Happy 77th Independence Day to INDONESIA "recover faster, rise stronger"

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1 year ago

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Yesterday I was very busy so I haven't had time to write latest article, what I'm busy doing is celebrating independence day that we celebrated yesterday, a very historic day for my beloved country. Every August 17, we commemorate independence day and commemorate services of national heroes who have fought for independence of Indonesia.

After my country proclaimed and declared independence from colonialism, state of Indonesia became independent since August 17, 1945, so that August 17 was designated as independence day of Republic of Indonesia. This year, Indonesia commemorates its 77th independence day.

Journey to get to this point is certainly not easy, many sacrifices and efforts have been made, even bloodshed of national heroes to be able to liberate Indonesia and persistence of next generation so that Indonesia can become an independent country as it is today.

So, as Indonesians, we must always commemorate this historic day as a form of appreciation for heroes of past who have fought for Indonesia's independence.

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Big theme of Indonesia's 77th Independence Day was inspired by events that occurred over the past 2 years. So it was given theme "Recover Faster and Rise Stronger". Even though at this time we Indonesians are still fighting together to fight the COVID-19 pandemic that is still around us.

A pandemic moment like this certainly makes Indonesia have to face various challenges and tests. Then, social anxiety, to the very heavy economic pressure felt by all Indonesian people. However, in midst of this downturn, all elements of nation are expected to move together and work together to realize hopes.

Meaning of this year's Independence Day theme is also expected to make government and society work together to achieve accelerated recovery in all sectors and are ready to rise again towards a better and stronger Indonesia.

This year's independence day aims to reflect how values ​​of Pancasila unite nation in facing challenges that exist today. It is these state principles that lead nation to recover faster together to be ready to face global challenges and rise stronger to be ready to bring Indonesia forward.

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Happy 77th Indonesian Independence Day. May Indonesian people be more advanced and victorious, and free from all forms of colonialism. Both political colonization, economic colonization, cultural colonization and others.

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1 year ago


Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, sir. I hope our country is progressing and getting stronger. Surely you are celebrating Independence Day, right?

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Hello there! Nice to meet you. Happy Independence Day to your country! :)

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Happy independence day to your country!

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Happy Independence day to Indonesia my friend, enjoy and feel the freedom of it.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Mugi2 Indonesia kedepannya makin apik kang. Perekonomian makin meningkat dan nek iso duit bansos Ojo di tilep sak penak e dewe hahaha.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Aamiin ,,,, semoga pengangguran semakin makmur kang. Hahahaha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

amiin kang wkwkwk. semoga juga lapangan pekerjaan semakin sulit hahaha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Alhamdulillaah, this year Muhammadiyah, NU, and the Muslim Jama'ah Hizbulloh agreed to celebrate the Indonesian Independence Day together, i.e. August 17th LOL

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Sedurunge rika lair be wis pada sepakat, nek pitulasane ya tanggal 17 pak.

$ 0.00
1 year ago