I am choose cat as pet

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2 years ago
Topics: Cat, Pet, Adorable

Cats are one of the most popular pet choices to accompany at home, in fact there are many other pet options that are tame, such as dogs, cats, or fish. And many choose exotic and also dangerous animals such as snakes, monitor lizards, crocodiles, lizards, to chameleons.

However, cats are still one of popular choices for pets at home because they are cute and adorable. Even though in fact, cats can also be annoying because of their actions that sometimes make us irritated and seem troublesome, but cats are still choice of animal lovers, especially how to take care of a cat in my opinion is very easy. I'm here choosing a native cat because it's very easy to care for and doesn't need extra care like other types of cats, but I think a native cat if cared for will become an adorable pet.

My cat accompanies me when I enjoy coffee

Cats can be a source of emotional support for their owners. Although sometimes they do things you don't like like scratching furniture, but they can be good friends and make your life happier and healthier. Cats are playful and they often show you behavior that pleases you with their cute antics.

Playing or petting a cat can release all the stress-causing chemicals in the brain. This suggests that cats can help lower blood pressure and relax the nervous system, making their owners happier and less stressed.

My cat follows me when I go for a morning walk

There may be many benefits to owning a pet. Not only cats, other pets will also definitely have a lot of positive effects for their owners, because in my opinion having a pet is the same as channeling a hobby, so it will have a positive effect for us.

Those are some of my opinions about choosing a cat as a pet. Hopefully it can add to your insight.

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2 years ago
Topics: Cat, Pet, Adorable


Cats are more prominent , innocent and friendly pets to keep at home. They are clean , tidy and respectful to human. In most cases they never harm people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, you right sir. Thai is reason I choose cat as pet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hey...that's like my cat sir...LoL

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have knowledge about cat because at my home I've cats not as a pet but as a guest. They comes to my home while they feel hungry and want me to give them some food to eat. Exactly their nature is too friendly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are very generous to cats, I hope I can be like you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The pain of losing my first pet, never allowed me to take any pets again sadly. But they are the best mood relievers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why you not take new pet sir?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Like babies, cats can relieve also pains and stress especially after leaving our work. They don't really need extra time and effort to care for them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, you right! Maybe cause we can play with him and they have cute behavior.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

is that your cat? cats are too sweet too you know. haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, that is my cat. Often accompanied me when I have free time

$ 0.00
2 years ago