Here are my concerns about the planned RandomRewarder bot

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Avatar for pusher
Written by
3 years ago

I saw the banner notification for the first time today that the points system will be changed in a few days. A screen cap has been included below.

Graphic 1: Screen cap after clicking on "Points Will Be Gone" Notification banner

The embedded link for more information can be accessed by clicking here.

In short, authors will not be collecting any points to earn BCH after the new bot comes online (no date has been announced). The only way to earn BCH after this happens is to write interesting material, which the bot will (hopefully) be able to identify and tip appropriately.

There are some positives things that I like about this new system, and in theory, the quality of new articles on this platform should improve. However, I'm not sure the devs have thought the new system out fully. There will be a number of issues that will lead to many authors not being able to monetize on, which may not be fair.

My concerns about the new system

The article indicates that authors will not be able to earn from the new RandomRewarder bot as follows:

No tips for:

  • Articles about points and/or how to earn more;
    How to earn more? Write interesting articles! Avoid writing articles about itself. That's all you need to know.

A number of authors write about their progress on to serve as inspiration to others, and as a source of pride about being part of the community. These types of articles can often be used to attract new users to this platform. Why should authors not be able to be supported by the bot for this goodwill?

By not tipping these types of articles, I believe's growth will begin to decline.

(No tips for:)

  • Articles about faucets, scams, articles with referral links; If you are trying to make a quick buck using users - you suck!

First of all Mr. Bot, your choice of language is not respectful on (per the rules and Terms and Conditions that I read), and you should act as a role model for everyone in this community. I do not condone your negative tone. I hope your programmers/coders can edit you to be more polite.

More importantly, there's a 100% chance that if you registered to create an account on, then you are interested in cryptocurrencies. A natural progression is for individuals to look for additional ways to supplement their income with crypto. Even I was very interested in crypto faucets at one point in my life.

I believe that it's important for users to have the ability to share information about good faucets with their audience. Yes, some people will abuse this trust, but an author's reputation will suffer if they post bad information.

A large population of users are currently from Nigeria and India, where the interest in, and the adoption of cryptocurrencies is increasing very quickly.

Graphic 2 -'s Alexa ranking:

They already come to to learn about cryptocurrency. Why should the new system discourage posting good information about faucets that can help them with their lives?

(No tips for:)

  • Actually, most likely any article about ("Why sucks" "Here are my 52 ideas on how to make better)
    Oh, I especially don't like when you talk about "RC fam".
    Actually, I dislike it even when you call "RC" - are you too lazy to type 9 letters? It's (lowercase);

I'll repeat my concerns about your choice of words Mr. Bot which sounds condescending to many. There are many authors who may have a physical or learning disability, and it may be challenging for them to type "" all the time. I also do not condone your actions calling them out as lazy, and kindly ask that you be more sympathetic to your fellow community members, and follow community rules of being respectful.

As for not tipping these topics, my concerns are similar regarding the discouragement of posting on "how to earn more".

A number of authors write about their progress on to serve as inspiration to others, and as a source of pride about being part of the community. These types of articles can often be used to attract new users to this platform. Why should authors not be supported by the bot for this goodwill?

Not only do I feel that's growth will begin to decline, the new users that do join will not have the needed resources to develop into successful active users. New users need to learn how to monetize their content in order to succeed, which in turn will allow them to further contribute and strengthen this community. @Just1dood

(No tips for:)

  • Photos. Articles with photos as the main subject. Especially if you publish photos that aren't yours - after this I might not tip you at all;

Many authors post their photos to promote them and because they are proud of them. It appears this group of authors is being targeted for punishment by not tipping their content. @rgPhotography

(No tips for:)

Oh, and If your article's reading time is less than 3 minutes, you'll get about 10 times smaller tips from me, than people who write longer articles. 3 minutes reading time is about 600 words.

I have many concerns about the recommended 600 word threshold.

  1. Typing more words does not guarantee better content. I'd rather read something brief, but well written over material that is unnecessarily long-winded. @erikapmtn @reiko @Eirolfeam2 @Brook09

  2. Many authors struggle to write, so they are more comfortable with shorter posts. I believe this new system punishes them. As a community, we should support and nurture our fellow authors instead.

  3. I prefer to write brief content because my audience is quite busy, and I'm skilled at writing concise articles. I don't want to add meaningless and unnecessary words to meet a 600 word threshold. @Abno @Idotie

  4. My audience also consumes my content often on their mobile devices. It's also harder to read long articles on a phone.

  5. Including a 600 word threshold will take every author much longer to create content. On the flipside, authors who are skilled at writing long pieces will be able to create more content at a faster rate than others, thus gaining an advantage over others (including myself) for earning on this platform. Will be flooded with professional authors who will displace the average user?

  6. There are aspiring poets on this platform. Their contributions are important to me, and make an inclusive community. This new system completely eliminates their ability able to earn. @blackween @Rancher1 @PrettyShare

Don't yell at me for that, just downvote articles that suck.

How will can we as a community prevent potential abuse of the downvote system? Will bad actors be able to weaponize the downvote process? They would by make good content appear bad by downvoting it, while trying to increase the likelihood their own content will appear popular.

New users in particular are impacted harder by receiving downvotes because they struggle to collect views in the first place. How can new users be protected from receiving downvotes unfairly?

Emotions and reactions within the community

From the reactions that I'm gauging in this community, I know that I'm not alone about how I feel, and many others have similar fears.

Hopefully the devs can also let us know the date when the planned changes will take effect.

The next steps

If you agree with my concerns about the new RandomRewarder bot, or if you have your own, I encourage you to share this post with your friends. Hopefully we can get some clarification about some of these planned changes before they are implemented.

Most importantly, we should let the bot know how we all feel. Let's work together to make a strong, respectful, and inclusive community!

Look for a link to this article here, and please also support it if you agree with my thoughts!

Thanks for reading, and stay safe!

If you would like to support my work, please hit like 👍 and subscribe! 😊

Cover photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

@Aleksa305 @GabbyShare @Chubbie 149 @Agilaxxx @MikeD @Heruvim78 @PVMihalache @Justice @Draiman @gerl

$ 0.00
Avatar for pusher
Written by
3 years ago


Well put, buddy. I kept on nodding as I progressed in your article. I have the understanding that started with the intent to let anyone write about anything under the sun (with a few exceptions as stated in the t&c when we sign up). However, some of these new restrictions seem to go against that founding principles. Let's see how this plays out.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks for your visit and for understanding. i know i'm not alone on these issues so it's frustrating to see the lack of transparency.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Quite new so I don't know what the change will affect us

$ 0.00
3 years ago

well the boosting of article will be lost soon I only boost since in can earn some audience but on this new system maybe I will not going to boost anymore since the range of tips only depend on content and not your views or upvote

$ 0.00
3 years ago

that's a really good point that i didn't think of...there's probably no use to boost your article if the bot will judge it.

is there anything that worries you about the bot, especially since the devs have not explained how it will work?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It might be hards to us the new update but.. actually it's a good thing, we improved our skills and challenge to us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Despite the fact that you can write this long, you still care about others Who can not. That is the right spirit. Kudos

$ 0.00
3 years ago


Do unto others...right?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

good points @pusher I have those concerns too with this new bot.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for visiting should think about leaving a comment on the bot's article, just like I have. Many people share our concerns.

Please take a look at the link I sent to Eirolfeam in the comment below.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I share the same sentiments with all of your concerns. I hope the developers of this platform will be able to read this. Because this new update is gonna punish almost all of us on this site. :(

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for visiting Eirolfeam2...I kindly suggest that you voice your concerns in the comments on the bot's article, just like I have. Many people share our concerns.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

For sure. I will. Thank you for this, I had an idea.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I especially agree with you on the matter of concise articles. What's the essence of wasting time to read a long article that isn't interesting but we'll see how it goes with the bot system

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for visiting and for sharing your thoughts! =)

And may I ask how did you find this article? Are you a subscriber? My apologies because there's no way to know who my subscribers are.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I wasn't a subscriber, but I'm a subscriber now.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

oh, thank you so much! returning the favor...subscribing to you too! =)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Okay. Let see the new way ahead of us. Good information

$ 0.00
3 years ago