Hello, I'm Back!

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Avatar for re-joyce
1 year ago
I created this using Canva

Hello read.cash! After a few days, I have decided to create a new account because I had a problem with my first one. In my last post on that account, I said that whenever I commented on someone's article, it always go on the spam list.

Actually, no one recognizes me, so here's my old account haha. I used it for almost 1 month and I had already published 15 articles! I earned $0.59 or around 30 pesos haha.

When I registered that account, I can't think of a unique username, and suddenly I saw pictures of a boy with a name on my sister's laptop. What is written was Chanyeol but I reversed and make it "Yeolchan" instead. My sister said, he is one of her favorite Korean boy band EXO, I'm not a fan of them but I appreciate their songs. I always hear them and I think I have already mastered some of it. Therefore, I decided to write in as my nickname or "alias" here.

Also, I would like to thanked and gave an appreciation to @Jento which was my one and only sponsor on that account and who have been generously tipping my articles.

Anyways, back to the story, it always like this, I always have to click it to see other people's responses to my comment. I didn't spam them or what but it is always hidden.

But, thanks to @JLoberiza @Lesly90 for giving me tips and suggestion regarding to what should I needed to do. I thought about what they said, and I realized that I really did something wrong, but I will not say it anymore haha. For now, I will just prove that I am willing to put an effort  in improving my articles.

My 1st journey here can be a sense of lesson for me. The lessons that makes me think my strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, I'm willing to try it again and I want to give myself a second chance.

In this new account of mine, I will do my very best to create an exciting, interesting stories, and informative content that you might really enjoy! I hope that you will also support me as  I continue my journey here! 

Thanks for reading!

Sponsors of re-joyce

All photos were screenshots from my old account.

: Monday
: August 8, 2022
: Re-joyce

$ 0.00
Avatar for re-joyce
1 year ago


Im gls dyou made your way back. Buti di strict si read ano. I am wondering bakit nagkaganung natatago ang comment mo

$ 0.00
1 year ago

ewan nga din po e, pero sana po di po ulit maulit. :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Welcome back! May you have a fruitful journey for your new account! :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thankyou TeacherLynlyn, I remember that I commented on one of your post and then my comment was always hidden haha. I hope it doesn't happen again. 🤞

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope you'll start a new journey here with flying colors. ✨ Goodluck.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes! Thankyou charmingcheerry! :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hello there! Most of the time you are tagged spam when you annoyed someone on comments or never mind the other reason. So just be careful and let your new journey begin.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes! I will be careful now, Thankyou! :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago