Peaki Blinders is a historical / crime (gangster) drama series produced by the BBC in Birmingham in 1919, in which soldiers returning from the battlefield, criminals and revolutionaries fight for civicism and supremacy over all spheres of the city. The most prominent in this are the famous and dangerous Shelby brothers - Arthur, Tommy and John, who lead the Peaki Blinders, a gang / organization whose trademark is a razor under their hat (which is also their weapon). They deal with illegal braking, which they want to legalize in all possible ways, and among other things, there is the inevitable racketeering and many other criminal activities.
The brothers have a younger (and spoiled) sister, Ada (Sophie Rundle), who is in a secret romantic relationship with one of the most wanted revolutionaries in the country - Freddie Thorne (Iddo Goldberg). The main support and driving force for the Shelby family is their beloved aunt Polly (Helen McCrory), who is both their father and mother. The brothers respect her immensely and appreciate her, and she is, among other things, the main treasurer of the organization. Arthur (Paul Anderson) and Tommy (Cillian Murphy) survived all the horrors of the First World War, which left them with dangerous traumas that they constantly remember. Especially Tommy, who doesn't run away into the world of opiates / drugs, light women or abnormal amounts of alcohol like Arthur to forget for a moment what he survived.
He is actually responsible for all of them, he has taken that burden on himself - he is the head of the family, the most dangerous, the most cruel and the smartest of them all, even though Arthur is the oldest. Tommy's position as boss in the city is endangered by the arrival of the police chief from Belfast, a certain Chester Campbell (Sam Neill), who initially has only one mission - to clean Birmingham of scum, and later, due to circumstances, he changes. Tommy's things won't be made easier by the appearance of the mysterious mysterious woman Grace (Annabelle Wallis) in his life, with a very dangerous secret.
Between work and killing, they make love, drink whiskey, believe in God, love and suffer. And from scene to scene, they show how important the family is and how there is nothing that they would not sacrifice for it.
For a long time, such a well-set series in this special format did not appear. Everything is in place so you can't even think of it being performed differently. From an interestingly arranged story, various and multidimensional characters, masterful acting, a really high-quality script that doesn't have a single mistake. Every shot is important, every sentence is thoughtful and uttered for a reason at a given moment, and music is one of the strongest assets of the series.
The big plus of the project is that it is not conceived as a ton of other series - according to some unwritten rule. That is not the case in this series. Tommy and the team are constantly losing, constantly falling, but they are also constantly rising and coming back stronger than ever. You have to admit that this is (probably) a very risky, and yet above all intriguing approach to the series. We'll see what it brings in the end. Many secondary, and yet very important accompanying elements were attached to the main plot of the series - such as. Winston Churchill himself and behind-the-scenes political activities, then the beginnings of the IRA and the like
Another great advantage of Peaky Blinders, as well as any successful serial realization, is the dialogue brought to perfection. Its great quality is reflected in the fact that the dialogues that convey information to us are never underlined. Expressing every kind of emotion does not turn into pathos. The characters do not chat or are retold, but are completely accurate and everyone speaks from their own character, from advice, persuasion, witchcraft, business speech, fantastic outwitting, blackmail, threats, love statements.That's why they really act like real people. The most commonly uttered replica throughout all seasons and by all janks is: by order of the Peaky Blinders. By order of the Birmingham gang, whiskey is poured, cocaine is consumed, women are loved, cafes are closed, people are killed.
The way of acting and shooting is extremely stylized. We often have the opportunity to enjoy footage of a slow-motion footage of a gang walking resolutely through the streets of Birmingham, Tommy lighting a cigarette and drinking whiskey or, in later seasons, gin. There is room for immersion in the world of the past and its visual experience. And all that accompanied by the voices of Nick Cave, Jack White, Johnny Cash…
Considering that five seasons have been broadcast so far, what else can we expect from the Shelby family? As the seasons passed, their enemies became more and more dangerous, the stakes became higher, and the family became more and more complex, so the question is how the authors of the series could surprise us more. Because if the roof is the limit, the Shelbies told us a long time ago: take off the roof as well. We still don't know when the sixth season will be broadcast (I'm looking forward to it), so there's enough time to watch the already recorded episodes. By order of the Peaky Blinders!
Birmigamska banda je istorijska/krimi (gangsterska) dramska serija producentske kuće BBC smeštena u Birmingem 1919. godine, u kojoj se za opstanak i prevlast nad svim sferama grada bore vojnici povratnici sa ratišta, kriminalci i revolucionari. Najviše u tome se ističu famozna i opasna braća Šelbi – Artur, Tomi i Džon, koji vode Peaky Blinderse, bandu/organizaciju kojoj je zaštitni znak žilet ispod kape (koja im je i oružje). Bave se ilegalnim kockanjem koje žele da legalizuju na sve moguće načine, a između ostalog, uz to dolazi i neizbežno reketiranje i mnoge druge kriminalne aktivnosti.
Braća imaju mlađu (i razmaženu) sestru Adu koja je u tajnoj romantičnoj vezi sa jednim od najtraženijih revolucionara u zemlji – Fredijem Tornom . Porodici Šelbi glavni oslonac i pokretačka snaga je njihova voljena tetka Poli, koja im je ujedno i otac i majka. Braća je neizmerno poštuju i cene, a ona je između ostalog i glavni blagajnik organizacije. Artur i Tomi su preživeli sve strahote Prvog svetskog rata koji je na njih ostavio opasne traume kojih se stalno sećaju. Posebno Tomi, koji ne beži u svet opijata/droge, lakih žena ili nenormalnih količina alkohola kao Arthur da bar na tren zaboravi šta je prežive
On je zapravo odgovoran za sve njih, preuzeo je taj teret na sebe – on je glava porodice, najopasniji, najokrutniji i najpametniji od svih njih, iako je Artur najstariji. Tomijeva pozicija bosa u gradu ugrožena je dolaskom policijskog šefa iz Belfasta, izvesnog Čestera Kempbela koji u početku ima samo jednu misiju – počistiti Birmingem od ološa, a kasnije se sticajem okolnosti to menja. Tomiju stvari neće olakšati ni pojava misterozne lepe žene Grejs u njegovom životu, sa vrlo opasnom tajnom.
Izmedju posla i ubijanja oni vode ljubav, piju viski, veruju u Boga, vole i pate. Iz scene u scenu oni nam pokazuju koliko im je porodica bitna i kako su spremni za nju sve da urade.
Dosta dugo se ovako kvalitetno postavljena serija u ovom posebnom formatu nije pojavila. Sve je na svom mestu da ne možete ni pomisliti da bude izvedeno drugačije. Od zanimljivo posložene priče, raznovrsnih i višedimenzionalnih karaktera, maestralne glume, zaista kvalitetnog scenarija koji nema niti jednu jedinu grešku. Svaki kadar je bitan, svaka rečenica je promišljena i sa razlogom izrečena u nekom datom trenutku, a muzika je jedan od najjačih aduta serije.
Veliki plus projekta je to što nije zamišljen kao tona drugih serija – po nekom nepisanom pravilu uglavnom čekamo otprilike pet sezona da na kraju svi dobiju šta zaslužuju. U ovoj seriji to nije slučaj. Tomi i ekipa stalno gube, stalno padaju, ali se i stalno dižu i vraćaju jači nego ikad. Morate priznati da je to (verovatno) jako rizičan, a opet nadasve intrigantan pristup seriji. Videćemo šta će na kraju doneti. Mnogo sporednih, a opet jako bitnih popratnih elemenata se prišlepalo uz glavnu radnju serije – kao npr. sam Vinston Čerčil i zakulisne političke radnje, pa počeci IRA-e i slično.
Još jedna velika prednost Peaky Blindersa, kao i svakog uspešnog serijskog ostvarenja, jeste dijalog doveden do savršenosti. Njegov veliki kvalitet ogleda se u tome što dijalozi koji nam prenose informacije nikad nisu potcrtani. Izražavanje svake vrste emocije ne prelazi u patetičnost.
Likovi ne ćaskaju niti su preraspričani, već potpuno tačni i svako govori iz svog karaktera, od saveta, ubeđivanja, vradžbina, poslovnog govora, fantastičnog nadmudrivanja, ucenjivanja, pretnji, ljubavnih izjava.
Zbog toga zaista deluju kao stvarni ljudi. Najčešće izgovorena replika kroz sve sezone i od strane svih janaka jeste: by order of the Peaky Blinders. Po naredbi Birmingemske bande se toči viski, konzumira kokain, vole žene, zatvaraju kafići, ubijaju ljudi.
Način glume i snimanja je izuzetno stilizovan. Neretko imamo priliku da uživamo u kadrovima usporenog snimka bande koja odlučno hoda Birmingemskim ulicama, Tomija kako pali cigaretu i ispija viski ili u kasnijim sezonama džin. Ostavlja se prostor za uživljavanje u svet prošlosti i njegovo vizuelno doživljavanje. I sve to uz pratnju glasa Nika Kejva, Džeka Vajta, Džonija Keša…
S obzirom da je do sada emitovano pet sezona, postavlja se pitanje šta dalje da očekujemo od Šelbijevih? Kako su prolazile sezone, njihovi neprijatelji bili su sve opasniji, ulozi sve viši, a porodica sve složnija, tako da je pitanje čime bi više mogli da nas iznenade autori serijala. Jer ako je krov granica, Šelbijevi su nam odavno rekli: skidajte i krov. Jos uvek se ne zna kada ce biti emitovana sesta sezona, tako da je sasvim dovoljno vremena da se odgledaju već snimljene epizode. By order of the Peaky Blinders!
E ovo je knjiga po mom ukusu. Iskreno nisam znala da postoji takvo nesto....Ja sam ti za te krimice, politicke zavere, intrige.....Nikad nisam volela neke romanticne knjige.... Znaci knjigu nisam procitala, ali posto ima serija to cu vec obavezno pogledati..