There's no perfect relationship in real life. There's no magic and sparks to cover reality and darkness at all times. Someday the butterfly on your stomach will be gone. All the promises will be broken apart.
Be ready for any circumstances in your life. It may lead you to unexpected decisions and taking action in rush.
Below are the things to do when you found out about your partner cheating on you.
You might in shock when you heard this out but let me remind you to stay calm and control yourself from doing a reckless thing you could regret the possible outcome.
The next one is to gather some information and evidence that will prove that he/she is cheating.
Talk to him. Ask him what and why it happens? As long as you can don't make a fight that could lead to physical violence. Just have a deep conversation.
After hearing a confession do the next move.
*If he/she asks for forgiveness and promises not to do it again, think carefully. You might end up in the same situation again. If you forgive him/her start a brand new life and don't bring back history.
*If he/she decides to move out, let him/her be. Don't suffocate yourself from a toxic relationship that could kill you inside slowly. Don't force anyone to stay on your side, just set them free. For the time will help you heal your broken heart and give you a new life.
Let yourself cry out loud to release the pain and tension inside.
Seek moral and emotional support from your most trusted person in life.
If you need to see a doctor go and get some check-up and advice.
If you feel to get revenge just take legal action if you can and if it applies to your relationship status.
Don't blame yourself for what happens. It happens for a reason. It will help you grow.
Step out of the dark. Learn to forget and start a new outlook and perceptions of life.
Focus on what matters most. If you have a child or kids focus your attention on them for they needed you the most each time.
Last but not least move on!
We are not longing for a perfect status but a strong and prolonged relationship. If the damage has been done, don't create another one.
Here are some tips to prevent cheating in one relationship.
Make your partner your only love for the rest of your life. Love him/her wholeheartedly.
Build integrity. Be honest with each other. Don't keep any secret. Make your partner your best friend who can tell a secret to.
Check each other digital assets. You have every right to know what's going on with her/him.
Never ask for privacy. You don't need individual privacy what you need is privacy as spouses.
Don't get paranoid when someone texting or chatting with him/her ask him/her calmly.
Avoid nagging for his/her wrongdoings instead teach him/her a lesson and help each other in any circumstances.
Go on a date and talk about plans.
Have a daily conversation routine.
Don't forget hugs and kisses every day.
Be patient and understanding.
Respect each other opinions and thoughts about particular things.
Give and take process.
Avoid temptations. Don't hang out with friends that could tease and drag you onto something.
Let God be the center of your relationship.
As you promise as husband and wife to stick together for better or worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and health, to love and cherish you must value and protect that vows. No matter what happens focus on your goals as one. Don't leave each other behind. Help each other grow. Set aside unnecessary thoughts and hope. Value each other efforts and time.
The article above is just based on my experience, conclusion, and observation inside our community.
Interesting article