Daily Routine as a Student!

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I've been busy because of school works but luckily, I got a chance to published everyday as I have drafts articles in here. While, I was resting earlier, an idea pop up to my head and I thought of writing about my daily routine as a student. I think, it might be interesting topic as I know some writers in this platform are still studying like me. For those who have professional work already, you will also relate into this.

Where do I start? Hmm I should talk about first my school schedule, I know I shared it already in here but for those who didn't know what I'm talking about. You can check it here:

Daily Routine as a Student

My class started 8:30 am for Monday and Tuesday but for Wednesday and Thursday, it started at 8 am. So, I always woke up early in the morning from Mondays to Thursday but when laziness strikes me, I became late in my class😅. That thing shouldn't be proud of and I'm not bragging it.

After my class, I am preparing and ate my breakfast, sometimes I didn't get a chance to eat in the morning because of the household chores and homework I needed to finished. Therefore, I always ate my brunch (breakfast and lunch). Then, I cleaned in our house, take a bath the dogs, feed the them, scooped the their poops, and more.

Then, I will take a bath and prepared for my next class which will be always start before 3 pm. This class is I hate the most, because our professor here is so considerate and didn't understand the suffering of her students. Whenever she called someone to answer and that person didn't respond quickly maybe because of internet connection, she sometimes got mad and said that their always making an excuses. She didn't listen to what her students want to say and makes her judgement so easily.

During the afternoon, I am checking if I have a pending assignment on google classroom. If I have, I make it on time because I don't want to do it in a rush. I know, the output I will create if I'm rushing might definitely not good enough.

In the evening, I'll open my messenger for our thesis updates or any related school stuffs. I am not that studious as my relative thinks haha, I'm just an average student who want to passed her subjects, graduate, and find a high paying job haha. So, I only comply on the things need to do in school.

Overall, my routine as a student is depends on the things I need to do for a day haha. There are times that I got busy through a whole week but sometimes I only chill at home and relaxed myself.

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I hope you enjoy reading and learned something to this!

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# 57

: Sunday

: October 9, 2022

: Re-joyce

$ 0.10
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
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1 year ago


Sometimes a good busy school schedule aids in getting ready for a real world work schedule. But you can't sleep in haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah that's one thing I told to myself when I feel burned out sometimes hehe.

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1 year ago