We saw how the world struggle to end this corona virus pandemic. Without a vaccine or a magical pill that can suppress the virus easily, looks like our best shot would be, to get immune to this virus. Meaning, let our body do its natural fighting capability for the virus. Start opening up the economy and let businesses and workers do their usual thing with proper precautionary measures like frequent hand sanitizing and social distancing. While most countries tries lockdown method, Sweden keep somewhat like the normal everyday life with minimal restrictions. The world can learn so much from this country if it turns out to be successful.
Lifting the quarantine, may scare us all but economy cannot afford to take this any longer. Consumer-driven businesses takes much longer to build because this is more on the habits and attitudes of people, and once people have changed, it takes years to build it up again like the Philippines which GDP is 70% domestic consumption driven.
On medical point of view the ideal is to have a mass testing, a quarantine area for every town/city for all the positives and sufficient medical supplies and manpower but in reality this are just a dream. This ideals can take up years to build. The simple truth is, all are not prepared, and lockdown can only delay what is already imminent.
This war needs cooperation of every individual and the best weapon is also in everyone who can develop antibodies to fight off this virus.
Government is running out of resources, it can only get it when the economy keep running. As long as the restriction continue, people will keep demanding foods and money. It will took the wealth of the rich to give to the people or put businesses under state control. Better to deeply learned the lessons now, prepare and be stronger for the next.
We can mourn now to be better prepare the next time.
We don't actually have any vaccines for many things still the world keeps on rolling.