My Experience at Baguio Country Club- Part II

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3 years ago
Topics: Philippines, Blog, Food, Golf, 2021, ...

Good day guys!

Here's the continuation of my experience, If you want to read the first part just click here

A shot from Hole Number 11

This is Hole Number 10 which is the start of the Back 9. When me and my brother hit the ball, it went over the Green. Then we finished. Usually, when we are golfing with our grandpa we would take a break at the halfway house after this hole. But when we played, we opted to go straight.

Hole Number 10

Hole number 11 is the last par 4 in the hole course so this was the last time we used our drivers. While walking to the Tee box, we spotted that black cat, it had a really weird tail, it looked like it was clipped at the end making it 2. When I hit the ball it flew towards the left again, my short game was really bad wherein I was just chasing the ball from all the rolling. We both did bad with my brother. And my cousin was able to Par the hole.

Hole Number 11

In this hole, I had a great start because I had a solid hit, but I ended up getting a double Par because of my sucky short game.

Hole Number 12

In hole number 13, it was downhill, it was also difficult to look at where the flag is because of all the trees that were blocking. I lost another ball in my first shot so I decided to just drop one below. My cousin tried hitting 2 shots here. His second shot which was a practice shot was amazing because he was able to green it and it was also near the hole( just look at the lower right photo).
When we were walking down, we were wondering what that big contraption was, and my brother jokingly said that they are digging for Oil. I finished this hole again with a double Par.

Hole Number 13

When you're teeing off here at hole number fourteen, it's just beside a restaurant called The Other Office (Villa Cordillera), I remember that we used to drink there with my friends. When I hit my shot, it went towards Hole Number 13 so I had to hit from there going back to Hole Number 14. Me and my cousin got a double par and my brother got a double bogey.

Hole Number 14

Here at hole number 15, I was able to get a solid shot but I should have over clubbed because I was short, and it was below the hill. So When I was hit my second shot it rolled down again until I got to the green and putted it in. On the other hand, my brothers shot when to the right near a wasps nest. It was too risky to hit the ball so he just dropped it.

Hole Number 15

Hole Number 16 has a pond in it. You already guessed it, My first hit went straight to the pond. I wanted to hit one more time but there were people at the hole before us, so we were rushing. I then dropped the ball and played my way through to go to the green.

Hole Number 16

This is a tiring par 3 because you have to walk up the slope. When my brother hit his ball it sliced to the right. I was really lucky because I hit the sweet spot and I was able to go before the green just beside the sand bunker. I was able to go to the green with my second stroke but It took me two putts. Me and my brother scored a bogey and my cousin got a par.

Hole Number 17

The last hole was my best hole. When I hit the ball, I actually reached the edge of the green. To be honest I really don't know how to read the green that much, my cousin helped me and told me where to aim. When my ball hit the putter it was going straight to the hole, It almost went in but the flag pole was on the way. I almost got a Birdie but at least I ended my game with a Par.

Hole Number 18

This was our scorecard. My cousin scored 81, my brother 90, and mine was 97. I remember that my grandpa used to treat us when we played golf before. Now that we're older, I finally know the feeling of how expensive this sport is, but I truly enjoyed playing.

After our game, we cleaned up and changed our shoes, we decided to eat at the Verandah to consume the money from the golf certificates. I noticed that there are a lot of barriers dividing each table and automated sanitizer machines.

BCC Verandah

We ordered from their Oriental Feast Menu.

We ordered Iced Tea, BCC Fried Rice. Salt and Pepper Spear Ribs, Spicy Chicken with Garlic sauce, and Sweet and Sour Pork. The price of it was 1410 Php. The problem that we faced was that our order came in after an hour and we were so hungry. The meals and their plates were all wrapped in saran wrap.

This was how our meals looked like. The portions were a lot and we thought we won't be able to finish it. Everything tasted delicious but my favorite item that we ordered was the Sweet and Sour Pork. This was the first time I tasted this dish. As soon as you bite into the pork it was really crispy and the sauce tasted good, we were wondering how did they achieve making it crispy without making the meat saggy, it was crispy all throughout even though it was left for around 10 min with the sauce. This was the best sweet and sour pork that I have tasted so far.

We ended up finishing everything. Our stomachs were really heavy after eating this meal. I even didn't feel that hungry when dinner time came during that day.

Foure Meals

After eating, we still had 390 pesos more to spend. It would be a waste if we didn't spend it because we are required to spend it the day itself. so we decided to go to the Pastry shop. We bought their raisin bread. This is one item that they are known for. I truly enjoyed this day, especially bonding with my brother and cousin. I also loved the view of nature, just looking at all the trees and plants around the course. I hope that you enjoyed reading about my Experience. Till Next time!

BCC Pastry Shop

Thanks for reading and Stay safe always!

The photos used in this post are owned by me .


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3 years ago
Topics: Philippines, Blog, Food, Golf, 2021, ...
