Recognition: seek it or let it come to you?

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2 years ago

Here's one of many lifelong questions:

Should one seek to be recognized or should one just let it come on its own?

Hello, my darlings! Another day, another rambling article, hopefully, more organized in thought than the last one. But before I get into it, read this: last night there was another theft in my home, this time was the garbage can. But, unlike before, we found it filled with ceiling titles from another house. Seriously, someone is building a brand new home at the expense of some of us neighbors.

Anyways, to the topic chosen for today, recognition. At work, at home, with our families and loved ones, we strive every day to get a piece of validation for our general efforts in the several areas we might perform. Take musicians, for example; some of us study to be in an orchestra as masters in our particular instruments, some study to be soloists and have long and thriving careers, and some like me, actually don't care where or what we are playing, as long as its good music we don't care if we are the leads or have a secondary role.

However, even though many people can say that we musicians are a little bit narcissistic, the actual truth is that most of us are just happy with people coming to see our concerts and appreciate the work that comes with that, which is both for us and for our audience. The real trouble comes when a small percentage of people, inside the group or out, crave public recognition for their work and turn into really obnoxious people who don't care how they get it, they just have to get it.

Now, is that good or bad??

Well, I'm the kind of person who doesn't care if I get a "Good girl, good job", I like to let my music and my work speak for itself. You won't see me ever seeking to be recognized by anyone because the ones that truly matter will do it without me asking or seeking validation and recognition for a well-performed piece or a well-redacted report. My mom thinks differently, not always, but from time to time, she gets mad at me because she thinks I'm being used and I don't claim the actual credit she thinks I deserve for all my work.

Last night, for instance, she got mad at me and my sister after we told her what had happened with the auditions for the regional orchestra. She started to lash out saying that when will it come the day when we stand up and say enough is enough and get credit for our commitment and sense of belonging, to which I replied: "Mom, everything will get in its rightful place at the right time, I don't care if nobody knows every single thing I do or how well I play, the ones that can give me that recognition, will give it in due time".

I truly believe this, it has been the story of my life, I'm backstage, I'm the dependable one, the one that doesn't crumble under pressure and gets things done without too much fuzz. And some people hate me for that, others respect me enough to consider me an equal. And this morning was a perfect example of that: on Thursday we have a concert and the man in charge of conducting it, has been talking to me before talking to the other members of the staff, and today, in front of everybody, he left me in charge of the final details. Why? Who knows, what I do know is that it wasn't because I desperately sought it, nor did I say to anyone "Hey, here I am and I'm the best of the best". It was due to efficient work and fast response to all the requirements.

Does it make me feel good? Of course it does, who wouldn't! But I repeat, I wasn't searching for it, it came on its own. And that's my point, everything that is done with care, rightfully and with a lot of love, will have its just reward, see just have to be patient and let it flow.

The same happened with my brother, actually the three of them. The one that's in Peru believed that he was going to find the house in pieces, but no, despite the thefts, I have managed to keep the house well attended alongside my mom and Gigi. The one that is in Argentina, was thinking we were starving because of the economic crisis, and the one who's in Caracas thought I was exaggerating my dad's illness until he came and saw it for himself (Argentina did that too before leaving). The three of them in their own time and circumstances realized that we are capable enough to keep it together for ourselves and the family, and we got recognition for our efforts, and we didn't fight, we didn't shout, we just let them see for themselves the reality and that alone spoke louder than a thousand words.

Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that seeking to be recognized and valued is bad or that it isn't important, all I'm saying is that it shouldn't be the primary goal, it shouldn't be the reason you do good things, good deeds, a good job, the principle it should be to always do good no matter what reward might come your way.

That's it, that's enough rambling for today, man we have 38°Celcius of temperature and my brain smells like burned meat!!

See you next time!

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2 years ago


I absolutely get that because it's how I am too. I don't want to be recognized. As long as I do what I can, then so be it. Yes, let actions speak louder than words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It will come on its own, in your words:

As long as I do what I can, then so be it. Blessed day my friend ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

"Work speaks for itself" I love this one that you stated above. It's so true that other people don't always appreciate us right away. And, rather than pleasing others in order for them to appreciate us, it is better to wait and allow our efforts to produce a fantastic result for us, since this was more rewarding than pleasing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That´s right dear, and I find it more meaningful rather than receiving always cheers and glory that might not be genuine and heartfelt. Blessings ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Que locura lo del bote de basura...

Desde hace mucho dejé de buscar ser reconocida, eso viene solo. Antes de la pandemia veía muchos de mi ex estudiantes de la academia en cualquier sitio aleatorio y no sabes la alegría que me daba que me saludaran con tanta emoción, nunca había sentido algo así, es realmente hermoso, pero para que eso pasara tuve que dejar de intentar ser reconocida por mis habilidades en la música y concentrarme mejor en ser mejor persona, mejor profesor, ser una persona más positiva y eso hizo que aquellos niños o jóvenes que ahora son más grandes me sigan recordando con mucho cariño y que de vez en cuando me escriben, muchos de ellos han alcanzado un nivel muy superior al mio y han tocado en diferentes lugares que jamás hubiera imaginado y me alegro mucho por ellos y siempre los felicito.

Cuando entré en Unearte, me volví un "poco famosa", porque sabía tocar varios instrumentos a diferencia de mis compañeros que estaban ingresando nuevos y que a penas salían de bachillerato, así que me empezaron a poner a tocar en varios concierto, pero no quería esto, solo quiero ser un estudiante promedio, así que hablé con algunos profesores y soy un estudiante más porque allí hay estudiantes más habilidosos que yo y que tienen más capacidades de avanzar, lo que he aprendido ha sido por mi cuenta, por ayuda de Luis o de forma aleatoria por así decirlo, no quería que solo me vieran tocar a mi, quería que todos avanzaran poco a poco así como yo lo hice, muchas veces hasta me puse fuera de clases a ayudar a mis compañeros, para que también avanzaran. No soy la mejor de la clase, solo soy una persona más que busca ayudar a otros, siempre he sido así y quiero seguir siendo así, me gusta explicar y dar clase, pero sin tener que sobresalir o pisotear a los demás, en la orquesta se hacía mucho eso, así que quiero evitar convertirse en ese tipo de persona

Si algún día me llega la fama o algún reconocimiento será fantástico, pero no es algo que esté buscando, ahora solo busco ser alguien mejor y ayudar a otros a ser personas mejores, sea en la música o en cualquier otro aspecto

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Para mí lo mejor es que las acciones hablen por si solas, y si estás son buenas el reconocimiento llega solo, sin buscarlo, está ahí y se vuelve tangible. Y así como dices, esos alumnos que te saludan y te recuerdan con cariño, que valoran el esfuerzo y el tiempo que les dedicaste, y que ahora son mejor que tú musicalmente, eso de alguna manera es reflejo de lo que les diste y ahí también hay mérito, inclusive mucho más del que habría si anduvieses por ahí publicitando ese es mi alumno o wcomo una decía de mi esa es hija mía, yo la crié cuando no me dió ni una sola clase en la vida jaja. En fin, la hipotenusa 🤣🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Así es, es mejor que los demás se den cuenta de nuestro potencial a nosotros alabar nuestro potencial si realmente no lo tenemos... Siempre apoyaré a mis alumnos, en todo lo que puedan, si el día de mañana me llaman porque necesitan una ayuda se las daré con todo el amor del mundo, quizás yo les enseñé a ellos un poco de música, pero ellos me impulsaban a seguir dando clases, digo esto porque en esos momentos sentía que el mundo se me estaba derrumbando, abandoné la primera universidad por problemas económicos y porque había empezado a presentarse las guarimbas, el lugar donde vivía era realmente tóxico y mi pago en ese trabajo de dar clases era realmente malo, pero seguí dando clases por mis alumnos, por ayudarlos y porque me encantaba verlos felices cuando entendían todo lo que les explicaba.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like a little bit of both honestly. Although you are right in saying that one should not do things that are for the purpose of receiving recognition, but rather to do things for personal satisfaction. But at the same time doing things that ARE positively recognized adds to the feeling of personal satisfaction from doing it.

If someone likes my song, or what I wrote, or something I did, I may not have done it for the recognition of having done it. But it helps to affirm what I did and the feeling I get from doing it when someone says, "Hey, nice job."

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's true, it also helps to lift the spirit and our sense of achievement. I don't know, it's not that I don't like it, I just don't care if it doesn't happen.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wow, the temperature is really high, here not so much. I agree with you to let your work speak for you, it is a part that I criticize of those who govern, everything goes into advertising and they do nothing. But, if they recognize you, what happens is that they don't make it public because you would overshadow them and they don't want that.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You're absolutely 100% correct Frank. We have had that kind of situation over here, they call the orchestra to open a government act and when they post the activities on social media they don't say that we where there, never say it, because when they did used to do that all eyes where on us hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Rewards isn't that necessary in the first place, what matter is the smile that we see to their faces when we help me wholeheartedly

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Couldn't agree more dear. I mean, there are much more things in life to do and enjoy to spend our time seeking for a recognition and approval that may never come.

$ 0.00
2 years ago