Identify negative side of lemon

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1 year ago
Topics: Healthy, Health, Orange, Lemon, Natural, ...

Sometimes, health trends that many people follow are not in accordance with practice, such as advice given by health experts to regularly drink lemon water contained in "infused water".

Some people who agree with this will say that lemon water has several benefits, good for digestion, can help control levels of "alkaline" in body, and boost immunity. But whether doing something as simple as that will provide great benefits for health?

Technically, acid in lemon juice "works" with body to maintain and improve proper functioning of limbs. By drinking lemon water, we will give body more time to take in and process nutrients in food eaten after consuming lemon water.

This slow absorption occurs for two reasons. First, it saves insulin stores in body because insulin is very important to regulate the amount of glucose in blood, and also helps the body get more nutrients from food consumed.

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Absorption that is too fast for processed carbohydrate sources such as wheat flour, corn flour, and corn syrup can be bad for digestion. Because it will affect composition of nutrients contained in blood.

Apart from aiding digestion, there are other benefits of lemon water. Namely, natural and best way to consume vitamin C without high sugar content that can be found in other citrus fruits. Because it tastes sour, sugar content is very small.

While lemon water may be good for digestion, it can cause minor damage on its way to the stomach. So you still have to be careful when you consume lemon water.

Adding lemon to water increases risk of eroding coating on your tooth enamel, which can cause problems. In fact, eroded tooth enamel cannot be replaced. Well, so that your hobby of consuming lemon water does not cause negative effects, there are some "signs" that you should know:

  • - Drink as part of a meal, do not drink it directly without any food after. The goal is to help stimulate production of saliva. Saliva will neutralize harmful acids and food particles from teeth, and help protect teeth from decay.

  • - If you want to drink lemon water warm in the morning, try to wait until it cools down a bit, then use a straw. This can help push the fluid in the teeth out.

  • - Drink lemon water before brushing your teeth, so acid won't damage tooth enamel directly. Then, wait a while to brush your teeth, about 30 to 60 minutes.

Well, once you know. It's best not to consume lemon too often. It does have many benefits. But there is a negative side that arises if you consume too often lemon water.

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1 year ago
Topics: Healthy, Health, Orange, Lemon, Natural, ...


Bahaya kecute lemon eneng lambung kui kang. Iso iso ngelukai lambung dadi maag. Nek aku kanggo campuran teh biasane. Nek di gawe koyok sampean aku urung wani hehe.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I agree sir. I watched some videos about lemon also. Do not drink the lemon without any food in our stomach because it's not good.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I used to consume lemon very often before but I had to stop because I was told that it is not good. Thanks for your lecture about lemons. It is so helpful

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Mostly people count only benifits of lemon but no one tells its side effects as you mentioned in the blog.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

pasti manis kaya jeruk sunkiss mas kalo asem tambah gula aja 2kg biar manis wkwk

$ 0.01
1 year ago