I Survived 2022, What does 2023 hold?

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1 year ago

Before I start this article, let me greet all of you a Happy New Year!

Despite the hardships that I experienced last year, I still survived it and here I am, facing another year! Thanks to those people who had been part of my 2022 journey.

Here we are to another year of living, adventure, and doing our best to survive. Hence, surviving in this kind world might be really though but we must try to be brave. Even though, it seems a misery for us of what does our life's hold.

I edited this one

After surviving 2022, what's next for 2023? We don't know what does that year holds, right? I guess, some of you might go in the flow, and others will take a notes of their plans and goals, like me.

This year, I want it to be more fruitful so that I can share a little with others. I will go in details about it in my next article. For now, let 's continue haha.

I believed that everything is going to fall into place exactly as it should, exactly when it should, and in God's perfect timing. He is the only who knows what is the best for us.

As He said on Jeremiah 29 verse 11;

For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

We face trials and it is part of our lives. Sometimes, we lose our hope because no one believe in us or we feel that it is too much too handle. But, he will give us strength in all aspects so that we can overcome it.

As I said earlier, we don't have control over things, but He has. Also, He will not put into any circumstances if He knows that we can overcome it. He is powerful and almighty to keep His promise even in a simple person like me and you.

So, what does 2023 hold? We don't know, only God knows!

Happy New Year Everyone! Hope you all enjoy your celebration. God bless and stay safe!

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That would be all! Thanks for reading this and stay tuned on my next article!

: Sunday
: January 1, 2022
: Re-joyce

$ 1.02
$ 1.01 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.01 from @Grecy095
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1 year ago


Yes, only God knows what the future hold. I just wish that God put away all the anxiety and worries in my head so that I can move forward with high hopes and strong faith.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Cast all your worries in to Him as He care about you!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Well with a new year it can be looked at as a time to start over or re-focus. Let's look forward to every day foward. Let's start off good and finish the same

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes! and I know we have a wonderful year ahead of us!✨

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1 year ago