When does freelancing bring failure?

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3 years ago

The reality is that some freelancers do not get success. The rate at which freelancing is becoming popular in the world may raise the question, why is this happening?

There is no shortage of opportunities to analyze which rules can be made better. Maybe all of it has been tried. Still no success.

There is a lot of writing on this site about the common reasons for failure. Some seemingly invisible factors outside of this are often responsible for failure. They are highlighted here.

The mind does not give in

You have to choose him to do well in any job. Sekaj is to be done from the mind. It is difficult to fall in love with him from the beginning when it comes to making a living from freelancing. At least after repeated attempts when the expected income is not. The question of success arises in the mind. This situation is difficult to overcome.

Lack of skills

In any job, the more experience, the more skill, that's the rule. In the case of freelancing, the issue is a bit more important. The only way to verify a freelancer is to show skill at work. This problem can be overcome by trying to do relatively easy work, working with others, taking training if necessary, etc.

Not treating the client properly

It is difficult for a freelancer to be successful if his behavior is somehow rude. Usually do not argue with the client freelancer, do not say exactly what you dislike. Look at other freelancers.

Always communicate slowly, thinking about the time. One should not communicate with restless minds. Sometimes clients can also make negative comments about skills. Freelancers need to be treated well for their own benefit.


After trying and not getting a job, many people reduce their efforts. Usually the time of success of such freelancers goes backwards. The slightest criticism is an obstacle to success. If a client has a work ethic then the best way to succeed is to prove him wrong by doing a better job.

Not working at the right time

Many people think that freelancer means enjoying your freedom. Getting up late, giving time to other work, stopping work early at night, etc. It's a misconception. Freelancers need to pay more attention to work than others to be successful. The client expects a quick answer to any question or comment. A successful freelancer wakes up at night to see if there is an urgent message.

You are not getting success, there is no reason to worry. The time to change the situation is not over. Rather ask yourself questions;

Do you really want to be a freelancer?

  • . Are you willing to do as much as you need to?

  • . What do others say about your work? Do they think you have mastered enough?

  • Are you interested in improving communication skills?

Your success and failure depend on it.

Sir, @MarcDeMesel   @Omar   @Telesfor   @ErdoganTalk  @TheRandomRewarder      if you give me the inspiration, I will get the inspiration to write better.

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Thank you so much all of my read cash friends.

$ 0.11
$ 0.11 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for sabbbir1010
3 years ago


This is so good and helpful article. You have highlighted many important things here.Thanks for sharing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is difficult for a freelancer to be successful if his behavior is somehow rude. Usually do not argue with the client freelancer, do not say exactly what you dislike. Look at other freelancers.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

difficult for a freelancer to be successful if his behavior is somehow rude. Usually do not argue with .thanks for reading my article , i glad you for your valuable comment

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are not getting success, there is no reason to worry. The time to change the situation is not over. Rather ask yourself questions

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Subscribe me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good info

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh so i need to be careful in these situation

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very helpful article!

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3 years ago

It's very informative.. I enjoy your every article

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3 years ago

Thank you so much dear, keep supporting i also stay with us always

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3 years ago