________ is equal to an "I love you".

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Avatar for rayselp
3 years ago
Topics: Relationships

The last article I wrote was about how to respond to an I love you... There, I've discussed 4 common responses most people utter when someone tells them that they love them.

Here, I will try to put myself on the side of the one who utters the word, or more than the utterance - how a person shows love in many different ways. Here's a list of how people tell that they love you even without them telling.

  1. "How's your day?" is equal to an "I love you".

    You might look at this as a very simple question, well, it's actually true, it's simple, and also doesn't require a complicated answer. But when this question comes from the one you love asking you how was your day or how do you do after a long, busy day that you've just had, it means that he/she cares to listen to you.

  1. "Do you want some coffee?" is equal to an "I love you".

    When your partner decides to make one for him/her and asks you if you'd like it too is a very simple act of service. This could be a variety of things, not only mixing beverages, but also when he/she is preparing food or your clothes, or your shoes, or any other thing that you needed for the day.

  1. "I am listening" is equal to an "I love you".

    This is very much related to the first on this list. Whatever your day is, good or bad when he/she asks you that means he/she intends to listen to you. I remember what Toni Gonzaga shared in one of her interviews about listening which she also got from a book. She said (non-verbatim) that most people listen with the intention to reply rather than the intent to understand. If you listen because you wanted to say something in return, then, it may not be actually listening to him/her.

  1. A "see you later" note is equal to an "I love you".

    A note or a reminder that tells you there's food on the fridge, or that he/she has to do some errands, or a simple see you later. These simple notes are good ways to show how he/she cares for you. This usually happens when he/she has to go out of the house and you will be left alone. These simple notes are reminders that he/she may not be there physically, but he/she is willing to help you make it through the day even in his/her physical absence.

  1. A hug is equal to an "I love you".

    Most often than not, a lot of people would feel they are loved when they would literally feel the gestures and actions done to them by their partners. A hug can be a simple way to show that you truly and deeply care for the person you love. Sometimes, when there are no words left to say, you can just lend an ear, and offer your arms to give him/her a hug to feel your warmth.

  1. A time well spent together is equal to an "I love you".

    When you grow older and become more mature, you'd both realize that you have other responsibilities to do, and sometimes, being together physically is not very possible because of your busy work schedules and what-not. So, when you spend your time together, just watching movies, chilling, munching on chips, or just being on the same sofa, it can already manifest the connection and the love that's between the two of you. I always remember the very words of my college friend whenever we would set a date for having a get-together, the response should not be to find time, rather, to make time. Because when someone is truly important, you don't need to find and squeeze a portion of your busy life for a person, you will make a room in your busy schedule.

More than the words that are uttered from one's mouth are the actions that show how a person loves you. These are small acts of service that couples tend to neglect, yet, these small acts are the very ones that can strengthen a relationship. Showing that you love a person need not be extravagant, all you need is sincerity in everything that you do, in showing how a person means to you.

Remember, it's not how many times you say "I love you" but it's about how much you mean what you say, and you show to him/her what you mean.

Thanks for reading.

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Avatar for rayselp
3 years ago
Topics: Relationships


There are so many ways to show your love. But I prefer words with action not just words

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I couldn't agree more. I believe that love should be felt more than uttered, but words can be beautiful to hear too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There are many ways in showing love. Even simple gesture can be associated by love. Besides love with action is meaningless.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree with you. I think love is more than what we say, it's what we do. :) Thanks for dropping a comment!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow! This is really interesting. I agree with this, there are many verbal responses that doesn't directly saying I love you but in any ways which pointed out is "I love you". Thank you for sharing this. God bless.🙏😇

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cliche as it may sound, but I believe that actions really speak louder than words. :) Thank you for dropping a comment! :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're always welcome.❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I go for time.. and also Im a hugger (pero selective din) !! 🤗 .. This is cool and true "i love you" can be communicated in other ways.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, it's more than uttering it, it's showing it and meaning it. Thanks for dropping by :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago