Zašto nam se gotovo uvek nameće pitanje da li je život prema nama fer plej? Da li smo takav zaključak izveli posle nekih teških i dugih rasprava oko ličnih statusa sa partnerom ili pak gledajući „sreću“ pojedinaca u našem okruženju kako voze upravo najnoviji model auta koji bi vama više odgovarao?
Why is the question almost always asked if life is fair play for us? Did we draw such a conclusion after some difficult and long discussions about personal status with a partner, or watching the "happiness" of individuals in our environment as they drive the latest car model that would suit you better?
Fer je vrlo interesantan koncept koji se tako često koristi u raznim dijalozima od ličnih dečjih do javnih odraslih, a tako se malo priča o samom stavu. Često se vezuje za nečiji stav zadovoljnog, uspešnog i srećnog čoveka, dovodeći se u sumnju na koje načine je on stigao do svojih ciljeva. Uspešno se uvek dovodi u sumnju ili pak se idealizuje nečiji status pa nam sve to deluje nedostižno i dovodi do apstraktnosti.
Fair play is a very interesting concept that is so often used in various dialogues from personal children's to public attitudes of adults, and so little is said about the attitude itself. It is often associated with someone's attitude of a satisfied, successful and happy man, questioning the ways in which he reached his goals. Successfully it is always questioned or one's status is idealized, so all that seems unattainable to us and leads to abstraction.
Retko se dešava da nečiji uspeh probudi ambicije kod nas i bude dodatno gorivo u putu ka našim višim ciljevima. To su uglavnom „zrele“ osobe i već dokazane u svom poslu. Ali kako one osobe koje nisu ni pokušale da dođu do uspeha i ne retko viđamo da neke uobičajene stvari iz običnog života pasivni tipovi smatraju ogromnim uspehom….
Blago tebi, ti imaš auto, ili pak, imaš devojku i ne znaš kako je kada si sam, a nikada ne dovode u pitanje a zašto biraju da budu sami i šta je to što ih sprečava i zašto smatraju da to treba sam život da im priredi umesto da se potrude sami. Razlozi su raznorazni i sa njihovog gledišta uvek opravdani i uvek je neko drugi kriv što su oni tužni i neuspešni.
It rarely happens that someone's success awakens our ambitions and is an additional fuel on the way to our higher goals. These are mostly "mature" people and already proven in their work. But as those people who have not even tried to achieve success and we often see that some common things from ordinary life passive types consider a huge success….
Bless you, you have a car, or you have a girlfriend and you don't know what it's like when you're alone, and they never question why they choose to be alone and what is it that prevents them and why they think that life itself needs them prepare instead of trying on your own. The reasons are various and from their point of view they are always justified and it is always someone else's fault that they are sad and unsuccessful.
Koliko god bili u aut fazi treba iz okoline crpeti pokretačke energije. Nekome je dovoljno da oseti zrake sunca na svom licu i da taj momenat bude razlog za pozitivni stav i dobro raspoloženje. Nečiji osmeh i ljubaznost na početku dana mogu nam pomoći da taj dan počnemo u lepoj i prijatnoj formi. Moramo i da se naučimo da je i davanje jedan od načina da sebi podignemo raspoloženje i izborimo se sa svim ne fer situacijama tog dana.
No matter how much you are in the out phase, you need to draw driving energy from the environment. It is enough for someone to feel the rays of the sun on their face and for that moment to be a reason for a positive attitude and good mood. Someone's smile and kindness at the beginning of the day can help us start that day in a nice and pleasant way. We must also learn that giving is one of the ways to lift our spirits and deal with all the unfair situations that day.
Sami u sebi nađimo pozitive i samopouzdanja pa ko zna, možda se izborimo za svoje mesto ispod ovog sivog neba.
We find positives and self-confidence in ourselves, so who knows, maybe we will fight for our place under this gray sky.
Money is not happiness. Happiness and success is having a healthy family