Bakpia Pathok is typical food from Yogyakarta

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1 year ago

Bakpia is a food made from flour baked with a filling of mashed green beans mixed with sugar. Name of Bakpia comes from Hokkien dialect with original name Tou Luk Pia which literally means cake or bread filled with meat.

In Indonesia, this food is known as pia cake. Name of Bakpia was adopted from a typical Chinese food if you look at its historical origins, but along with its development type of Bakpia filling itself was adapted to Indonesian culture, such as by replacing it with green beans. Now, there are Bakpia filling types that have been developed with various flavors such as cheese, chocolate, green beans and durian.

In ancient times, residents of Yogyakarta, majority of whom were Muslim, changed filling in Bakpia recipe, which is pork, into green beans. At that time, they were not familiar with term trademark, so many Bakpia products sold to date are labeled with "manufacturer's house number" such as number 25, number 75 and other numbers.

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Many Bakpia Pathok are made based on home-based production, area is widely known as the most famous Bakpia manufacturing and sales center in Yogyakarta area, so many tourists come to visit and buy Bakpia products in Pathok area.

Promotion level and strategic position of tourist area have made Bakpia Pathok afloat to this day. Bakpia Pathok packaging box was also displayed with new packaging but still using trademark according to house number. Then followed by emergence of a variety of different bakpia innovations of which there are approximately 100 of the most famous Bapkia brands.

Bakpia Pathok from Yogyakarta was booming around 1992 until present and has succeeded in becoming a tourist icon of Yogyakarta city in terms of center for souvenirs typical city of Yogyakarta. Bakpia pathok producers also continue to innovate following consumer tastes trends. Fill bakpia Pathok not only using green beans. But now it has been developed into a variety of Bakpia fillings. There's chocolate, cheese, green beans, and even durian stuffed bakpia.

Are you interested in trying it? You can buy Bakpia Pathok when you visit Yogyakarta. But now, several Bakpia brands have been sold online to reach a wider market.

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1 year ago


mas boleh di kirim ke garut lumayan buat ngopi di pagi hari

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Tukeran sama dodol kayaknya pas banget nih, hahaha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

enak loh dodol garut mas apalagi burayot tau gak burayot khas garut

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wah baru denger tuh burayout, makanan apaan yah? Haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

coba cek di google mas burayot khas garut pasti muncul banyak

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Saiki nek arep mangan bakpia gak perlu tuku nang Jogja aku hahaha. Saiki bakpia hadir di Kalimantan dan siap pangan wkwkwk.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Looks hike what we have here and we call that hopia. One of my fave pastries :)

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Makan bakpia di pagi hari sambil menikmati hujan jan ger banget pokoke

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Bakpia kue hadir di mana2.. Di Aceh terkenalnya Bakpia sabang. Ada rasa kacang hijau, merah.. Rasa lain saya gak ingat. Saya suka rasa kacang merah sama coklat..

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Wow I love it sir. It looks so good, super satisfying. ❤️ Bakpia Pathok I want to try that one sir. 🥰

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Happy to hear about foods from Indonesia. Are they instant readymade foods.

$ 0.00
1 year ago