I Applied for Civil Service Examination

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1 year ago

Happy Wednesday Read dot Cash Community!

In this article, I would like to share my experience in applying for civil service examination. I went there earlier as today was my schedule for application.

First, what is Civil Service Examination?

Civil Service Examination was implemented in various countries not only in the Philippines. It is an exam to determine those individuals who are fit to work in public service. As I said on my previous article,  when you passed this exam, you are qualified to work in the public sector or in the government. A fresh graduate can use this chance to gain and learned some experience in a working world.

How to Apply?

Booked an appointment Online

They have a website wherein you will choose and booked the date of your appointment. The application for this year started at 2023 and it will end at January 25, 2023.

When I tried to booked an appointment at first, the slots was filled quickly. There are many people applying for it, so booking an appointment through online is very difficult.

Then, when I tried for the second time, finally it worked! It was looked like this when the appointment is finally approved and accepted.

Fill out the form

The forms which are the certificate of consent and CSC will be given in the venue. But, you can see those in their website and download it. Just like I did, I downloaded it so that the process of checking my requirements will be faster.

Go to the Venue

I went to the designated venue where I passed my requirements. They were strict in terms of the passport picture, I had to go back to the computer shop to reprint it.

I waited for my turn and the process was so slow. I think, I was on my seat for a one hour or more. I have no one to talked because my sister was not allowed inside the room.

Lunch Time

We ate our lunch at the "carenderia" outside the building. I treat my sister because she accompanied me in there haha. I ordered two meals, "giniling" and "letchon paksiw".

We were so hungry that's why we didn't notice the price of our meal haha. It costs, 70 pesos per meal, and that does not include the drinks. Also, my sister almost throw up because after we ate, she saw a small cockroach near the table where the foods are placed.

I said to her that it is okay sometimes to have our stomach some bacteria lol. But actually, it was really gross, they didn't maintain their food clean and don't have value for money.

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That would be all! Thanks for reading this and stay tuned on my next article!

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: January 4, 2023

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