You can be a good person and still be!

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2 years ago
Topics: Achievement

We all want to feel like we're doing the right thing, but when it comes down to it, what does "being a good person" even mean? It can seem like there are so many different ways of being kind and caring in the world. But is it possible for us to be people who do well by others while also pursuing our own personal goals? The answer is yes! These steps will help you get going on your path to being a better person.

1) Make sure that you're not hurting anyone else along the way.

2) Be mindful about how your actions might affect other people's feelings or lives.

3) Say no .

4) Set boundaries.

5) Distance yourself from toxic people.

6) Don't help those who won't help themselves.

7) Priorities your selfcare .

I would like to discuss the above steps in detail from my own perspective and experience and I hope that you will find my article more acceptable and be able to say something good. :)

1) Make sure that you're not hurting anyone else along the way -

It's good to be a good person, but it's important not to do harm in the process. So make sure you negative consequences for someone else along the way- like littering, using inappropriate language (especially around children), breaking promises (like making promises at all!), etc.

* Be respectful- Treat others the way you want to be treated, and think twice before telling someone they're wrong or bad about an opinion.

* Be thoughtful- Sometimes, it matters more what you say than how you say it (although both matter).

* Empathize with people's situation- this doesn't mean feeling sorry for everyone who ever has anything less than perfect; it does mean understanding why some things are harder for them than others.

* Try to build up people rather than tear them down- this means giving advice that will help the person improve their life or state of mind instead of just criticizing or demeaning them.

2) Be mindful about how your actions might-

The really important question is how does what I do impact others? "You can be good without being perfect. It's all in the mind, really."

We've all had them, taken ourselves way too seriously or felt like letting loose. The best course of action might be to take the middle road with your personal values and decide for yourself what type of person you want to be. For example, if one is trying to be nice most of the time but has days where they feel more aggressive than usual, it's up to that individual to decide whether or not their actions are aligning with their beliefs.ย ย  Saying "forgive me" whenever someone bumps into you on the street can cost a lot of mental energy if one cannot tolerate any negative reaction to the rudeness around family members who need equal care.

3) Say no -

A lot of people think that being a "good person" means sacrificing everything for others. But the truth is, for you to be a good person, it takes a lot more than what other people may think. Here's how you do it: Saying no to toxic people who only want to take from you . Thinking before speaking and not just reacting . Learning to say sorry when necessary and trying your best not take anything too personally . Knowing that sometimes the best thing for other people is just letting them go even if they're your loved ones. And lastly but most importantly knowing what gives life meaning to yourself and never compromising on the things which make you happy!

4) Set boundaries -

It can be tempting to help people all the time, but good intentions are not what every person needs. Some people need a clear "no" as much as they need a clear "yes". In fact, some people come to resent those who always say yes and never set limits.

Having a plan for how you're going to spend your time is key here. Saying yes when it's inconvenient has its drawbacks, though sometimes we forget the negatives until we've marched into them. Setting these limits will help us to shift our focus toward others in different areas of life, which will make space for more fruitful relationships with those who appreciate us more because of these boundaries.

5) Distance yourself from toxic people -

The world is full of different types of people, some good and some bad. Maintaining sanitary company with friends is important for both physical and emotional well-being. Stop spending time with people who are a source of negativity whether it be drinking buddies, co-workers or relationships. This action ensures you will have a more positive outlook on life - the quality of your friendships means everything. Your mood may improve through distancing yourself from those who drain your energy or maintain unhealthy relationships without remorse. Even if they're family, take care to distance oneself from any bitter relatives for the sake of own sanity!

6) Don't help those who won't help themselves -

In our society, there is a large emphasis on the individual taking responsibility for their own wellbeing. We are taught that we are solely responsible for our success and our happiness. While this is undoubtedly an important lesson, it can also lead to people feeling guilty or ashamed when they need help. Unfortunately, this attitude often prevents people from seeking the support they need โ€“ even when that support is readily available. As a result, many people struggle unnecessarily with difficult problems.

There's a popular saying that goes "you can't help those who won't help themselves." While it's certainly true that some people are unwilling or unable to change their own situations, it's important to remember that there are also many people who need help but aren't getting it. As individuals, families, and communities, we need to do what we can to support those who need it. Whether that means donating time or money, volunteering our skills, or just spreading the word, each of us has a role to play in helping others out. So let's get started!

7) Priorities your selfcare -

I'm not gonna lie, when people tell me "you are so good!" it makes my day. It's awesome to think about how I can put positive karma into the universe by just being awesome too! Yes, I have flaws and problems just like everybody else, but they're mine. This is my life that I'm living for myself, without any mistakes or imperfections pointing out what will never work right in my own mind... And you will be amazed at how easy it is to make peace with all your bad aspects and don't think of the future instead. One way to be a good person is to prioritize their own wellbeing, by taking care of themselves personally and emotionally. Start with forgiving yourself for any harsh words or actions that might have been directed at you in the past - this will help you forgive others more easily if they behave badly towards you too. Be kind to yourself by talking kindly and gently, stopping negative thoughts as soon as possible, and refusing the temptation to beat yourself up when things go wrong. It also helps to create some rules that can protect boundaries between ourselves and other people . I believe this is the foundation of a happy and whole personality, regardless of what you do for a living.


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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Achievement


This is very true, we are all human we made mistakes. But what we need to do is to control our temper everyday so that we can't cause any problem in our society most especially in emotional aspects of every individual.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow good help and very true to life friend. We know that as a human we can never avoid doing a mistakes but we can be sorry to it we can learn a lesson and with that we don't want to do it again, we could start a new life, to be a good person by doing those listed above what a great idea friend. Love it many would be glad with this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We are human. The best creatures on earth. We should all be good people. If anyone wants to be a good person, I will tell him the formulas of this article. okay mate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago