Traditional food is unique, natural, delicious and healthier food.

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2 years ago

Anyone still often try traditional food in this modern era? Maybe for millennial generation only a few are interested, I think they prefer contemporary food because the aesthetic element is really felt. However, many people are not aware that traditional food has many interesting things. I try to give some of my opinion about the uniqueness and things that you will not find in modern food.

Feelings that never change

Most traditional foods use same recipe from past until now, so it's not surprising if taste is still same and there is no change.

Red ketupat, usually served at the moment of Eid

Maybe this sounds trivial and boring, same taste will make people easily bored. But fact is that in terms of food, almost everyone likes same taste. This illustrates that traditional food is still preserved its taste. So that until now fans are still very much.

Cultural heritage

Traditional food is closely related to culture. Usually these foods are often special dishes that are characteristic of each region.

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This makes traditional food very special. It can be said as a cultural heritage passed down from generation to generation from previous community.

Process of making and serving is still natural

Food is said to be special not only from its taste, but also process of making and serving it that is still natural makes everything taste natural and I am sure that natural processes will produce a more special taste of food.

Cooking using a traditional stove will produce a more delicious taste

Currently, most traditional foods still use old way, same way in process of making and serving so it does not change taste of traditional food.

Simple but has a philosophy

Every traditional food usually has a story behind in ingredients and way it is made. They all have a philosophy that makes everything feel very special. Usually philosophy of traditional food will be related to customs and culture of each region.

Of course it becomes an attraction for audience, especially since each region has its own special food with a different philosophy.

Simple food, only boiled cassava leaves combined with spicy sambal

More interesting taste

Traditional food in general has an interesting taste, it seems this is because ingredients used are really traditional without food preservatives.

Of course, this makes traditional food very special. In addition to unique taste, it is also guaranteed to be very safe for consumption, because there are very few additional flavor-enhancing chemicals.

That's my opinion and some of reasons why traditional food is so special. Are you also interested to enjoying traditional food? I think for those of you who are on a diet, it would be very good if you consume traditional food because it is more natural and definitely healthier without reducing deliciousness. Hopefully it can add to your insight!

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2 years ago


I really like traditional food because it has its own unique taste and no chemicals are added, everything is pure from nature.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Yeah that is better than instant food.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But not a few people who like instant food, because instant food is famous for fast food, even though it contains many chemicals.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Food brightens up a table and when one talk about traditional food it makes me so much excited I would love to try this greeny leaves with spicy sambhal haven't heard of it ever .. wrote more about your food and culture

$ 0.05
2 years ago

It's just a few cassava leaves that we boiled and added a little salt to, but if cooked using a traditional stove, there will be a taste other than salty there. You have to try it, it's very delicious.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This sounds delicious.. last night after reading your article I searched for this spicy sambhal recipe. Some chefs were saying it's similar to chili garlic paste with some tomatoes added .. I would love to know it's axtual recipe from you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well you're right, my sambal uses a little bit of garlic and more onion, and some hot red chilies. for tomatoes, I add not too much just need one big tomato. I half cooked all the ingredients ( I am fry it all ) then grinded using a traditional mortar.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanku so much for sharing your special recipe, will surely try it INSHAALLAH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My tongue will never ignore or get bored of traditional food and when get opportunity or special events my family mostly try to make traditional dishes.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Me too bro, I am very like traditional food, more healthier and delicious.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If we look at the reality, it turns out that traditional food is healthier than fast food or what we usually call instant food, maybe because traditional food uses less seasoning and tastes better naturally, whereas instant food often contains too many spices. too many chemicals. so that the potential for instant food is much more dangerous than traditional food that uses natural ingredients directly from nature.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

You are right, traditional food does use less chemical flavorings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true. My friends and I argue about this almost every time and I've always told them that our traditional food is healthier. The traditional food will use just natural vegetables and it's very healthy. Also, you mentioned cooking it traditionally with a pot and firewood. It makes it sweeter. I've tried it countless times and it works for me

$ 0.04
2 years ago

Maybe traditional food looks less hygienic because of the way it is cooked using a stove, but in my opinion it is the best process for cooking,

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We see our people in the past who were not familiar with instant food, they were healthier than people today who like chemically seasoned food.

$ 0.00
2 years ago