Six days, for the six types of literacy that I will need in the world after COVID - part two

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3 years ago

Today I continue the story of the types of literacy that I think we will need in the world especially KOVID - 19. Today I will introduce you to another type of literacy that is necessary in our daily lives.

Impulse literacy

The modern world can also be seen as a huge machine for stimulating various, often paradoxical, emotional impulses. Everything is ‘affected’, emotionalized: our news, our policies, our economy, our everyday relationships. If it doesn't stimulate emotions, especially fun, it's boring; and boredom doesn’t make money in Huxley’s world of dating to death. Rational discourse and attitude towards life is the most tragic victim of modern society. We are permanently, from birth to death, trained to be impulsive, to satisfy whatever we feel at that moment, immediately, to always put ourselves first, our opinion, our desires, our feelings. The world is made so that everything is at our fingertips, so that the impulse does not suffer, because then it suffers profit.

Impulsivity is a deep evolutionary human characteristic, it is how the animal in us breathes. That is why civilization is hard work, because its essence is putting impulses under at least some control. Hence the laws, and decency, and consumer protection rules, and training for non-conflict communication, teamwork, and other similar demanding categories. Hence the idea of ​​education, with the semi-realized hope that it is in itself sufficient to ‘civilize’ someone; in other words, to increase his impulse control, above all by a strange way of shoving as much information as possible into someone's head.

Unfortunately, traditional academic education only partially fulfills this mission, primarily because impulse behavior is a consequence of evolved cognitive tendencies, the way our mind processes reality, and a dozen cognitive ‘shortcuts’ (or distortions, depending on the point of view) that make up most of our daily functioning and feeling whether we are ‘right’ or not. We now know, without any doubt, that we are deeply irrational creatures who use their educated minds most often to post-rationalize decisions made on the basis of emotions and impulses.

Unfortunately, not in education. School curricula, globally, do not reflect these breakthroughs in the cognitive sciences. We do not yet teach children (nor adults) how to recognize common evolved cognitive ‘shortcuts’. The only ones who study them diligently are those who use them to influence us, in various ways: governments, marketing agencies, brands, sales, politicians. experts and interests focused on stimulating our impulses for various, mostly commercial, results, while on the other hand there is a whole fragmented planetary population unaware even of the concept of cognitive shortcuts, let alone what to do about it to reduce the automaticity of our decisions, poor individual and collective consequences.

In this lies one of the great paradoxes of our modern life, already full of various stimulated and consciously designed inconsistencies. There is a huge discrepancy, an abyss, in fact, between the officially proclaimed political-educational and everyday commercial sphere. The former, superficially and mostly falsely, requires us to behave like rational, responsible citizens, while the latter trains us to behave like irrational and irresponsible consumers. Let's be impulsive, because without that, the economy of consumption stops. This is a deep and fundamental problem, and requires a deep and fundamental approach to solve it. Not just general education, but a long, concentrated training for which no one in power seems to have much interest at the moment.

Pessimism is justified here. And yet, in the long run, we have no other. Either we will become literate and skilled in managing our cognitive mechanisms, or we will continue to repeat the mistakes of the past. Archetypal and impulsive illiteracy are the main reasons why - according to the famous statement of the Canadian philosopher Joseph Heath - 'civilizations are rapidly collapsing into barbarism, and not the other way around.' , are stunning. In just a year or so, highly civilized societies, we thought, began to sink into chaos, insecurity, incompetence, racism, and social disorder. The most advanced economies on the planet that send intelligent robots to Mars cannot produce simple surgical masks and even simpler plastic aprons for medical staff. Or to solve the supply of the population. Thin as an egg shell is the glaze - or, as Joseph Heath calls it, the ‘scaffolding’ - of a civilization that covers our evolved impulses.

Impulse control training (and the narrative tactics we are consciously served to trigger them) is one of the most important we will ever undertake. It is also another opportunity for cognitive scientists, marketing strategists and sales experts to contribute to society outside of their professions. They are in a unique position to separate the heavy draperies of the great theater we are surrounded by and to show us the machinery behind the scenes: incitements and narratives designed to trigger the impulses on which various hidden interests profit.

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Written by
3 years ago


Da da ima ljudi koji kupijo sve gde pise 2 plus 1 gratis. Ana kraju za to platiju puno više nego ako bi posamični kupili 3 komade.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Svakako, a rasprodaja je caroba rec z mnoge. Uopste ne gledaju koliko kosta to sto je na "rasprodaji" ni da li im je uopste potrebno.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

bas to.....a netko možda to treba. Al nemože dobit jer neki pogrebu sve redom.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

To mi iz svijeta internet zarade itekako znamo.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tesko je oduprti se impulsu, ali covek stvarno treba da stane i razmisli pre nego sto u nesto udje ili nesto kupi.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Odličan izbor teme, baš onako za razmišljanje. Nadam se da će ovo zlo što pre proći i da se sve vrati u normalu. U svakom slučaju kraj pandemije treba dočekati spremno ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Drago mi je da Vam se svidja, Niakin da cu ovim clancima ditaci teme koje ce sve nas na neki nacin naterati da se zamislimo.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ako mene, kao prosvetnog radnika neko pita bilo sta vezano za nas obrazovni sistem, mislim da je trenutno ravan nuli! Prvo ova zezancija I maltretiranje I djaka I nastavnika(ucitelja) od Marta meseca je van svake pameti. Zavrsise svi skolu a da su kontrolne radile mame, babe, tetke, a nastavnici(ucitelji) odlepili od papirologije I mailova. Sve sto je uradjeno nije uradjeno za dobrobit dece, vec da bi ministarstvo imalo pokrice. Ni sada nije bolja situacija, pogotovu u skolama koje idu pola-pola... Pozdrav

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Potpuno razumem, i ja sam prosvetni radnik tako da znam kako nam je tesko raditi i inace , a pogotovo u ovim uslovima. U mojoj skoli se radi pola - pola i to je celodnevni posao. Moji clanci nisu kritika prosvetnim radnicima vec sistenu koji nas sprecava da decu nauscimo onome sto im je potrebno u zivotu ( pri tome ne mislim samo na nasu zemlju, u vecini zemalja je tako). Ipak, znam i da mnogi od nas vode " Donkihotovsku borbu" da sto kroz casove, sto kroz druge aktivnosti deci daju i znanja koja ce im realno koristiti u zivotu. Moji ucenici dok se ne naviknu na moj nacin rada iskreno su iznenadjeni jer ih niko nije terao da razmisljaju na cemu ja insistiram.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Razumela sam sta ste hteli da kazete clankom. A kada je rec o ucenju sa decom, tacno znam o cemu pricate. Ja radim u srednjoj skoli, drzim strucne predmete, znam koliko se trudim i koliko ponavljam sve kao papagaj i koje sve metode primenjujem da bi savladali to sto im je bitno. Ali, moramo priznati da ima i onih koji nisu dostojni svoje plate i zvanja nastavnika, od kojih mi je muka...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kao sto sm vise puta pomenula, kao i u svakoj profesiji ima nas i ovakvih i onakvih. Meni je mukaod onih koji "odradjuju" svoj posao, ali borim se kolko god mogu.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Drago mi je da delimo misljenje I slazemo se oko istih stvari. Pozdrav koleginice 🥰

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

ufff bojim se ja ovog virusa...kod nas danas 350 novih bolestnika....kamo če to'???'

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Virus sigurno nije bezazlen i svakako se treba ponasati sa razumnom merom opreza. Ipak, kao i sve pandemije iz proslosti i ova ce proci, treba i taj trenutak spremno docekati.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ma neznam dal če proči....kod nas hoče da se obavezno cepimo protiv virusa.....kao protiv crnih koza,oslovskem kašlju ....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Proci ce sigurno. Mozete procitati moj clanak kojisam ranije pisala o tome Sto se tice vakcina, svako mora da donese odluku za sebe, ali ja smatram da je ona jedna od najvecih civilizacijskih tekovina. Naravno, prvo mora da prodje sva potrebna klinicka ispitivanja.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


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3 years ago