(Micro Tasks)Share and earn! . Update : task completed.

201 255
Avatar for ralak
Written by
4 years ago

Update task is completed all who submit entries and still remaining will be rewarded shortly. New entries will not be accepted now. Thank you

All you need to do is Share this article on social media by guidelines mentioned down below. Every Action you take will be rewarded with .10 $ of tip if you took 10 actions you will get 1$ tip.For this threshold is 10$ and 50% of tips I will get on this Article So lets start and read following guide line carefully.

I took the interview of @MarcDeMesel and published it on Read.cash It got a Huge Hit right now we are at 1200 + views . But I think that is not enough this Man need a huge shout out. For This I am giving Chance to community to get tipped for their actions . With this we can hit 2 birds and for people who will participate can say they will hit 3 birds with one stone . I am sure hundreds of people waiting out there to get inspired by him so do them a favour share his interview with them, It will bring more audience to Read.cash and there entry point will be welcomed by a such a nice interview of a dedicated man, and you will get tipped for doing this.


  1. This article link need to be shared on social media with description you think is appropriate , It can be one sentence about interview or inviting others for Read.cash.
    Link: https://read.cash/@ralak/interview-of-marc-de-mesel-the-magnanimous-0690a9d6

  2. On twitter you will tweet it with these hashtags #BCH #BTC #Bitcoin only one tweet per account is allowed

  3. On Facebook You can post it in on your timeline and only 5 relevant groups, Which includes Writing groups or crypto related groups only.

  4. Do not post it on reddit because reddit have communities and no one want community to be spammed with links.

  5. On Instagram only post it on your profile .

  6. On whatsapp/wechat share it only in one group

  7. On Q zone share it on your Timeline only .

  8. On Telegram share it to only one Relevant group only avoid to post in group where somebody already posted it.

  9. ICQ share it to only one Relevant group only avoid to post in group where somebody already posted it.

  10. Youtube comment on any BCH video with 5k+ views. (only one)

  11. After Sharing Comment the link or if you want privacy post a screenshot link of it using https://prnt.sc/

  12. Post blog about this with the link anywhere on Internet with 150 words minimum and it will be counted as 5 actions means .5$ (only one)

  13. Only Accounts 3 days old which posted articles on it are eligible for Participating we really don't need people creating fake accounts for this :).

Some Examples of description.

  1. Read.cash is becoming one of the leading platform of cryptobloging any one can join and earn few $ daily and people like Marc funding this platform to be successful. Read interview

  2. Why Marc de Mesel funded Read.cash for 100000$ Read his views about Bitcoin cash in this interview.

  3. How you can also be a part of community and earn by writing, Read this interview to learn more.

So completing all actions will allow anyone to get 1.9 $ in tips altogether . I really want to keep this going and it's really depends on funds I got right now its total 100 actions ,will be increased if I got any tips on this article.

As soon as threshold of 10$ will be completed this task will be stop There will be another one after this . But for this when 100 actions are done this mean end . So entries after that won't be counted.

This is experiment for testing crowdsourcing on this platform .

Good luck all .

$ 2.54
$ 1.79 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @tula_s
Sponsors of ralak
Avatar for ralak
Written by
4 years ago


still on?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great I will get on it to it soon and paste around a few of my blog sites and twitter :) well done!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Not few only one blog and one tweet :) there are others action you can take

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I hope its not late to submit.


$ 0.01
4 years ago

Currently on it. 😁

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow ♥️😍

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Can i still join? My tweet on twitter


$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It didnt meant to be posted on read.cash since I didnt mention that so I am tipping

$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for actions

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Shared it on my fb , don't have Twitter and telegram.


$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I don't know to get the link of my youtube comment 😕

$ 0.10
4 years ago
$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Comment on youtube. I dont know if counted, they total view are not seen in screenshot but its 5k+ view about BCH


$ 0.10
User's avatar Yen
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks, but I thought .10 per share and I did 2. Anyway thank you 😇😇

$ 0.10
4 years ago

sorry there were to many to tip , I might missed second link hope its all good now

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow! Thank you so much for your generosity.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action its finished do not sumbit any more entries

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I see I get it now. The number 13

$ 0.00
4 years ago

3 days old account with at least 1 article posted are eligibale

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I will do it😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for the action

$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Here's another one on telegram.


$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.20
4 years ago

Entries are finished but I tipped you for your effort

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ty so much 😇 So it's mean I'm not able to passed my YouTube comments?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Youtube comments its a bch content http://prnt.sc/tb7ssz

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Entries are finished no more please

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.01
4 years ago

its finished no more please

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Last FB POST 5: https://bit.ly/3gkSQ4Y

$ 0.01
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

I already posted it on my Facebook timeline. I will send the screenshot on the link provided above

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow nice, I have twitter account, instgram and youtube.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Do it before Threshold of 10$ ends

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's okay if you dont upvote this one . Ive shared it too in other blogging site.


$ 0.10
4 years ago
$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hi! Where to send my proof? 😇

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

How? the link of my fb twitter and telegram?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yes or screen shots using website I mentioned above

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thankyou my connection is really slow 🤦🏼‍♀️ But I'm really Trying my best to make it all done.

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for this action in another comment

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for the action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your account is private any way tipped :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Oh. Sorry for that. But thanks for the tip. 😁

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Done. Heres the screenshot 👇


$ 0.10
User's avatar Yen
4 years ago

Tipped for the action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for the action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for the action

$ 0.00
4 years ago


Telegram group

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago


Posted in a watsapp group

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago


Commented on a YouTube video about BCH

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

https://prnt.sc/tb2fy1 screenshot comment in youtube BCH video https://prnt.sc/tb2klu screenshot for sharing in facebook

I don't have account in twitter, instagram, etc...

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

updated the comment. https://prnt.sc/tb2klu screenshot for sharing in facebook

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tried it on youtube too. 😅


$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago


My 5th relevant group on fb 😇

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Is it still on?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So, how many affiliates did you get ? (really smart way to earn them by the way)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

None with this activity may be next activity can generate some it is more relevant to get affiliates and scroll through my articles you will find smartest way to get affiliates with less cost. there are 2 or 3 articles I used for affiliates got 103 . These experiments are to test crowd sourcing of relevant audience of BCH.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Okay I will take a look at, thanks. By curiosity, how much do you earn in average month with that amount of affiliates ?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

2 3 $ may be its useless until you get some good writer who know how to do and what to do then 1 is enough

$ 0.00
4 years ago

My 3rd Youtube https://prnt.sc/tb8xwf

$ 0.00
4 years ago

am i not late for this update Mr. @Ralak?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

What you mean ?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for actions

$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Here's on my telegram @ralak


$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

@ralak here's on my telegram


$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tippedfor action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

4th. Telegram http://prnt.sc/tb55fj

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Screen shot of my IG https://prntscr.com/tb5a6f

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I can't post anymore it's says spammer

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago


Instagram profile website.

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Youtube comments with 45k views https://prnt.sc/tb3tsx

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Tipped for actions

$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I hope I'm not late 😭 My data connection lost here's my Instagram.


$ 0.10
4 years ago

Tipped for action

$ 0.00
4 years ago

alam ko na fb mo sis haha

$ 0.00
4 years ago

ay hahaha!!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

hahaha keri lang nacurious lang ako kaya tinignan ko haha

$ 0.00
4 years ago

okay lang sis ^_^. you are so active in readcash ah,maagap , heheh , i thought i subscribed sir ralak when i read his article about his interviews of sir marc. kaya di ako naupdate sa bago niyang post hehehe,

$ 0.00
4 years ago

ano yung maagap? haha... Kung di ako makatulog I stay in the website hanggangs a makatulog ako haha

$ 0.00
4 years ago

me too haha.. every nigh lang malakas internet conncetion ko..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

ako naman every night lang hindi ako ginugulo ng anak ko ahaha

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

My 2nd twitter : @ralak https://prnt.sc/tb8q3f

$ 0.00
4 years ago

its finished

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you sir ^_^. i am just too late for it.. <3

$ 0.00
4 years ago