The advantages I see in BCH

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2 years ago

Learning is a process that is present in our lives since we are conceived, that’s a fact. From the day we are born another process begins and it goes in stages, recognizing sounds, colors, shapes, smells, that’s also a fact. Every day there’s a learning opportunity no matter how young or old we are. Me? I’m sort of a dummy in most areas, I mean, not all of us can excel in everything we do, right? But that doesn’t mean that we can’t try.

From Unsplash

Yesterday, as I was waiting for my fever to get away from me, I read an article written by my friend @CoquiCoin (sorry for the tag) in which she talked about making purchases using BCH as a currency, among other things. She was so happy that she was able to pay for a latte in a coffee shop in Caracas, the Capital of Venezuela, and I thought: How wonderful would it be if all of us could do that? Furthermore, how awesome would it be if I could go to a grocery store or supermarket to make my purchases using BCH?

From Unsplash

Let me explain, those who know me are well aware that I started to live out of read. cash and BCH, a bold move for a person who doesn’t know much about cryptocurrency other than the fact that they exist and don’t depend on any government or financial branch, that’s why I self-proclaimed myself as a Crypto Dummy.

However, as I said at the beginning, every day is a learning experience, and since I joined I have learned useful things, especially about the crypto world. When I translated those articles to my real life here in Venezuela, I started to see the benefits of BCH in our daily lives and how that could improve substantially our quality of life. Not only is it a money saver, but it’s a good way to begin and understand the market, its ups, and downs, and that’s good, I mean, it teaches you the value of patience also. 

For me, I can list some of the advantages I can see of using BCH:

1. - I can save money: in my country, sometimes, if a person wants to pay a 7 dollar purchase with a 10 dollar bill, the establishment makes the person so spend the whole bill because they don’t have small bills to give change (this often is a lie). Paying with BCH I pay the just amount, and the transaction fees I hear are very low, so, no unnecessary purchases, money saved!

2. – I can make a profit if I’m patient enough: BCH price dropped on a huge scale a few weeks ago, as well as other cryptocurrencies. In my wallet the day before the dip I had saved more than 25$ worth in BCH and of course, when it dropped, that value also dropped. But the prices of crypto are recovering, which means that soon enough I’ll get my 25$ or even more!

3. - SmartBCH: Coqui explained to me what SmartBCH is, and I also have read some articles from awesome people like @bmjc98 (also sorry for the tag) who are always updating their learnings about it.

It is a good way to get a few extra bucks while learning how to surf through the crypto world. I’m still trying to get on board with it, and it is set as one of my goals for the month. 

From Unsplash

Final words

Although I’m not well established yet and that I’m still a work in progress, I can already see the good that can come from BCH and I’m starting to spread the word also to my friends, well, the few friends I have, about the greatness of this, even if Rusty doesn’t like me anymore. I mean, I believe it’s a win-win for all of us who are venturing into this new world, and I hope someday I can do as Coqui and pay for my Coffee and Cake with my BCH wallet!


This is not financial advice at all, it’s just a personal view of how BCH can benefit and improve a person’s life, but by any means is a guide of what to do or not do.

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Till next time folks, I'll see you soon !



Wednesday, October 6, 2021.

$ 8.78
$ 8.47 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Porwest
$ 0.05 from @bmjc98
+ 5
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Avatar for rebeysa85
2 years ago


I too see quite a lot of advantages for BCH over most other coins, including BTC. I just happen to think it has all the goods, and for so many reasons including what you have said here. It still has many hurdles before it is truly portable and viable. But I think of all the coins it can get there faster than many of the others.

As for the SmartBCH thing, I really want to be able to wrap my head around it, but it still alludes me at the moment. But not because I am a dummy necessarily and can't figure it out. I just haven't put in the time to do that.

But I need to start figuring it out. From everything I have read so far about it, it can be fairly lucrative.

Either way, onward and upward to you and I look forward to continuing to know how BCH is changing your life for the better. I am glad that so far your decision is working out well for you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, wished we could all get to pay for our supermarket goods with crypto. Too bad here in our country it hasn't been finalised yet. I see some establishment offering the services but they are in the capital city. And with BCH it would be a non contact payment method that's great in this time where everyone is scared to contract the virus.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true, but in my town they're pretentious and only accept BTC, ETH and USDT, the rest are nonexistent to them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like the spontaneity of your story. It would be great if we could pay almost everywhere using crypto-wallets. Have you ever thought of a world without fiat currencies?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks! No, I dont', but I do imagine one were we are able to use crypto directly, that would be awesome.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't worry, Rusty will be back soon. He's just resting. :) And yes, BCH has so many advantages. Sending money to anyone is just a matter of one click away. I tried sending $400, and I don't even feel the fee. Imagine if that would be a fiat, that would surely cost me a lot. Uggh! And you can send BCH anywhere in the world as long as they have the wallet. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi, I am new! Who is "Rusty" here? Any link to know more about "Rusty?"

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much for the link.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes! He's slowly coming back haha I'm working hard, and thanks to you and the others I'm confident that I'll get there a baby step at a time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very good article, I really liked the clarification that you are not a financial advisor, to avoid responsibilities, everyone does what they want with their money. I think you need to study the market so that when BCH is about to fall, you can change it to a stable currency like USDT, and then buy it when it is low, so you will get an additional profit. I'm not a financial advisor either, but that's what I'm doing. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm having trouble with that, because the KYC stuff (my ID is expired), but I'm trying real hard!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mine expired last year, but I was able to upgrade 2 more years and binance won't know how I did it, but I was able to verify my account.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It would be nice if bch will be used as payment in making purchases. How I wished that our country will accept BCH As payment. It would be convenient and easier if that's the case. And not only that BCH is fast and reliable and it has low fees when we send it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I use a local Exchange House but their fees are really high, the only advantage is that the exchange is done real quick and I don't need KYC to do anything with them, and since my ID is expired that's a huge plus for me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi, my friend! You can tag me whenever you want. Cryptos offer us great advantages. And it would be great to be able to do our shopping with BCH, and get rid of the headache of the lack of change here.

In this, we are all work in progress. And the good thing is that BCH offers us the opportunity to grow in that sense with these platforms.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I imagine myself going to the supermarket (Cada was my favorite) like the good old days and getting my things without going through Capybara haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe. Here in Caracas, you can buy in the Excelsior Gama supermarket chains with cryptos, but they don't accept BCH.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

2018 I started to collect coins from faucet, mainly on COINPOT but it closed this year and got to collect some and the other coins were lost because it was almost too late for me to withdraw because they already closed. Which is why I'm an "unsuccessful crypto collector". I never really took crypto collecting seriously. And now here I am, starting all over again, collecting. Just a step at a time, re-learning and learning because I like the idea of trading. But I need to collect more to start.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's hard work I'll tell you that. I'm banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to increase my earnings, but I know I'll get there and so will you my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago