Siblings Forever

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We are all six in the family including my parents. I have one brother and two sisters. We were raised by our parents with disciplined and right manners. I thank God that four of us are now professionals. My big brother is already a soldier as a Major in Philippine Army. My profession is a Licensed Teacher and I am working in a public school as a Senior High School Teacher. My sister next to me is a Teacher also teaching English for elementary students in Japan. Our youngest sister is a bank employee working in one of the well-known commercial banks here in our country. I thank God we are now professionals working in different fields. Even if we are far from each other but through social media apps and cellphones, communication is not a problem. Thanks God for what He has done for us. All for His glory. Time is limited for us right now but we know we are always safe in God's hands...

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Yeah it good to acknowledge those around you while you can and when you can.. because you don't know how long you would have them for

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4 years ago

It is good to have the siblings caring mindset at all times. This is what makes a family stronger.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks Olad.. True when siblings care for each other through bad times and good times everything will be fine then.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We are 8 in the family including our parents. Cheerish the good days you had with each other because as you grew older and older, you will be chasing dreams and somehow forget that time is valuable enough and it's worh spending with family.

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4 years ago

Family is important, you remind me of good memories in that article.

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4 years ago

Nice family. Siblings are important in our lives

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4 years ago

The relation between siblings is a very important relationship. The sibling relationship is one of the long lasting relationship in most peoples lives. Your story is so beautiful. Go bless to all of you.

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4 years ago

thank you so much maam. true siblings value each other no matter what.I am thankful i have them in my life.

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4 years ago

If there is any relationship in the world that is right and sweet, it is the love of brothers and sisters. It is never like saying it, it will be remembered till the end of life. Thanks to the author for highlighting such a beautiful subject.

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4 years ago

Relationship is so important of our life. its never change. i love your post.thanks you so much a good article you published.

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4 years ago

true. i agree on what you have said. thanks also.

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4 years ago

Relationship really very important part in life. I have one sister. I love my sister very much.

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4 years ago