BCH day: Stakes are to high, To remain Silent.

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Written by
4 years ago

In my own opinion, Blockchain is not only a tool of financial freedom rather this is a tool of revolution which will be used far far in future for big revolutions.

In 2009, a true essence of freedom was given to us, this technology seems to be directly from future, this is the biggest revolution in technology after the internet. The revolution that is slowly taking over the world and the revolution which is setting free each and every single person. The idea which cannot be shut down from any power in the world, the idea which made the government to amend its rules and to bow down in front of it, and the idea which is spreading like a fire all over the area that no one can do anything to stop it .

August 1st, or what we call the "BCH day", was the day when this idea relived again in its true form. It is a common fact that things changes with time and status quo get on it. People who previously took part in revolution cannot help to move it further and they seems to have no time, they thought that they already achieved enough with it. At this very moment, New generation comes in to hold the flag proudly and carry on the revolution. Those who carried the flag previously are now became the part of that same status quo which they stand against in past and in 2017 revolution was started again. And with that, they become the worst opposition.

August 1st was the day when WE decided to rise the flag of revolution, making it move forward and continuing holding it with pride. Giving life to its true essence again and breaking the status quo to make it a real "A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" again..

What we achieved in this three years?

When I think about this, I see the communities of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash and I can see the a significant difference. All miracles which Bitcoin was suppose to do is now done by BCH, and the evidence of this miracle can be seen everywhere. Just look around and you will find the mass BCH adoption taking place in different parts of the world.

Take as many examples you want, and you will find BCH doing things holding up the real flag of revolution with pride, reaching to masses and making it the real Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. On other side of the picture, you will find same people whom against Satoshi stood, those who helped Satoshi and carry the flag after him are now become the part of problem. This is what BTC became, you will see a lot of ignorant people everywhere who only care for being in charge and forgetting the ideology of real revolution, destroying the real essence of decentralization. They want power that controls everyone and when this happened, Free thinkers will raise their heads and brains against it and this is what we did on August 1st and this is what we do again and again until the day of victory comes.

Welcome to the revolution!

Idea got the life in 2009 and in 2017 refresher was needed , it will continue until we achieved the goal of mass adoption and making people understand what the real essence of this revolution is. We can't let anyone take away this freedom now that the game is on for centuries and tool was given in 2009, and 2017 was the day when idea revived again.

BCH will surely will and continue facing this power-control fight again and again, and I know that the core believer of ideology won't let it happen and WE should make sure that it won't happen again. I want to remind everyone who were there in 2017. Remember the day that you stood for now Stakes are to high, To remain Silent.

Let decentralized blockchain prevail.

Long live BCH , Long live Satoshi!

$ 7.52
$ 6.54 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @Cain
$ 0.11 from @Telesfor
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Written by
4 years ago


Live long BCH.. Thanks for sharing this information i am newa and i dont now about it but through your article cleard everything.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice, I hope it keeps on increasing and putting a smile on our faces. Nice article by the way

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I first heard about BCH few days ago after heard bitcoin in 2018. And you're right, the mass adoption of BCH is really fast. I can see BCH in every exchange as well as in every crypto service sites.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think one day BCH increase its value and it gets top place from the all crypto. Some day's i ago i have no idea about BCH. After joined read.cash frequently i know about this wonderful crypto. I am so much happy to use bch. Also it’s a matter of happy that bch value increase day by day. I think it keep up. Thank you @ralak for your informative article. For your article i can know about revolution also i know about this BCH day.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Long Live BCH!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Long live BCH

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Long live, BCH!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Long live for #BCH and #Satoshi. Thanks for this article sir πŸ‘ BCH Community keep fighting to win

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The market is up today.. long live crypto market. 😁

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Totally agree.......... I find it extremely easy to work with transfer of crypto than actual money..........its faster and in some ways transparent............

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It gavv hakkla jaxd. Kavfg. Ka ddsd. Jsksev kvafx. Kahaf. Vvvafvd kmaffs jsfdxn akfdcm hha dssbb.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Excellent article, I like it, it collects the essence of cryptocurrencies, especially that of the BCH, the principle is decentralization, giving the person the decision-making power of what they do with their money without limitless barriers. Thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
4 years ago

BCH is rocking today, I hope for the brightest future of BCH massive adoption worldwide. Long live BCH! Soar high!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Waiting for blockchain revolution in the financial industry!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great article. I have no idea about blockchain. Through your article...., i can know this and glad to see this arrangement of article.... Thanks a lot.

$ 0.00
4 years ago