How Do You See The Reflection Of Success?

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2 years ago

"Nothing succeeds like success. Get a little success, and then just get a little more."
-Maya Angelou

Success has so many reflections depending on one's point of view and it only comes to those who are very willing to wait for the right time and trust the process. As the wise man once said that nothing succeeds like success. One must be able to learn from getting a little success and then continually move forward to get a little more for success is never ending.

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How do you see the reflection of success?

I see the reflection of success like an infinity.

Even a little success often leads to brighter opportunities that breeds a good reflection of success, and that no one becomes successful without a single step to start at the beginning.

With a little success for eight days, I am pursuing my passion for writing after I have accumulated 0.16 BCH or $23.07 for publishing 8 articles. I admit that my journey was not really easy at the beginning just like everyone else in the community, but I never stopped because I always see the reflection of success having no end at all.

And now, I am continuing my journey in a writing community not just only for success but as well as with my philosophy for self-improvement. I greatly believe that to be able to reach the glorious peak of success, I must always be hungry for self-improvement over and over. It is only self-improvement that we are learning to see our strengths and weaknesses as an individual as we grow from the inside.

Perhaps I see the reflection of success like an infinity which has no limits and boundaries. It soars high while changing life perspectives for the better away from comfort zone. I have learned in life that life becomes harder when you are not at your comfort zone but it paves way for more growth and improvement in life.

Moreover, success keeps on moving forward without an end. It keeps on moving at a greater distance, bolder, further, and higher on its own while trusting a difficult process at a right time. It seems bitter from the beginning but it gets better as sweet is the taste of success.

But where should success all begin?

I personally believe that every success story must begin at the beginning. Every start point may not be very easy to endure but once we are succeeding at one thing, there are greater possibilities that we are more likely to succeed once again.

There is no impossible thing when success embraces us no matter how long the journey is for nothing in life succeeds like success if we only have hard work, devotion, dedication, and determination to pursue on any goal.

Sometimes we may see a reflection of a crooked line that is twisted out of place. There are even times that the reflection of success is full of bitterness and darkness. But the road to infinity is so triumphant.

Despite having so many reflections for success, what matters most is the ability to see the brightest side of success and at the same time accepting every heavy struggles from a difficult process since not everything in life comes in a minute.

As the famous saying goes and I quote, "Success breeds success". Success being an infinity paves way for more struggles, challenges, and burdens along the way but when one is succeeding, the more one succeeds. And that when we become successful at a certain perspective, the process does not end at one point, for the more we try, the more we will succeed no matter where fate may lead us.

In conclusion, success is a reflection of infinity that has no limits. But sometimes, it is also a reflection of a crooked line, bitterness, and darkness. When one gets a little success, it does not cease at an endpoint but it continuously move bolder, further, and higher to get a little more that gets us through life along with hard work, devotion, dedication, and determination to succeed. Thus, let us never stop trying at the beginning for any success breeds more positive results.

Thank you for reading. I hope to see you on my next content.

Smiles and wink,


Lead image by Guille Alvarez. Free to use under the Unsplash License.

This is an original content.

Copyright 2022 by porsche. All Rights Reserved.

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2 years ago


Success should be taken little by little. Taking one step at a time enables a person achieve things accurately. As the quote you've mentioned says, "Nothing succeeds like success. Get a little success, and then just get a little more”, this suggests us to not rush things. At the end of the day, success doesn't run away and we'll reach there someday.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Very wise and good thoughts from you jst. Thanks for sharing and I hope you would have more successes in life. Just work hard and never quit easily. Surely yiu would do great things. Have a nice time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you. Likewise 😉

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omg! thank u so much for this, ate! I'm a newbie too, and i admit that it's hard to earn on this platform. But when i read this and saw your earnings, you just inspired me to continue and enjoying the progress of improving. No words can express my feelings right now and my pleasure towards you. Good luck to our journey, and hats off to you!

  • success for me is when i see myself slowly loving, improving and enjoying my progress. when i see my improvement that happened day by day, there's no bitterness and darkness at all. I succeed bcs even it's just a little achievement, i've become better.
$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks tahanan for your wonderful remarks and appreciation. I love your thoughts about the reflection of success. Have a great day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every success is to be celebrated to open ways for more. Tough time awaits successful people. Never mind what you went through, put it behind and head long for next success.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sometimes we need to step out in our comfort zone for us to grow and improve our self more. I know it can be uncomfortable, but going for it can build our confidence to not avoid running away from discomfort...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True we have different perspective of success . Every little achievement is a success for me. Satisfaction that should goes along with it is somehow the main cause of wanting to have more. We should have our own unique measure and standard of success , pursuing it as long as it'll give us happiness and fulfillment or else ...happiness alongside success we won't find using other measures than ours and there will be no ending in pursuing it. Congrats again for your achievement, your awesome!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Success to me, is celebrating your little win with hope of better ones ahead. Like you rightly said, the road to success sometimes can be filled with bitterness and darkness, what really matters is how well we were able to sail through turbulent times

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Despite the bitterness and brightness, surely we could always survive the trying times and I so agree with you, Doc wrinkle. Thank you so much.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Goodluck on your journey here. And for me, success is about being contented with what you have now, but you are looking forward to a better spot in the next years. It is like hitting slowly but surely, by trusting the process.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks for this bright thoughts cherry. I always see you as a brilliant writer here. Thanks for your attention. Smiles and wink.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awww. That's sweet. Thank you for that :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've seen the article that you've earned $23+ here, I know you're newbie in read and I congratulate you for your little success.

Success always starts a little and then it'll grow bigger depending on your efforts..sooner. To me, the reflection of success is when you see results of what you are pursuing may it be a little progress or big progress.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks eyb for sharing your great thoughts about the reflection of success. Thanks as well for the inspiration. Every success may start being little but when one continually pursues in any journey of life, surely nothing is impossible. Nothing succeeds like success and if one succeeds, the more likely he or she gains positive results if only willing to endure for everything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago