Amazing things you can get from writing

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Story, Write, Blog, ...

Writing is known to be a form of communication. It is in our grade school years when we were able to experience this. It started from writing whatever lines we'd like, the ABCs, until we were able to form sentences that encompass what we like about a person, about a thing, or even about an event. Whatever medium we use, we write to bring the people we love close to us. 

But I will not say that writing is as easy as how I am describing it. Because I know, there were people who would describe writing as a terrible thing, something that made their life not so good. I know that during school days, tons of paper works make us think about how those papers would be necessary. And even how I love to write, sometimes, I am one of those people who would blame writing. But, truth be told, the essays, the research papers, the reflection papers, and the like will help you big time as time passes by. Who would have thought that the thing you are not passionate about in the first place, will eventually help you to earn money? We do not know what the future awaits. 

Now, I wrote this article for the people who are having second thoughts if they will pursue writing, for the students to appreciate what their teachers are asking them to write, and of course, for the people who put time and effort in learning the technical aspect of writing. Let us all look at how beneficial writing is. 

5 truths about writing: what it really brings to us

1. You can have absolute freedom. 

Everything that you write can be kept for yourself. The decision whether you would like other people to be able to read it depends on you. And so, if you chose to not spill anything to anyone, then it is as if choosing to be free. It is choosing to free yourself from judgements and comments of others. You can say whatever you like. The paper will be by your side, at all times. When you are hurt or angry, instead of shouting or hurting people around you, you can write all of your feelings, then for sure, even before you finish writing, you are done with your negative feelings. You can write all of your disappointments, frustrations, and anger. But this will not mean that you will bury it all along, what you need to do is to make sure that when you know the time is right to tell them how you feel, you will tell them. 

I, myself, practice this, and it helped me to stop screaming and shouting just to satisfy my emotions. It made me understand my emotions and talk about it with the people involved in a much calmed way. 

2. You are doing brain exercise

Writing is a way to exercise the brain. It will work if we write using a paper and a pen. With a keyboard and a screen, it is believed that you do not remember the meaning, only the words. And so, in school, our teachers would advise us to take down notes so we can remember the learning. Just like what a physical activity brings to the body, writing gives our mind the strength to be able to solve problems quickly, and to contribute to good decision making. Also, when we write, we tend to arrange our thoughts. We put in a way that would be understood. It keeps us sane. By doing this, we help ourselves to not be drawn to a path that is not really good to take. We have to think accordingly, and writing helps us do this. 

3. You can accept who you really are. 

The moment we decide to put a part of our life in writing, we are also establishing that there will be time when we can be frustrated. The feeling of not being able to form a proper word to describe what you like to do is like a crime for a writer. A writer lives in his world of words, and without those, the writer may feel unworthy. And just that, there will be moments as well where you would commit errors in grammar. There will be times when you would like to stop. But no, on those times, you will love yourself more. You will understand that there are moments when you would not be good, or the best, and you know it, and you will accept it. A writer must first accept his flaws and weaknesses because those things demand to be recognized. 

4. You can be able to document your life. 

This will act the same as journals and diaries. You can put in here anything about you. You can keep memories you want to be reminded of, no matter how good or bad it is, it can be written. The moment you open your eyes in the morning, and before you sleep at night, put on words your experiences. Narrate to it how you were able to pass the exam, how you were able to come up not late even with the heavy traffic, or even how the food you ate makes you crave more. Soon, you will miss all of those. Isn't it nice to have something to read about yourself when all you can do is look back during the dawn of your life? 

Well, I always imagine that, and so I'm keeping a journal. 

5. You help yourself to be a good communicator. 

Nowadays, we know that life is becoming virtual. We can receive messages without seeing the reactions and hearing the tone of the sender, and because of this, we tend to misunderstand the meaning of the message. The good thing is, due to writing, we can be able to know what are the proper punctuations to use so we can demonstrate the meaning properly. Communication is a key in keeping social interaction. We have to save it before things would be too late. 

There you are! Those are my personal insights about writing, and all of that are the reasons why I still write up until now. I hope you can get something to fuel you to continue or start writing. 

What about you? What do you get from writing? Share it in the comments below! 

Thanks for reading!

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Story, Write, Blog, ...
