Infused water

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Healthy, Drink

Last few days I have been very busy after a series of events commemorating Eid al-Adha, I took the time to visit some family members to maintain good relations. So I haven't had time to visit some of your articles and reply to your comments in my articles.

Sometimes I'm also confused about what material to make because I'm too busy in the offline world, coincidentally yesterday I got a lot of lime stock and I made some to make infused water, I often make infused to accompany me when I drive to stay focused and not sleepy.

About 65% of the human body consists of water, I have also discussed it in my article entitled How much ideally we need drinking water You should know, water has an important role in the formation of various body fluids. The body also needs water for digestion, regulate body temperature, carry nutrients to body cells, and others. Therefore you should drink about 8 glasses of water per day.

If you are tired of drinking water, you can mix fruits into the water to make it feel fresher and more delicious. One fruit that you can mix with water is lime. This drink is often called lime infused water.

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Lime infused water contains vitamin C, lomonene, flavonoids, fiber, and citric acid. I have also discussed about the benefits and various benefits of lime in my article entitled Lime, little one has a lot of vitamin C

Infused lime water provides many benefits when you drink it regularly. Lime is very rich in fiber. If you drink lime infused water regularly, it can lower cholesterol levels in the body. In addition, the fiber in lime plays a role in maintaining the digestive system.

The citric acid in limes is effective in helping you lose weight. Besides being able to lose weight, citric acid can also reduce uric acid levels in the body and get rid of it through urine. Lime infused water is good to drink by people with gallstones, because the content of limonene and citric acid can dissolve gallstones. It is no secret that lime is rich in vitamin C. This content is useful for helping healing and preventing canker sores.

Driving accompanied by infused water. lol

How to make lime infused water is very easy, you cut a few limes into small pieces. Guess it can be put in a bottle. After that, you put the limes in a bottle filled with boiled water, then store the closed lime juice in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. It will be more delicious if you drink it cold.

I often make infused water when my body is not fit, and I use it as one of the immune boosters so that the condition of the body is always maintained, I hope this information can be useful.

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$ 2.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Healthy, Drink


Do you have a way so that infuse water does not taste bitter? Or am I the one who is not good at making it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Iki koyok e iso tak coba kang. Kakean banyu puteh tok kok enek e nguyuh pas kerjo iku.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The infused water may be much more useful in cleaning the liver and made it more functional. Also it can treat the rashes in urinary attires.

$ 0.02
2 years ago