer became sad, hopeless, and frustrated. It now became the basis of who you they are as a writer. A simple criticism will break a writer easily, and instead of looking at how the other articles went good, you are thinking about that one criticism. And this, sometimes, is the reason why writers are having a block, because they are not writing to express, instead they are writing to impress. Always remember that whatever you write, it must be something that interest you first, so your audience will love it as well.

Do the things you love. 

The goal is to get inspiration so you could go back to writing. Another thing to do this is to do the things that you love. Look at your plants, they absolutely miss those hands of yours. Go and get your badminton, I'm sure they miss being swayed by you. There are a lot of things that you suddenly stopped from doing, and the best time to do it is now. 

Look at your bills. 

And the most effective way of all the time is to look at your bills, your electric bill, your internet bill, your rent, your water bill, slap it on your face, for sure, you will not have any second thoughts to go back to writing. You have to pay your bills. You have to continue writing, brave soul. 

No one is exempted to experience a writer's block. But when you do, never lose hope, you will be back at it soon. Always remember to be good to yourself. Learn to get enough rest. You are not less of a writer or as a person because of this. You are bigger than this block. Your come back will always be the sweetest. 

How are you? Already surpassed writer's block? Or still experiencing? Let me know on the comments below. Happy writing, always! 


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3 years ago
Topics: Blogging, Ideas, Learning
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You have a vast knowledge about this, I can see that your journey on read.cash will have a good future. Keep posting. I'm always procrastinating when I am writing an article😆

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Hahaha, same! But, that's okay. Anw, thank you!

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