Make glass as a teacher and learn from glass

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2 years ago
Topics: Learning, Life, Advice

A glass is a place for drinking in form of a tube made of glass or other materials whose main function is to hold liquids. In every house, shop or other place, we can easily find glasses even though there are not many glasses.

Everyone also knows that function of a glass is a container to hold water or other liquid objects which are then used to put water in mouth and drink it. It makes it easier for us to drink, I think it's easier to drink using a glass than using a bottle.

Filled glass and empty glass

Not only as a tool to make it easier for us to drink, we as humans can also make glasses as teachers. Can take a lot of lessons from glass. Although inanimate objects, glass can also teach lessons, able to teach. Can make people smart. It depends on how we catch the lessons given by the glass.

But, glasses don't give lessons, they don't transfer their knowledge through words, they don't give school assignments, of course we will be afraid if glasses can talk, hahaha. Glass imparts knowledge through language unlike human speech or writing. Even though we use glass every day, because glass teaches silently and is hidden behind a clear and shiny layer, many of us cannot learn from glass.

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I will try to translate lessons given by glass that might be used as advice for our lives, so that we become better people.

First is a glass filled with water, or at least a glass filled with water. And second is an empty glass, there is no content at all.

If we bring a glass full of water, we will definitely be more careful, unlike carrying an empty glass, it will be at will, maybe you carry it while running or maybe even throw it. This is same as when we are dealing with knowledgeable people, they will definitely be more careful when speaking and acting. But, when we face people who are empty and without knowledge, we definitely prefer not to face them.

A filled glass will make a low and solid sound when tapped with a spoon

A glass that is full or even filled, if it is tilted just a little bit, it will definitely drip its contents, giving benefits to others. Unlike an empty glass, rotated or inverted will never drip any liquid.

It's same with people who are full of knowledge, when they speak and act, what comes out is advice and benefit for others. What about people who are empty and lack knowledge? Surely what comes out of his mouth is just a gibberish and there is no benefit.

If you tap a glass of water with a spoon, it will make a slower and denser sound. Very much different from an empty glass if you tap with a spoon, it will definitely make a loud and loud sound.

An empty glass will be louder if you tap it with a spoon

Likewise, people who have a lot of knowledge will definitely talk less but give more examples and provide many benefits for others. Unlike a person who is empty of knowledge, he will talk more but he does not provide any evidence, as saying "empty barrels make loud noises".

Religion that I profess, obliges its people to be knowledgeable people. In Islam, knowledge is indeed placed in a very important position. My religion obliges to study until the end of life.

Be a full glass, don't be an empty glass. Be a knowledgeable person, so that you can benefit others around you. That's lesson I learned from glass that we often use. Hopefully it can add to your insight!

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2 years ago
Topics: Learning, Life, Advice


I totally agree with you, in everyday life if we take the glass philosophy earlier we can take many benefits that are in it. Very good article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks sir! I just write what on my mind.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love how you compared the two. Such a creative mind.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks! I just write what in my mind sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is just a reality compare it with human beings, most people that will make noises are people without more knowledge, they lack knowledge in the sense that if they are given an opportunity to express themselves they will not be able to offer anything. But those who are silence carries sense in them, they can defend themselves where ever the sees themselves.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You are right, those who have knowledge will be more careful in their words and actions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is exactly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You explained it nicely. I want to add few more words in it with a different aspect . A glass when it is turned into a mirror it could also be your teacher. It can be a tool to enhance your confidence. If a person is less confident in talking before other people he should take a start from talking in front of a mirror.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks! Your advice is very good sis. Talking to yourself in front of the mirror will also train our courage.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that is so good. i was amazed on how you explain things from the glass of orange juice. your message and lesson is successfully transferred to mine.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

One of the best ways to transfer knowledge is through parables, and thank you if you understand what I mean. Hopefully useful for you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The philosophy of glasses and glass cup, we can learn a lot from these 2 things, glasses can bring benefits to many people if used properly, because they can help those who have eye problems, but will not be useful if not used properly. A glass filled with water is much more useful than an empty glass, a glass filled with water will quench thirst for those who are thirsty, like a teacher who always imparts knowledge to his students, a teacher is like a glass filled with contents and his students are like an empty glass, and his obligation is a teacher who must pour its contents to his students,,,,In real life people who do not have good knowledge will be more careful in talking to knowledgeable people, because they are afraid that what he says will affect the life to come, Because Therefore, to avoid that, those with narrow insight choose silence rather than talk a lot but not be heard. Very good article sir. I hope I can find another great article on this platform, which can explain the nature of things that are incorporated into our daily lives. That's amazing. Ha ha ha

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Of course, there are many very useful articles on this platform, keep reading! You will increase knowledge and avoid an empty glass. lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Now I know the true benefits of glass cup, besides being able to hold water, glass can also be useful for examples of people who are knowledgeable and those who are not.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hahaha, so which one do you want to be? Empty glass or filled glass?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

great explanation sir, it's just like life, if i had to choose, of course i would choose the glass filled. ha ha

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Don't choose sir! Because this is not to be chosen, but you must try to be a full glass, so as not to become an empty glass.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ok, i will do my best. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great and very good explanation, indeed most people who lack knowledge often brag a lot but there is no proof.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks! I just write what in my mind. Hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Interesting way to convey your message but I would like to be a half filled glass of water which has space to get more knowledge as you know if I am already a filled glass I am a knowledgeable guy but due to no space I won't be able to store new knowledge.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Actually it is impossible for us to be a full glass, because God gave the gift of "forgetting" to humans. By having forgetfulness, we will always still have space to accommodate new knowledge.

$ 0.00
2 years ago