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3 years ago

My obsession with mountaineering sometimes goes to the point of insanity. That was the last time I visited Kanchenjunga. I have been watching Kanchenjunga since the day I read Bibhutibhushan.

I found out on YouTube that Sandakafu and Tumling are the most notable of the five places where the best Kanchenjunga can be seen. From there, you can see Kanchenjunga in the form of a sleeping Buddha. Diameter, I started the plan. It was said that I would go to Darjeeling on Pujo holiday. I also talked to a large group. In the meantime, I went to Google Weather and found out that there will be more clouds in Darjeeling at that time. At the same time, I changed my plan. Those who were supposed to go with him have already arranged everything. But I am adamant. I started planning to go to Sandakan on the day I saw 100% sunny weather after searching Google Weather.

The group with us left us for the puja holiday and left for Darjeeling.) I sat down and started planning. My husband was talking to an agency. An agent asked me to package as per my choice. I told him that I wanted to go to Sandakanfu, Tumling, Lepcha Jagat, Tinchule, Kalopokhari ..... He said they have no package in these places. He can fix the big pair of cars. I asked him about Sandakfu, Tumling. He couldn't say anything. Then what else to do I told him to give them a two-day package and one day I will go around as I wish. Accordingly, I set October 29 for Sandakpur. And I kept seeing the related uploads of Google, YouTube, TOB. There was no benefit at all.

The road to Sandakpur is very bad. 12 from the sea level, At an altitude of 1,000 feet. Carrying a baby for height can be a problem. One day I saw a profile picture with Kanchenjunga on Facebook (People You May No). I found out from the profile that he is the elder brother of Jahangirnagar though I have never known him before. I immediately sent him a friend request. I knocked on the messenger that I sent the request after seeing his profile picture with Kanchenjunga. Looking at the picture, it seems that he took this picture from Sandakanfu. I want to know the details. I don't even have time to think what he thinks. I am in a daze. But the brother told me everything with great sincerity, And he answered all the questions. I did not dare to go to Sandakanfu after listening to him but when he wanted to know about Tumling he sent me some pictures. Looking at the picture, it seemed that nothing more would be needed. And the road to Tumling is great. He said another thing that all is still uncertain. Everything will depend on how high or low the cloud or fog rises.

October 29, 2019. Darjeeling is shrouded in fog and clouds. The peak is not visible from the hotel. I felt bad. However, the only thing that kept running through my head was "How high the cloud or fog rises ...." So ........ Manevanjan is a 40 minute road from Darjeeling. I reserved a car from Darjeeling and took it. Then I rented a four-wheeler from there to Tumling in 1940. Tumling is actually a village in Nepal. But Indian visa holders are not barred from going there. I have heard that many of the indigenous people there do not know whether they are citizens of India or Nepal. Sandakanfu after 2 more hours from Tumling.

The car started to climb the steep road at an angle of about 60 degrees. Dense pine forest on both sides. I could not sit straight in any way. After going some distance, I landed in a very old temple. It was covered with fog. Still, I did not give up hope. After visiting the temple, I started to get up again. After about an hour and a half of continuous ascent, we saw the bright sunshine. The blue sky and the clouds below that we saw in Darjeeling. No photographer will be able to capture this form on camera. As if Gautam Buddha is sleeping in absolute peace. There are no other animals there except 5 of us. The driver of our four wheeler said that we are very lucky. We have seen the most beautiful form.

On the way back, I was leaving behind Sukhiyapokhari and Lepchajgat one by one. The driver wanted to know if I would get off somewhere. We don't mind that. Kanchenjunga in the form of a sleeping Buddha is floating in front of his eyes.

Wherever you go, please do not throw anything away. Keep nature clean. Nature will fill your hands with her beauty.

Cost: If you take a reserve car from Darjeeling, it will cost 3 to 4 thousand rupees. Our car took 4000 rupees. You have to go to Manevanjan and take a four wheeler from the local market. 2000 rupees till Tumling. And Manevanjan came and had lunch. Four of them took 1000 rupees. Can be further reduced. We chose a good car because we had kids.

more article:



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Thank you so much all of my read cash friends.

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @Sukairaj
Avatar for sabbbir1010
3 years ago


This is a great article, keep it up and Thank you so much about it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

After visiting the temple, I started to get up again. After about an hour and a half of continuous ascent, we saw the bright sunshine. The blue sky and the clouds below that we saw in Darjeeling

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow wonderful I like it , this article is so helpful

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much appreciate me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wonderful article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks for supporting me dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Superb article dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am glad to know you visit Kanchenjunga, 3rd highest mountain in the world which lies between Nepal ( motherland) and Sikkim India.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah , where are you from dear?/

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am from Nepal.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

oh, that's good

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are welcome

$ 0.00
3 years ago

my pleasure

$ 0.00
3 years ago