BCH House of Pakistan

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Some of you in the community know me for my help in providing food to starving people with the help of BCH community donations and some know me for my thoughts about opposing to give out free food over a long period of time and my ambition to make people able to rather provide for themselves.

I became active in the BCH community after a post from Roger Ver on Facebook, where he offers anyone in his friends list to paste a BCH address and get $5, while anyone who was not in his friends list could paste an address and get $1. I got $5 but this made me realize, that this person who believes in forming a decentralized economy and who supported BCH after the fork in 2017 has the same philosophy as me. He was putting his effort into BCH adoption and me, being able to reach information which 98% of my country population cant, having the opportunity to understand things from 2015 on about cryptocurrencies and what I am doing? Nothing.

So I decided to get on track again and learn more about the BCH community, Knowing about and only supporting BCH is not enough. I knew I had to play a part. So my journey started from memo.cash and I got here on read.cash and met many great people along the way Emergent reasonsKoush, Lizzie and Jose from Eatbch, Huck finne, and may others.

I am a digital marketer since 2007 so I have a lot of reach in local businesses and
I own Pakistan's largest online business community forum, named "cafe business" with 137,000 members which include manufacturers, dealers, wholesalers, and small business owners.


My main purpose for creating this group was to create a community which can help people who are lost so they can be able to earn for themselves. For this reason I posted a lot of articles in my native language as well and got a huge response from the community. I don't know how, but I got 100+ people thanking me in the inbox, telling me, because of my group, they were able to achieve something in life.

I posted a ton of my own training material in a group also tried to teach the community about crypto. That one article got a big response back in 2017.

With that, I was also invited by famous people to make people understand how Bitcoin works.


It was all 2 years back I was all over with my ideology explaining people ow to adopt BTC. Then Life hit me hard from every side and I got in a financial crisis which includes losing 2 BTC to a scammer. All of it happened suddenly, making me start all over. I chose to sit quiet with my believes about a decentralized economy and cryptocurrencies until I saw Roger Ver doing what I used to love to do and so my journey started again.

This lockdown made me realize, that there is no perfect time for doing things that you want to do. Perfect time is always now - that was what my Facebook timeline cover photo said.

In this COVID situation I am helping 10 small businesses, 10 families which were on the brink of starving because our govt doesn't care they had their small businesses physically and lockdown made their life worse, as they are left with doing nothing.
I voluntarily took upon my self for making an online presence for their business and introducing them to this digital world, You have to understand more than 70% of people in my country don't know how to do online business. They know about it but don't know how. So helping these businesses made me realize that they can only do cash on deliveries. Getting a merchant account for accepting credit card payments is the worst nightmare here. So after I helped them to establish their online presence I decided to teach them about BCH. Alltough only a small amount of people here know about crypto and in this small amount 99% think of it as an investment only. So they will barely get any transactions in BCH for now but I teach them about it and 3 of them decided to make BCH as a payment method for their businesses. So I posted on their page


All this made me realize people here in my country still need to learn a lot about crypto and those who know about it must learn about BCH specifically as a peer to peer electronic cash system. I am planning to do these two task in parallel:

1. A massive BCH adoption throughout Pakistan
2. Making people able to provide for themselves

A massive BCH adoption throughout Pakistan

Pakistan has some crazy laws about crypto and it's because government itself doesn't understand it. Back in 2017 the State bank of Pakistan announced a caution about cryptocurrencies after one fake-crypto scam and the only exchange working in Pakistan got shut down. In 2019 a new government decided to learn about it and a few weeks back we got the news that government finally drafted new regulations.
Maybe in the next months they will regulate it, but with all that Pakistan law does not prohibit blockchain technology but they support it. The president of Pakistan launches few courses for Pakistani youth which includes advance courses, one of them being blockchain programming.

You can learn and use crypto in Pakistan but cant trade it as an asset, yet it seems government doesn't know itself what to do with it. So keeping all this in mind I decided to create a gateway for my people to the BCH community.
Namely BCH House of Pakistan, where I'll be teaching people about BCH from my home and give them access to this decentralized world. As I stated, people who know about crypto think of it only as an asset to hold and sell when prices spike.

I know my people have a potential to understand and play a vital role in this community; all they need is clear access to this community so they don't get in scams like 'one-coin' or thousand others which are out there. I plan to create more learning materials for these people and want to create a community in which I can prepare them for mass adoption in the future as soon as regulations are rolled out. With that I will use this platform for businesses for making them adapt BCH. The ideology I follow is if massive adoption comes through there is nothing governments can do, so in this regards my plan for BCH adoption in Pakistan is as follows.

a. Creating a community using my resources which includes developers, content creators, businesses, and teaching them about BCH.

b. Be ready for work as an exchange as soon as regularities laws are in place.

c. Giving access to people to platforms like read.cash, introducing them to SLP tokens and it uses and others so they can play their part.

d. Making these people enable them to go teach the public more about BCH by giving them BCH to use for microtransactions or SLP tokens for making them learn how this works.

e. Convincing businesses to accept BCH as a mode of payment more businesses will do this more people will learn about it.

Making people able to provide for themselves

Whatever I do, I can't leave this goal right now like everyone else is locked down and I am also affected. I've got news this month's salaries will be given on 15 instead of first and I am still doing whatever I can for helping people in this situation, by running campaigns for them. There are countless people out there, who need help but currently I can only afford to help 10 families. I can't do much more than campaigning for their online business, but I need to continue this.

I know this time will pass and I have plans to lead it to a better outcome. I want to use my marketing skill to help those who are lost. There is a list of people whom I helped personally and they are now doing well. One of them is a story of mother and daughter, that you can read here and another one is now a YouTuber, teaching people recipes. And I helped out with these three businesses depicted above as well.

I really don't remember them all right now but there are a lot of people who were in desperate need of food and they are now providing for themselves. For this I have a plan to do it on a massive level.

It is a micro-lending idea with the help of SLP tokens EPC (Eco-Power-Cash). It will roll out asking the BCH community for help in generating funds and in return of their help giving them EPC tokens. The business which gets started from these funds will give their 10% of profit every months in BCH back to token holders until the loan is paid back.

For all this I will need lots of support from the BCH community. Anyone who wants to support this or has suggestions about this are welcomed aboard. My goal is to make Pakistan the top country in BCH adoption. We are close friends with China and on a daily basis hundreds of thousands of people visit from Pakistan to China for trades via the well known ancient silk road. I think once they get hold of this decentralized peer to peer cash transfer network, silk road can again prove to be a vital route for our region. I am very open-minded and I am still conceptualizing, so whatever idea you can come up with is welcomed. I don't mind getting ideas on onboard. Thank you BCH community for making me able to pull this through.

Those who want to support



Those who want to have a conversation

Telegram: https://t.me/ralaks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Osama_ali_x
Discord : ralak#6312

$ 11.46
$ 2.04 from @Kid_Charlemagne
$ 2.00 from @MobTwo
$ 2.00 from @tula_s
+ 9
Sponsors of ralak


that's an impressive work! if we want to make BCH more famous we have to encourage those initiatives. it's the only way to increase the fame of BCH. well done

$ 0.02
4 years ago

Thank you. This type of project needs a lot of support from the community. This will be benefiting mutually to everyone who is the part of BCH community.

$ 0.02
4 years ago

correct. every project in this world needs support. keep moving forward and you will make it eventually. best of luck :D

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice to hear some bch development coming from Pakistan. Hope it grows more. Love from India.

$ 0.11
4 years ago

India is real source of my motivation in crypto to be honest. After they win the crypto case I asked my self if they can do that why not we after all we are same breed :)

$ 0.10
4 years ago

You have participated greatly in the development of a future BCH infrastructure in Pakistan...kudos for that. Coupled with the fact that you are already well known to the founding of Cafe Business, this means that you can get your solutions for mass adoption in front of the community easier than many of us!

I hope that you continue to use your power for good as you have been doing already!

$ 0.01
4 years ago

Yes ! , That's the plus point I have right now I have created another community and completing an article as an introduction for a people to BCH . I hope to get a huge feedback on that lets see how it goes :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

What a very good job @ralak! I commend you greatly on the nice job you are doing in Pakistan to promote BCH for great adoption.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for your article songs kindness toward humanity. Please take a look at my latest article as I appeal for help. God bless!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

nice article and liked the concept for hearing bch currency development from pakistan.Every country need the youngsters to run the world with latest digital technology

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you, Indeed initiative like this is need of hour. Good that I have the community support . I hope soon I will get this to a massive level in my country.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well done BCH house of Pakistan!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I had not recognized you, greetings from Venezuela the first BCHouse in the world, thanks for daring and doing this work, little by little we will grow

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thats why i love BCH too.And thank you for this wonderful article i really love your articles :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So nice article! About BCH development

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Never knew that adoption for any crypto has already started in Pakistan. That is impressive, I am actually a Pakistani living in the gulf.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I wish philippines will adopt this also, I see someone created a site that can earn BCH but now its a ghost site, He is planning t create Philippine Blockchain by himself.

$ 0.00
4 years ago